417 research outputs found

    Upper Bound Imposed upon Responsivity of Optical Modulators

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    We study theoretically the responsivity of optical modulators. For the case of linear response we find using perturbation theory an upper bound imposed upon the responsivity. For the case of two mode modulator we find a lower bound imposed upon the optical path required for achieving full modulation when the maximum birefringence strength is given

    Sensing Dispersive and Dissipative Forces by an Optomechanical Cavity

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    We experimentally study an optomechanical cavity that is formed between a mechanical resonator, which serves as a movable mirror, and a stationary on-fiber dielectric mirror. A significant change in the behavior of the system is observed when the distance between the fiber's tip and the mechanical resonator is made smaller than about 1 micrometer. The observed effects are attributed to the combined influence of Casimir force, Coulomb interaction due to trapped charges, and optomechanical coupling. The comparison between experimental results and theory yields a partial agreement

    Damping in a Superconducting Mechanical Resonator

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    We study a mechanical resonator made of aluminum near the normal to super conductivity phase transition. A sharp drop in the rate of mechanical damping is observed below the critical temperature. The experimental results are compared with predictions based on the Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer theory of superconductivity and a fair agreement is obtained

    Electrically tunable collective response in a coupled micromechanical array

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    We employ optical diffraction to study the mechanical properties of a grating array of suspended doubly clamped beams made of Au. The device allows application of electrostatic coupling between the beams that gives rise to formation of a band of normal modes of vibration (phonons). We parametrically excite these collective modes and study the response by measuring the diffraction signal. The results indicate that nonlinear effects strongly affect the dynamics of the system. Further optimization will allow employing similar systems for real-time mechanical spectrum analysis of electrical waveforms
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