16 research outputs found

    Understanding Sports Policies in Indonesia: Caring for the Asian Games Legacy 2018

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    This research is intended to understand gender sports policies seen from a gender-sensitivity perspective. The research was based on a case study method. In-depth interviews with a number of government parties formed the cornerstone of data collection. Adopting from the conception of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) on gender sensitivity, some of the policies do not take into account or care about gender. Thus, more precisely a policy can be genderbiased, gender blind, gender-neutral or gender-sensitive. The conception was used in analyzing the extent to which sports policy in Indonesia is gender-sensitive and its implications for the treatment Indonesia accords to the 2018 Asian Games Legacy in the field of Women in Sports. The findings of this study are categorized into three parts, inter alia, Gender equality principle; The Indonesian government's partisanship in managing female athletes; and Women in sports as soft power. The practical implication is that gender-blind conception of policies coupled with gender-neutral implementation does augur well for efforts to perpetuate the legacy of Asian Games Legacy as a powerful source of attraction that Indonesia has to offer

    Aesthetic and World Politics by Roland Bleiker. Basingtoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. Hardcover: 271 pp.

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    Aesthetic approach to politics is not really something considered as a novelty. Immanuel Kant has described the aesthetic relationship with rationality way back in the 17th century, as well as Friedrich Nietzsche and Jaques Rancier as a more contemporary counterpart. In the field of international relations, the study of aesthetics has been raised by a number of reviewers – from James Der Derian, Costas Constantinou, David Campbell, to Anthony Burke – who began to lay aesthetics as a foothold in approaching various phenomena. Roland Bleiker is one of the most consistent among them. In an essay entitled "The Aesthetic Turn in International Political Theory", Bleiker opened the discourse to establish aesthetics as one of the paradigms in international political theory. His essay is published in 2001, contrasts with the majority of international political theories that always try to "catch the world as it is". Bleiker assumes that there is always a distance between representation and what it represents. Through aesthetics, he criticizes approaches that fill this theoretical gap with mimetic ideas. He emphasizes that aesthetic studies do not try to mimic the reality, but it is trying to recognize the various emotions and sensibilities in the formation of a certain representation. The great role of "emotion" in politics is further explained by Bleiker through an essay entitled “Fear No More: Emotions and World Politics”, published seven years after

    Editorial: Sustainable Development Goals

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    Editorial Inagurasi: Kajian Intermestik dalam Kajian-kajian Internasional

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    Adalah suatu kebanggaan dan suka cita meluncurkan Jurnal Elektronik (e-Journal) edisi  perdana, yaitu Intermestic: Journal of International Studies (INTERMESTIC), bersamaan waktunya dengan peringatan hari kelahiran Jurusan Hubungan Internasional atau kini disebut Program Studi Hubungan Internasional, FISIP, Universitas Padjadjaran. INTERMESTIC adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Departemen Hubungan Internasional, FISIP, Universitas Padjadjaran, untuk tujuan memberikan ruang dan prasarana bagi para peneliti dan penulis dari berbagai kalangan dalam berbagi dan mengekpresikan pengetahuan, pemikiran, gagasan dan penemuan akademis. Dalam hal ini, khususnya mengenai intermestik sebagai interelasi ataupun jaringan, yaitu interelasi internasional-domestik atau jaringan global-lokal lintas ragam pelaku, bidang dan sarana di dalam spektrum Kajian-kajian Internasional. Melalui spektrum Kajian-kajian Internasional akan memungkinkan keunikan dan kekhasan intermestik dikaji secara luas dan mendalam baik dari dimensi keilmuan Studi Hubungan Internasional tradisional dan kontemporer, serta asupan dari dimensi berbagai bidang ilmu lain yang relevan dan hirau dengan fenomena dan isu-isu intermestik

    Editorial: Keamanan Internasional

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    Isu keamanan internasional senantiasa meramaikan Kajian Hubungan Internasional. Sebagai salah satu bidang kajian utama, konsep keamanan dalam Kajian Keamanan Internasional mengalami perkembangan genealogisnya melalui perdebatan-perdebatan, dari keamanan yang bersifat tradisional (politik-militeristik) sampai nirtradisional (manusiawi dan alternatif) oleh para intelektual Hubungan Internasional. Konteks historis penting yang berlaku pada ruang dan masanya turut melahirkan secara kritis teks keamanan. Teks-teks keamanan tradisional yang berlaku pada masa Perang Dunia I, Perang Dunia II, dan Perang Dingin dengan batasan keamanan yang memfokuskan pada negara sebagai aktor kunci keamanan (pivotal player), sumber ancaman sekaligus pencipta stabilitas keamanan, mengalami anomali (changes and challenges)

    EDITORIAL: Think Globally, Act Locally

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