751 research outputs found

    Dynamic resource constrained multi-project scheduling problem with weighted earliness/tardiness costs

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    In this study, a conceptual framework is given for the dynamic multi-project scheduling problem with weighted earliness/tardiness costs (DRCMPSPWET) and a mathematical programming formulation of the problem is provided. In DRCMPSPWET, a project arrives on top of an existing project portfolio and a due date has to be quoted for the new project while minimizing the costs of schedule changes. The objective function consists of the weighted earliness tardiness costs of the activities of the existing projects in the current baseline schedule plus a term that increases linearly with the anticipated completion time of the new project. An iterated local search based approach is developed for large instances of this problem. In order to analyze the performance and behavior of the proposed method, a new multi-project data set is created by controlling the total number of activities, the due date tightness, the due date range, the number of resource types, and the completion time factor in an instance. A series of computational experiments are carried out to test the performance of the local search approach. Exact solutions are provided for the small instances. The results indicate that the local search heuristic performs well in terms of both solution quality and solution time

    Prolonging assembly through dissociation:A self assembly paradigm in microtubules

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    We study a one-dimensional model of microtubule assembly/disassembly in which GTP bound to tubulins within the microtubule undergoes stochastic hydrolysis. In contrast to models that only consider a cap of GTP-bound tubulin, stochastic hydrolysis allows GTP-bound tubulin remnants to exist within the microtubule. We find that these buried GTP remnants enable an alternative mechanism of recovery from shrinkage, and enhances fluctuations of filament lengths. Under conditions for which this alternative mechanism dominates, an increasing depolymerization rate leads to a decrease in dissociation rate and thus a net increase in assembly.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Sustainable livelihood approach of prawn production and marketing systems in Mymensingh, Bangladesh

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    An investigation was carried out in Phulpur upazila, Mymensingh to examine the current production practices of freshwater giant prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii and its marketing systems with sustainable livelihood approach. The livelihoods of a considerable number of rural poor are associated with prawn production in Phulpur upazila. Based on a sample of 50 farmers, about 94% farmers were found to culture prawn with fish in their ponds. Only 4% and 2% farmers were found to culture prawn-fish-dike crops and only prawn respectively. Prawn marketing is almost exclusively a preserve of the private sector where the livelihoods of a large number of people are associated with its distribution and marketing systems. The market chain from producers to consumers passes through a number of intermediaries. About 40% of the produced prawns are exported and the rest 60% are sold to local markets. The price of prawn depends on quality, size and weight. The average farm-gate price of prawn varied from Tk. 110 to 160/kg, whereas it's [sic] market price varied from Tk. 150 to 350/kg. Most of the farmers and traders have improved their socio-economic conditions through prawn farming and marketing activities. However, concerns arise about the long-term sustainability of prawn farming and marketing systems due to lack of technical knowledge of prawn farming, poor road and transport facilities, higher transport cost, poor supply of ice, lack of cash and credit facilities. It is therefore essential to provide institutional and organizational support and credit facilities for sustainable prawn production and marketing systems

    A linear programming-based method for job shop scheduling

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    We present a decomposition heuristic for a large class of job shop scheduling problems. This heuristic utilizes information from the linear programming formulation of the associated optimal timing problem to solve subproblems, can be used for any objective function whose associated optimal timing problem can be expressed as a linear program (LP), and is particularly effective for objectives that include a component that is a function of individual operation completion times. Using the proposed heuristic framework, we address job shop scheduling problems with a variety of objectives where intermediate holding costs need to be explicitly considered. In computational testing, we demonstrate the performance of our proposed solution approach

    Complications of limb salvage surgery in childhood tumors and recommended solutions

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    Bone and soft tissue malignancies are associated with serious diagnostic and therapeutic problems in every level of pubertal growth in children. Current treatment modality preferred in bone and soft tissue tumors is wide resection of tumor followed by the reconstruction of consequent defect by various methods. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are applied for systemic effects to the patient pre- and post-operatively and for local effects that facilitate the surgical procedure. Mostly, it is very difficult to control problems following wide resection and reconstruction. In this study, our aim is to discuss the problems encountered in different resection and reconstruction approaches in childhood bone and soft tissue tumors, and the recommended solutions addressed to these problems. From 1990 to 2003, a total of 68 patients (38 female, 30 male) with a mean age of 13.1 (1.5–18) were included in the study. 85.3% of patients were diagnosed as osteosarcoma and the rest was Ewing’s sarcoma. Seventy-five percent of patients had stage IIB disease. The lesions of 34 patients were detected to be in distal femur, 26 in proximal tibia and fibula, 4 in foot and ankle joint, and the remaining 4 in pelvis. As reconstructive surgery, 40 patients had modular prosthesis, vascularized fibular graft was performed in 13 patients, and 10 patients underwent arthrodesis with vascularized fibular graft. 20.6% of patients had shortened limb, infection was detected in 4 patients, laxity in 5, and restricted motion in 4 as complication of prosthesis. With sacrificed physis, 13 patients had a mean value of 4.6 cm limb shortness. Limb salvage surgery has been considered as the gold standard treatment in orthopedic oncological surgery. More understanding of the biology of sarcoma, introduction of new effective chemotherapeutic agents, development of new techniques concerning the surgical resection, advances in diagnostic methods, and improvements in reconstructive surgery all make a major contribution to limb salvage surgery. Since some problems are still encountered, we offer a therapeutic algorithm for complications in the management of childhood tumors that we have encountered so far

    Rods are less fragile than spheres: Structural relaxation in dense liquids composed of anisotropic particles

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    We perform extensive molecular dynamics simulations of dense liquids composed of bidisperse dimer- and ellipse-shaped particles in 2D that interact via repulsive contact forces. We measure the structural relaxation times obtained from the long-time decay of the self-part of the intermediate scattering function for the translational and rotational degrees of freedom (DOF) as a function of packing fraction \phi, temperature T, and aspect ratio \alpha. We are able to collapse the \phi and T-dependent structural relaxation times for disks, and dimers and ellipses over a wide range of \alpha, onto a universal scaling function {\cal F}_{\pm}(|\phi-\phi_0|,T,\alpha), which is similar to that employed in previous studies of dense liquids composed of purely repulsive spherical particles in 3D. {\cal F_{\pm}} for both the translational and rotational DOF are characterized by the \alpha-dependent scaling exponents \mu and \delta and packing fraction \phi_0(\alpha) that signals the crossover in the scaling form {\cal F}_{\pm} from hard-particle dynamics to super-Arrhenius behavior for each aspect ratio. We find that the fragility at \phi_0, m(\phi_0), decreases monotonically with increasing aspect ratio for both ellipses and dimers. Moreover, the results for the slow dynamics of dense liquids composed of dimer- and ellipse-shaped particles are qualitatively the same, despite the fact that zero-temperature static packings of dimers are isostatic, while static packings of ellipses are hypostatic.Comment: 10 pages, 17 figures, and 1 tabl

    A statistical mechanics framework for static granular matter

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    The physical properties of granular materials have been extensively studied in recent years. So far, however, there exists no theoretical framework which can explain the observations in a unified manner beyond the phenomenological jamming diagram [1]. This work focuses on the case of static granular matter, where we have constructed a statistical ensemble [2] which mirrors equilibrium statistical mechanics. This ensemble, which is based on the conservation properties of the stress tensor, is distinct from the original Edwards ensemble and applies to packings of deformable grains. We combine it with a field theoretical analysis of the packings, where the field is the Airy stress function derived from the force and torque balance conditions. In this framework, Point J characterized by a diverging stiffness of the pressure fluctuations. Separately, we present a phenomenological mean-field theory of the jamming transition, which incorporates the mean contact number as a variable. We link both approaches in the context of the marginal rigidity picture proposed by [3, 4].Comment: 21 pages, 15 figure

    The Effect of Helium Sedimentation on Galaxy Cluster Masses and Scaling Relations

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    Recent theoretical studies predict that the inner regions of galaxy clusters may have an enhanced helium abundance due to sedimentation over the cluster lifetime. If sedimentation is not suppressed (e.g., by tangled magnetic fields), this may significantly affect the cluster mass estimates. We use Chandra X-ray observations of eight relaxed galaxy clusters to investigate the upper limits to the effect of helium sedimentation on the measurement of cluster masses and the best-fit slopes of the Y_X - M_500 and Y_X - M_2500 scaling relations. We calculated gas mass and total mass in two limiting cases: a uniform, un-enhanced abundance distribution and a radial distribution from numerical simulations of helium sedimentation on a timescale of 11 Gyrs. The assumed helium sedimentation model, on average, produces a negligible increase in the gas mass inferred within large radii (r < r500) (1.3 +/- 1.2 per cent) and a (10.2 +/- 5.5) per cent mean decrease in the total mass inferred within r < r500. Significantly stronger effects in the gas mass (10.5 +/- 0.8 per cent) and total mass (25.1 +/- 1.1 per cent) are seen at small radii owing to a larger variance in helium abundance in the inner region, r < 0.1 r500. We find that the slope of the Y_X -M_500 scaling relation is not significantly affected by helium sedimentation.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Effect of “Garbha Cintamani Rasa”, an ayurvedic formulation on lipid profile, liver function and kidney function parameters of rat plasma after chronic administration

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    Garbha Cintamani Rasa (GCM), a classical Ayurvedic preparation which is used in puerperal complications, was studied for its effect on liver function, kidney function and lipid profile after chronic administrations into the biological system. The experimental animal model was rat of both sexes. Triglycerides (TG) content was observed to be increased very high significantly in male as well as female group. Statistically, irrespective of sexes, high significant increase was found in very low density lipoprotein (VLDL). Decrease of total cholesterol (TC), low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) were negligible in male rats. Similar results were shown by female rats also. In both of the sexes, total protein and albumin content of plasma were increased very high significantly. In case of bilirubin, the increase was negligible for all sexes. The serum Effect of “Garbha Cintamani Rasa”, an Ayurvedic Formulation on Lipid Profile, Liver Function and Kidney Function Parameters of Rat Plasma after Chronic Administration. 26 glutamic pyruvic transaminase (sGPT), serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (sGOT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) content in the plasma were decreased very high significantly in both of the experimental groups. Creatinine, urea and uric acid were decreased in male and female where only change of creatinine level was significant for both of the sexes. The changes of plasma parameters of both sexes were in similar fashion when one sex group is compared to opposite sex group.I. Jahan Bulbul, M. Obayed Ullah, M. Azizur Rahaman, K. Ashfaqur Rahman, A. Kumar Paul, M.S.K. Choudhur