2,040 research outputs found

    Scale invariant quantum potential leading to globally self-trapped wave function in Madelung fluid

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    We show in spatially one dimensional Madelung fluid that a simple requirement on local stability of the maximum of quantum probability density will, if combined with the global scale invariance of quantum potential, lead to a class of quantum probability densities globally being self-trapped by their own self-generated quantum potentials, possessing only a finite-size spatial support. It turns out to belong to a class of the most probable wave function given its energy through the maximum entropy principle. We proceed to show that there is a limiting case in which the quantum probability density becomes the stationary-moving soliton-like solution of the Schr\"odinger equation.Comment: 11 pages; changed conten

    Spatiotemporally-localized-stationary typical wave function satisfying Klein-Gordon equation with emergent mass

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    Starting from relativistic mass-less Madelung fluid, we shall develop a class of typical wave functions by imposing it to maximize Shannon entropy given its finite average quantum potential. We show that there is a class of solutions in which the wave function is spatiotemporally localized with finite spacetime support, uniformly moving hence stationary. It turns out that the quantum amplitude satisfies Klein-Gordon equation with emergent mass term proportional to the square root of average quantum potential. We show that there is physical time uncertainty which decreases as the mass increases. We also rederive the classical energy-momentum relation provided the de Broglie-Einstein relation holds. In this case, the time uncertainty is proportional to the inverse of classical energy.Comment: 10 pages, content change

    Quantum fluctuations from a local-causal information dynamics

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    We shall show that the abstract and formal rules which govern the quantum kinematic and dynamics can be derived from a law of change of the information content or the degree of uncertainty that the system has a certain configuration in a microscopic time scale, which is singled out uniquely, up to a free parameter, by imposing the condition of Macroscopic Classicality and the principle of Locality. Unlike standard quantum mechanics, however, the system always has a definite configuration all the time as in classical mechanics, following a continuous trajectory fluctuating randomly in time.Comment: A large part of text of the previous version is omitted. A longer version is accepted for publication in Physica A. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1301.534

    Quantum dynamics and kinematics from a statistical model selected by the principle of Locality

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    Quantum mechanics predicts correlation between spacelike separated events which is widely argued to violate the principle of Local Causality. By contrast, here we shall show that the Schr\"odinger equation with Born's statistical interpretation of wave function and uncertainty relation can be derived from a statistical model of microscopic stochastic deviation from classical mechanics which is selected uniquely, up to a free parameter, by the principle of Local Causality. Quantization is thus argued to be physical and Planck constant acquires an interpretation as the average stochastic deviation from classical mechanics in a microscopic time scale. Unlike canonical quantization, the resulting quantum system always has a definite configuration all the time as in classical mechanics, fluctuating randomly along a continuous trajectory. The average of the relevant physical quantities over the distribution of the configuration are shown to be equal numerically to the quantum mechanical average of the corresponding Hermitian operators over a quantum state.Comment: 33 pages, no figure, major changes, accepted for publication in International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    Is nonlocality responsible for the violation of Bell's inequalities?

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    Bell's theorem has been widely argued to show that some of the predictions of quantum mechanics which are obtained by applying the {\it Born's rule} to a class of {\it entangled states}, are {\it not} compatible with {\it any} local-causal statistical model, via the violation of Bell's inequalities. On the other hand, in the previous work, we have shown that quantum dynamics and kinematics are {\it emergent} from a statistical model that is singled out {\it uniquely} by the principle of Locality. Here we shall show that the local-causal model supports entangled states and give the statistical origin of their generation. We then study the Stern-Gerlach experiment to show that the Born's rule can also be derived as a mathematical theorem in the local-causal model. These results lead us to argue that nonlocality is {\it not} responsible for the quantum mechanical and most importantly experimental violation of Bell's inequalities. The source(s) of violation has to be sought somewhere else.Comment: 29 pages, accepted for publication in International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    No-signaling non-unitary modification of quantum dynamics within a deterministic model of quantization

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    We have developed in the previous works a statistical model of quantum fluctuation based on a chaotic deviation from infinitesimal stationary action which is constrained by the principle of Locality to have a unique exponential distribution up to a parameter that determines its average. The unitary Schr\"odinger time evolution with Born's statistical interpretation of wave function is recovered as a specific case when the average deviation from infinitesimal stationary action is given by ℏ/2\hbar/2 for all the time. This naturally suggests a possible generalization of the quantum dynamics and statistics by allowing the average deviation fluctuates effectively randomly around ℏ/2\hbar/2 with a finite yet very small width and a finite time scale. We shall show that averaging over such fluctuation will lead to a non-unitary average-energy-conserving time evolution providing an intrinsic mechanism of decoherence in energy basis in macroscopic regime. A possible cosmological origin of the fluctuation is suggested. Coherence and decoherence are thus explained as two features of the same statistical model corresponding to microscopic and macroscopic regimes, respectively. Moreover, noting that measurement-interaction can be treated in equal footing as the other types of interaction, the objective locality of the model is argued to imply no-signaling between a pair of arbitrarily separated experiments.Comment: accepted for publication in Annals of Physics. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1310.6028, arXiv:1301.5345, arXiv:1404.152

    Quantum mechanics is a calculus for estimation under epistemic restriction

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    Consider a statistical model with an epistemic restriction such that, unlike in classical mechanics, the allowed distribution of positions is fundamentally restricted by the form of an underlying momentum field. Assume an agent (observer) who wishes to estimate the momentum field given information on the conjugate positions. We discuss a classically consistent, weakly unbiased, best estimation of the momentum field minimizing the mean squared error, based on which the abstract mathematical rules of quantum mechanics can be derived. The results suggest that quantum wave function is not an objective agent-independent attribute of reality, but represents the agent's best estimation of the momentum, given the positions, under epistemic restriction. Quantum uncertainty and complementarity between momentum and position find their epistemic origin from the trade-off between the mean squared errors of simultaneous estimations of momentum field and mean position, with the Gaussian wave function represents the simultaneous efficient estimations, achieving the Cram\'er-Rao bounds of the associated mean squared errors. We then argue that unitary time evolution and wave function collapse in measurement are normative rules for an agent to update her/his estimation given information on the experimental settings.Comment: 38 pages, comments welcom

    A class of traveling-envelope solutions of free Schr\"odinger equation generated by Lorentz transformation

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    We develop a class of traveling-envelope solutions of Schr\"odinger equation for a free particle whose amplitude is moving with constant group velocity while keeping its shape undistorted. We show that solution with arbitrary finite group velocity is obtained by Lorentz boosting the solution with vanishing group velocity, if the quantum average energy EE and momentum pp are related to the rest-mass mm of the particle by Einstein formula E2/c2βˆ’p2=m2c2E^2/c^2-p^2=m^2c^2. The wave function is spatially localized with finite-size support which is decreasing as the rest-mass and/or group velocity are increased. For a particle with vanishing rest-mass yet finite momentum, we show that the group and phase velocities are equal to the velocity of light and the wavelength is given by Einstein another formula Ξ»P=h/p\lambda_P=h/p.Comment: 4 pages, content change

    A stochastic model for quantum measurement

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    We develop a statistical model of microscopic stochastic deviation from classical mechanics based on a stochastic processes with a transition probability that is assumed to be given by an exponential distribution of infinitesimal stationary action. We apply the statistical model to stochastically modify a classical mechanical model for the measurement of physical quantities reproducing the prediction of quantum mechanics. The system+apparatus always have a definite configuration all the time as in classical mechanics, fluctuating randomly following a continuous trajectory. On the other hand, the wave function and quantum mechanical Hermitian operator corresponding to the physical quantity arise formally as artificial mathematical constructs. During a single measurement, the wave function of the whole system+apparatus evolves according to a Schr\"odinger equation and the configuration of the apparatus acts as the pointer of the measurement so that there is no wave function collapse. We will also show that while the result of each single measurement event does not reveal the actual value of the physical quantity prior to measurement, its average in an ensemble of identical measurement is equal to the average of the actual value of the physical quantity prior to measurement over the distribution of the configuration of the system.Comment: 12 pages, accepted for publication in Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1301.534

    Thermodynamics analogue for self-trapped spinning-stationary Madelung fluid

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    We discuss two-dimensional Madelung fluid dynamics whose irrotational case reduces into the Schr\"odinger equation for a free single particle. We show that the self-trapped spinning-stationary Madelung fluid reported in the previous paper can be analogically identified as an equilibrium thermodynamics system. This is done by making correspondence between Shannon entropy over Madelung density and internal energy to be defined in the main text, respectively with thermal-entropy and thermal-internal energy of equilibrium thermodynamics system. This leads us to identify a Madelung fluid analog of thermal-temperature at the vanishing value of which the stationary Madelung fluid will be no more spinning and is equal to the quantum mechanical ground state of a particle trapped inside a cylindrical tube external potential.Comment: changed content, Revtex 17 page
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