27 research outputs found
• L’educació en temps d’internet. Ressenya del llibre d’A. Finkielkraut i
P. Soriano Internet, el éxtasis inquietante, a càrrec de Francesc Torralba
• Cap a la conciliació audiovisual. Ressenya del llibre d’Alfonso Puyal.
Teoría de la comunicación audiovisual, a càrrec de Francesc Canosa
• Molts focs artístics estan cremant sota l’aigua de l’estètica. Ressenya
del llibre de Juan Eduardo Cirlot Diccionarios de los ismos, a càrrec
d’Antonio Bueso
• Quan les marques parlen d’amor. Ressenya del llibre de David
Alameda García Una nueva realidad publicitaria. La generación de
valores corporativos en publicidad, a càrrec de Josep Rom
• La publicitat arriba a l’escola. Ressenya del llibre de Miguel Ángel
Arconada Melero Cómo trabajar con la publicidad en el aula: compe-
tencia comunicativa y textos publicitarios, a càrrec de Montse Guillén
• El barnús del senyor Bendelac. Ressenya del llibre de Stanley Bendelac
Nunca tires la toalla, a càrrec de Sílvia Sivera
• Un buen intento. Ressenya del llibre de Maricruz Alvarado i Maribel
Martín (coords.) Publicidad y cultura. La publicidad como homologa-
dor cultural, a càrrec de Joan Sabaté
• Una crònica sentimental de la publicitat catalana. Ressenya del llibre
de Joaquín Lorente Publicitat a Catalunya: 80 anys d’associacionis-
me professional, a càrrec de Víctor Curto
• El “boom” de la telefonia mòbil.Ressenya del llibre de ManuelCastells,
Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, Jack Linchuan Qiu i Araba Sey Comuni-
cación móvil y sociedad. Una perspectiva global,a càrrec de Laura Ruano
• Al·legat antideterminista. Ressenya del llibre de Miquel Tresserras
La ciutat de risc, a càrrec de Bernat López
• Imatges al servei de la realitat. Ressenya dels llibres de Mary Panzer
Las cosas tal como son: el fotoperiodismo en contexto desde 1955i
d’Andy Steel Photojournalism: The World’s Top Photographers and
the Stories Behind their Greatest Images, a càrrec de Sandra Balsell
ESCRT-I Component VPS23A Affects ABA Signaling by Recognizing ABA Receptors for Endosomal Degradation
[EN] Recent discovery of PYR/PYL/RCAR-type abscisic acid (ABA) receptors has become one of most significant advances in plant science in the past decade. In mammals, endosomal sorting acts as an important pathway to downregulate different types of receptors, but its role in plant hormone signaling is poorly understood. Here, we report that an ubiquitin E2-like protein, VPS23A, which is a key component of ESCRT-I, negatively regulates ABA signaling. VPS23A has epistatic relationship with PYR/PYL/RCAR-type ABA receptors and disruption of VPS23A enhanced the activity of key kinase OST1 in the ABA signaling pathway under ABA treatment. Moreover, VPS23A interacts with PYR1/PYLs and K63-linked diubiquitin, and PYL4 possesses K63-linked ubiquitinated modification in vivo. Further analysis revealed that VPS23A affects the subcellular localization of PYR1 and the stability of PYL4. Taken together, our results suggest that VPS23A affects PYR1/PYL4 via vacuole-mediated degradation, providing an advanced understanding of both the turnover of ABA receptors and ESCRTs in plant hormone signaling.This research was supported by grant 2016YFA0500500 from the National Basic Research Program of China and NSFC 31571441 from the National Science Foundation of China.Yu, F.; Lou, L.; Tian, M.; Li, Q.; Ding, Y.; Cao, X.; Wu, Y.... (2016). ESCRT-I Component VPS23A Affects ABA Signaling by Recognizing ABA Receptors for Endosomal Degradation. Molecular Plant. 9(12):1570-1582. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2016.11.002S1570158291
Analitzem enciclopèdies. 'Analizamos enciclopedias'
El grupo de trabajo SAMIAL (Seminario de evaluación multimedia para el aprendizaje y el tiempo libre) impulsado por la asociación de maestros Rosa Sensat y la Cooperativa Abacus. La metodología centrada en la utilización de una ficha dinámica y abierta elaborada por el mismo grupo, y en el análisis múltiple por parte de diferentes componentes del grupo de cada material.CataluñaES
Enseñanza de las ciencias : revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas
Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónResumen en inglésSe muestra una encuesta sobre las interpretaciones dadas por los estudiantes a las reacciones de oxidación-reducción. La investigación trató de verificar si al finalizar los estudios secundarios los sujetos habían llegado al entendimiento de tales reacciones como procesos donde tiene lugar un intercambio electrónico en la sustancia química que reacciona.ES
Improving Vision-Based Motor Rehabilitation Interactive Systems for Users with Disabilities Using Mirror Feedback
Observation is recommended in motor rehabilitation. For this reason, the aim of this study was to experimentally test the feasibility and benefit of including mirror feedback in vision-based rehabilitation systems: we projected the user on the screen. We conducted a user study by using a previously evaluated system that improved the balance and postural control of adults with cerebral palsy. We used a within-subjects design with the two defined feedback conditions (mirror and no-mirror) with two different groups of users (8 with disabilities and 32 without disabilities) using usability measures (time-to-start (Ts) and time-to-complete (Tc)). A two-tailed paired samples t-test confirmed that in case of disabilities the mirror feedback facilitated the interaction in vision-based systems for rehabilitation. The measured times were significantly worse in the absence of the user’s own visual feedback (Ts=7.09 (P<0.001) and Tc=4.48 (P<0.005)). In vision-based interaction systems, the input device is the user’s own body; therefore, it makes sense that feedback should be related to the body of the user. In case of disabilities the mirror feedback mechanisms facilitated the interaction in vision-based systems for rehabilitation. Results recommends developers and researchers use this improvement in vision-based motor rehabilitation interactive systems
Plec : informatiu d'EINA. Núm. 01
Núm. 1 (feb. 2001)Sumari: Editorial: Uns premis polèmics. Conferències i debats: Eina Dx febrer: Anna Maria Guasch Presentació del llibre El arte último del siglo XX. Del posminimalismo a lo multicultural; Vull una altra cosa: grafisme d’autor. Disseny i gènere Venus al regne de la raó?; Taula rodona: Disseny i ONG. Fet a Eina: projecte Omni, un viatge sense retorn / Martí Ferré.
En memòria de Jordi Galí / Sílvia Gubern i Antoni Llena. Corresponsals Tips de Berlín / Martí Guixé. Activitats a EINA: Cursos de Postgrau d’Eina; Presentació de Projectes Final de Carrera; Aperitiu d’inauguració del Pavelló del jardí. Biblioteca: Selecció darreres novetats. Breus: Associació d’Exalumnes d’Eina; Seminari: Diseño para el siglo XXI
Balance Measurement Using Microsoft Kinect v2: Towards Remote Evaluation of Patient with the Functional Reach Test
To prevent falls, it is important to measure periodically the balance ability of an individual using reliable clinical tests. As Red Green Blue Depth (RGBD) devices have been increasingly used for balance rehabilitation at home, they may also be used to assess objectively the balance ability and determine the effectiveness of a therapy. For this, we developed a system based on the Microsoft Kinect v2 for measuring the Functional Reach Test (FRT); one of the most used balance clinical tools to predict falls. Two experiments were conducted to compare the FRT measures computed by our system using the Microsoft Kinect v2 with those obtained by the standard method, i.e., manually. In terms of validity, we found a very strong correlation between the two methods (r = 0.97 and r = 0.99 (p t-test to the data after correction indicated that there is no statistically significant difference between the measurements obtained by both methods. As for the reliability of the test, we obtained good to excellent within repeatability of the FRT measurements tracked by Kinect (ICC = 0.86 and ICC = 0.99, for experiments 1 and 2, respectively). These results suggested that the Microsoft Kinect v2 device is reliable and adequate to calculate the standard FRT