16 research outputs found

    RETRACTED: Autoimmunity as the Consequence of a Spontaneous Mutation in Rasgrp1

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    This article has been retracted: please see Elsevier Policy on Article Withdrawal (http://www.elsevier.com/locate/withdrawalpolicy).This article has been retracted at the request of the Authors.The authors have agreed to retract the paper because of the falsification of the Western blot in Figure 6A. The figure shows a defect in Ras activation, labeled as RasGTP, following TCR engagement, in thymocytes isolated from a RasGRP1 lag mutant mouse strain. This data set is one of several that show signaling and functional deficiencies identified for cells with lost of function of RasGRP. The authors stand by the validity of the other figures, results and interpretation in this paper. This matter was investigated by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Office of Research Integrity at the United States Department of Health & Human Services, which found the figure was falsified by Luk Van Parijs, who is solely responsible. The authors deeply regret any inconvenience resulting from the publication of this data

    A Role for the B7-1/B7-2:CD28/CTLA-4 Pathway During Negative Selection

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    Multiple checkpoint breach of B cell tolerance in Rasgrp1-deficient mice

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    Lymphopenic hosts offer propitious microenvironments for expansion of autoreactive B and T cells. Despite this, many lymphopenic hosts do not develop autoimmune disease, suggesting that additional factors are required for breaching self-tolerance in the setting of lymphopenia. Mice deficient in guanine nucleotide exchange factor Rasgrp1 develop a lymphoproliferative disorder with features of human systemic lupus erythematosus. Early in life, Rasgrp1-deficient mice have normal B cell numbers but are T lymphopenic, leading to defective homeostatic expansion of CD4 T cells. To investigate whether B cell-intrinsic mechanisms also contribute to autoimmunity, Rasgrp1-deficient mice were bred to mice containing a knockin autoreactive BCR transgene (564Igi), thereby allowing the fate of autoreactive B cells to be assessed. During B cell development, the frequency of receptor-edited 564Igi B cells was reduced in Rasrp1-deficient mice compared with Rasgrp1-sufficient littermate control mice, suggesting that tolerance was impaired. In addition, the number of 564Igi transitional B cells was increased in Rasgrp1-deficient mice compared with control mice. Immature 564Igi B cells in bone marrow and spleen lacking RasGRP1 expressed lower levels of Bim mRNA and protein, suggesting that autoreactive B cells elude clonal deletion during development. Concomitant with increased serum autoantibodies, Rasgrp1-deficient mice developed spontaneous germinal centers at 8-10 wk of age. The frequency and number of 564Igi B cells within these germinal centers were significantly increased in Rasgrp1-deficient mice relative to control mice. Taken together, these studies suggest that autoreactive B cells lacking Rasgrp1 break central and peripheral tolerance through both T cell-independent and -dependent mechanisms

    CD275-Independent IL-17-Producing T Follicular Helper-like Cells in Lymphopenic Autoimmune-Prone Mice

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    T cells undergo homeostatic expansion and acquire an activated phenotype in lymphopenic microenvironments. Restoration of normal lymphocyte numbers typically re-establishes normal homeostasis, and proinflammatory cytokine production returns to baseline. Mice deficient in guanine nucleotide exchange factor RasGRP1 exhibit dysregulated homeostatic expansion, which manifests as lymphoproliferative disease with autoantibody production. Our previous work revealed that autoreactive B cells lacking RasGRP1 break tolerance early during development, as well as during germinal center responses, suggesting that T cell-independent and T cell-dependent mechanisms are responsible. Examination of whether a particular T cell subset is involved in the breach of B cell tolerance revealed increased Th17 cells in Rasgrp1-deficient mice relative to control mice. Rasgrp1-deficient mice lacking IL-17R had fewer germinal centers, and germinal centers that formed contained fewer autoreactive B cells, suggesting that IL-17 signaling is required for a break in B cell tolerance in germinal centers. Interestingly, a fraction of Th17 cells from Rasgrp1-deficient mice were CXCR5(+) and upregulated levels of CD278 coordinate with their appearance in germinal centers, all attributes of T follicular helper cells (Tfh17). To determine whether CD278-CD275 interactions were required for the development of Tfh17 cells and for autoantibody, Rasgrp1-deficient mice were crossed with CD275-deficient mice. Surprisingly, mice deficient in RasGRP1 and CD275 formed Tfh17 cells and germinal centers and produced similar titers of autoantibodies as mice deficient in only RasGRP1. Therefore, these studies suggest that requirements for Tfh cell development change in lymphopenia-associated autoimmune settings

    Mutations in the WRN Gene in Mice Accelerate Mortality in a p53-Null Background

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    Werner's syndrome (WS) is a human disease with manifestations resembling premature aging. The gene defective in WS, WRN, encodes a DNA helicase. Here, we describe the generation of mice bearing a mutation that eliminates expression of the C terminus of the helicase domain of the WRN protein. Mutant mice are born at the expected Mendelian frequency and do not show any overt histological signs of accelerated senescence. These mice are capable of living beyond 2 years of age. Cells from these animals do not show elevated susceptibility to the genotoxins camptothecin or 4-NQO. However, mutant fibroblasts senesce approximately one passage earlier than controls. Importantly, WRN(−/−);p53(−/−) mice show an increased mortality rate relative to WRN(+/−);p53(−/−) animals. We consider possible models for the synergy between p53 and WRN mutations for the determination of life span