8 research outputs found

    A Detector of Sleep Disorders for Using at Home, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2014, nr 2

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    Obstructive sleep apnea usually requires all-night examination in a specialized clinic, under the supervision of a medical staff. Because of those requirements it is an expensive and a non-widely utilized test. Moving the examination procedure to patients’ home with automatic analysis algorithms involved will decrease the costs and make it available for larger group of patients. The developed device allows all-night recordings of the following biosignals: three channels ECG, thoracic impedance (respiration), snoring sounds and larynx vibrations. Additional information, like patient’s body position changes and electrodes’ attachment quality are estimated as well. The reproducible and high quality signals are obtained using the developed and unobtrusive device

    Charakterystyki i obszary zastosowań telekomunikacyjnych usług multimedialnych. Telekomunikacja i Techniki Informacyjne, 2002, nr 1-2

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    Przedstawiono modele i omówiono charakterystyki funkcjonalne pięciu standaryzowanych kategorii telekomunikacyjnych usług multimedialnych, takich jak: wideotelefonia, wideotekst, interaktywna prezentacja audiowizualna, wideokonferencja i telekonferencja audiograficzna. Dla każdej z opisanych kategorii usług określono potencjalne obszary zastosowań, wskazano jej najbardziej popularne aplikacje i zaprezentowano prognozy zapotrzebowania na te aplikacje. Ponadto dla każdej z tych aplikacji podano wymagania dotyczące pasma i inne uwarunkowania sieciowe

    Non-Contact Monitoring of ECG in the Home Environment—Selecting Optimal Electrode Configuration

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    Capacitive electrocardiography (cECG) is most often used in wearable or embedded measurement systems. The latter is considered in the paper. An optimal electrocardiographic lead, as an individual feature, was determined based on model studies. It was defined as the possibly highest value of the R-wave amplitude measured on the back of the examined person. The lead configuration was also analyzed in terms of minimizing its susceptibility to creating motion artifacts. It was found that the direction of the optimal lead coincides with the electrical axis of the heart. Moreover, the electrodes should be placed in the areas preserving the greatest voltage and at the same time characterized by the lowest gradient of the potential. Experimental studies were conducted using the developed measurement system on a group of 14 people. The ratio of the R-wave amplitude (as measured on the back and chest, using optimal leads) was less than 1 while the SNR reached at least 20 dB. These parameters allowed for high-quality QRS complex detection with a PPV of 97%. For the “worst” configurations of the leads, the signals measured were practically uninterpretable

    A Novel Method of Vein Detection with the Use of Digital Image Correlation

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    Digital image correlation may be useful in many different fields of science, one of which is medicine. In this paper, the authors present the results of research aimed at detecting skin micro-shifts caused by pulsation of the veins. A novel technique using digital image correlation (DIC) and filtering the resulting shifts map to detect pulsating veins was proposed. After applying the proposed method, the veins in the forearm were visualized. The proposed technique may be used in the diagnosis of venous stenosis and may also contribute to reducing the number of adverse events during blood collection. The great advantage of the proposed method is the lack of the need to have specialized equipment, only a typical mobile phone camera is needed to perform the test

    The Accumulation of Electrical Energy Due to the Quantum-Dimensional Effects and Quantum Amplification of Sensor Sensitivity in a Nanoporous SiO<sub>2</sub> Matrix Filled with Synthetic Fulvic Acid

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    A heterostructured nanocomposite MCM-41 was formed using the encapsulation method, where a silicon dioxide matrix—MCM-41 was the host matrix and synthetic fulvic acid was the organic guest. Using the method of nitrogen sorption/desorption, a high degree of monoporosity in the studied matrix was established, with a maximum for the distribution of its pores with radii of 1.42 nm. According to the results of an X-ray structural analysis, both the matrix and the encapsulate were characterized by an amorphous structure, and the absence of a manifestation of the guest component could be caused by its nanodispersity. The electrical, conductive, and polarization properties of the encapsulate were studied with impedance spectroscopy. The nature of the changes in the frequency behavior of the impedance, dielectric permittivity, and tangent of the dielectric loss angle under normal conditions, in a constant magnetic field, and under illumination, was established. The obtained results indicated the manifestation of photo- and magneto-resistive and capacitive effects. In the studied encapsulate, the combination of a high value of ε and a value of the tgδ of less than 1 in the low-frequency range was achieved, which is a prerequisite for the realization of a quantum electric energy storage device. A confirmation of the possibility of accumulating an electric charge was obtained by measuring the I-V characteristic, which took on a hysteresis behavior