3 research outputs found

    A Neural Network Model for Predicting NOx at the Mělník 1

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    This paper presents a non-conventional dynamic neural network that was designed for real time prediction of NOx at the coal powder power plant Mělnik 1, and results on real data are shown and discussed. The paper also presents the signal preprocessing techniques, the input-reconfigurable architecture, and the learning algorithm of the proposed neural network, which was designed to handle the non-stationarity of the burning process as well as individual failures of the measured variables. The advantages of our designed neural network over conventional neural networks are discussed

    Niektoré aspekty riadenia spaľovania biomasy v kotloch malých a stredných výkonov

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    Cieľom riadenia spaľovacieho procesu biomasy je zabezpečiť jej dokonalé spaľovanie s minimálnym prebytkom spaľovacieho vzduchu. Za týmto účelom sa do systémov riadenia implementujú algoritmy využívajúce rôzne regulačné štruktúry v závislosti na výkonu kotla, v ktorom prebieha spaľovanie biomasy. V príspevku sú popísané prístupy k riadeniu spaľovacieho procesu biomasy v kotloch malých a stredných výkonov. Pozornosť je venovaná aj riešeniu problému dopravného oneskorenia pri riadení výkonu kotla, pričom na jeho elimináciu bol použitý Varelov imunitný regulátor pre reguláciu teploty vody na výstupe kotla

    How intra-source imbalanced datasets impact the performance of deep learning for COVID-19 diagnosis using chest X-ray images

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    Abstract Over the past decade, the use of deep learning has been widely increasing in the medical image diagnosis field. Deep learning-based methods’ (DLMs) performance strongly relies on training data. Therefore, researchers often focus on collecting as much data as possible from different medical facilities or developing approaches to avoid the impact of inter-category imbalance (ICI), which means a difference in data quantity among categories. However, due to the ICI within each medical facility, medical data are often isolated and acquired in different settings among medical facilities, known as the issue of intra-source imbalance (ISI) characteristic. This imbalance also impacts the performance of DLMs but receives negligible attention. In this study, we study the impact of the ISI on DLMs by comparison of the version of a deep learning model that was trained separately by an intra-source imbalanced chest X-ray (CXR) dataset and an intra-source balanced CXR dataset for COVID-19 diagnosis. The finding is that using the intra-source imbalanced dataset causes a serious training bias, although the dataset has a good inter-category balance. In contrast, the deep learning model performed a reliable diagnosis when trained on the intra-source balanced dataset. Therefore, our study reports clear evidence that the intra-source balance is vital for training data to minimize the risk of poor performance of DLMs