223 research outputs found
Universal High-Frequency Behavior of Periodically Driven Systems: from Dynamical Stabilization to Floquet Engineering
We give a general overview of the high-frequency regime in periodically
driven systems and identify three distinct classes of driving protocols in
which the infinite-frequency Floquet Hamiltonian is not equal to the
time-averaged Hamiltonian. These classes cover systems, such as the Kapitza
pendulum, the Harper-Hofstadter model of neutral atoms in a magnetic field, the
Haldane Floquet Chern insulator and others. In all setups considered, we
discuss both the infinite-frequency limit and the leading finite-frequency
corrections to the Floquet Hamiltonian. We provide a short overview of Floquet
theory focusing on the gauge structure associated with the choice of
stroboscopic frame and the differences between stroboscopic and
non-stroboscopic dynamics. In the latter case one has to work with dressed
operators representing observables and a dressed density matrix. We also
comment on the application of Floquet Theory to systems described by static
Hamiltonians with well-separated energy scales and, in particular, discuss
parallels between the inverse-frequency expansion and the Schrieffer-Wolff
transformation extending the latter to driven systems.Comment: 84 pages, 25 figures, 4 appendice
Parametric instability in periodically driven Luttinger liquids
We analyze the properties of a Luttinger liquid under the influence of a
periodic driving of the interaction strength. Irrespective of the details the
driven system develops an instability due to a parametric resonance. For slow
and fast driving, however, we identify intermediate long-lived meta-stable
states at constant time-averaged internal energies. Due to the instability
perturbations in the fermionic density are amplified exponentially leading to
the buildup of a superlattice. The momentum distribution develops a terrace
structure due to scattering processes that can be associated with the
absorption of quanta of the driving frequency.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
Bose-Fermi Mixtures: A Mean-Field Study
We study the low-energy properties of the spinful Bose-Fermi Hubbard model on a simple cubic lattice for attractive fermion-fermion and repulsive boson-boson interactions at half-filling for the fermions and unit-filling for the bosons. Recent DMFT results predict a variety of phases, including superfluids, charge density waves, mixed states and supersolids. We develop a self-consistent mean-field scheme which allows for all orders to appear and determine the ground state of the system by comparing the corresponding energies. In the double superfluid phase, we consider possibilities for exotic extended s-, p- and d-wave boson-assisted superfluidity
Glassy Phase of Optimal Quantum Control
We study the problem of preparing a quantum many-body system from an initial
to a target state by optimizing the fidelity over the family of bang-bang
protocols. We present compelling numerical evidence for a universal
spin-glass-like transition controlled by the protocol time duration. The glassy
critical point is marked by a proliferation of protocols with close-to-optimal
fidelity and with a true optimum that appears exponentially difficult to
locate. Using a machine learning (ML) inspired framework based on the manifold
learning algorithm t-SNE, we are able to visualize the geometry of the
high-dimensional control landscape in an effective low-dimensional
representation. Across the transition, the control landscape features an
exponential number of clusters separated by extensive barriers, which bears a
strong resemblance with replica symmetry breaking in spin glasses and random
satisfiability problems. We further show that the quantum control landscape
maps onto a disorder-free classical Ising model with frustrated nonlocal,
multibody interactions. Our work highlights an intricate but unexpected
connection between optimal quantum control and spin glass physics, and shows
how tools from ML can be used to visualize and understand glassy optimization
landscapes.Comment: Modified figures in appendix and main text (color schemes). Corrected
references. Added figures in SI and pseudo-cod
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