31 research outputs found
Computer control system for ventilation and dust extraction system in a grain mill
Głównym celem pracy jest przedstawienie komputerowego systemu sterowania układem wentylacyjnym i odpylającym w młynie zbożowym. Dzięki zastosowaniu takiego systemu możliwe jest zwiększenie poziomu ochrony zdrowia pracownika poprzez zabezpieczenie go przed warunkami niebezpiecznymi dla jego zdrowia. Jednym z takich czynników zagrażającym zdrowiu pracownika w młynie jest pył zbożowy i mączny. W pracy przedstawiono idee kompleksowego systemu kontrolującego poziom zapylenia w młynie zbożowym. Zastosowanie takiego zintegrowanego systemu powoduje zmniejszenie wpływu czynnika szkodliwego (pyłu zbożowego i mącznego) na zdrowie pracownika.The main purpose of this work is to present a computer control system for ventilation and dust extraction system in a grain mill. Owing to the use of this system it is possible to increase the health protection level for employees by securing them against conditions hazardous for their health. One of the agents threatening employee's health in a mill is grain and flour dust. The work presents the ideas of a complex system controlling the dustiness level in a grain mill. Using this integrated system allows to reduce the impact of this noxious agent (grain and flour dust) on employee's health
The use of labview environment for the building of the grain Dust control system in grain mill
The work environment in a grain mill is associated with the occurrence of many hazardous and troublesome factors at this work. However, the most important hazardous factor occurring in the work environment in grain mills is grain and fl our dust. The aspiration and filtration systems applied in mills frequently do not provide proper protection for workers. The objective of the study was to present the assumptions of a complex system controlling the level of dustiness in a grain mill. LabView environment has been used for the building of such system. The acquisition of parameters was carried out basing upon the information and signals received from the sensors supporting the measuring cards. The actual as well as archived parameters occurring in individual rooms can be displayed on the computer screen via the built-in interface
Increasing the Ergonomics at the Workstations of CCTV Operators
The work of an operator of the Closed Circuit TeleVision (CCTV) system is associated with the observation of an image recorded by a camera on the screens of monitors, management of work of devices available within the system of visual monitoring (camera turntables, recorders, control panels), and making decisions concerning the initiation of the provided neutralizing proceedings in the case of detection of abnormal situations and emergency situations for people or property. The presented study focuses on demonstrating the available technical means supporting the work of an operator of a CCTV system. These means, when appropriately used, enable an improvement of ergonomics at the workplace of an operator and, consequently, result in an increased comfort of an operator’s work and greater effectiveness of the surveillance system management process. Possibilities are presented related with the use of techniques for the processing and analysis of images in order to automatically detect abnormal situations and, therefore, support the process of decision-making by the system operator and create the workplaces of virtual operators managing the work of the CCTV system, characterized by parameters which are individualized and adjusted to a given object. The described technical means in the form of image processing techniques and virtual control systems allow the reduction of hazards detection time, increase the possibilities related with the steering and management of the work of devices within the system and thus improve the effectiveness of the processes of hazards detection and neutralization
The elimination of the human decision factor by the technical medium of the transmission of information signal in control and supervision alarm systems
Systemy alarmowe nie służą do powstrzymywania intruza przed wejściem do obiektu. Ich
głównym zadaniem jest wykrycie zagrożenia oraz powiadomienie użytkownika o zajściu tego zagrożenia.
Podstawowym parametrem charakteryzującym skuteczność systemu alarmowego jest czas reakcji systemu
na zaistniałe zagrożenie. Szybkie i skuteczne wykrycie próby włamania lub napadu stanowi istotę działania
systemów alarmowych.
Prawidłowe działanie systemu nadzoru wiąże się szybkim przekazaniem informacji do użytkownika o stanie
chronionego obiektu. Za komunikacją między systemem alarmowym a użytkownikiem odpowiadają
moduły komunikacyjne. W artykule zostały przedstawione możliwości zastąpienia przez techniczne środki
przekazu informacji (internet, sieć GSM) czynnika ludzkiego w procesie przekazywania informacji między komórkami systemu nadzoru.The control and supervision alarm systems are not used to keep the intruder from entering into the
object. Their essential task is to detect the hazard and to inform the user about the occurrence of this danger.
The time of system’s response to the occurred hazard is the basic parameter characterizing the effectiveness
of alarm system. Fast and effective detection of attempted burglary or attack is the essence of control and
supervision alarm system’s operation.
The correct functioning of the control and supervision alarm system is connected with a quick transmitting
the information about the state of the protected object to the user. The communications module is
answerable for communication between the alarm system and the user. This article presents the analysis of
a possibility of replacing the human decision factor by the technical medium of the transmission of information
signal in information relay process in the control and supervision alarm systems
Volatility of LPG fuel prices and U95 petrol prices in the particular months in the period of 2002-2012
Paliwo w postaci gazu LPG jest obecnie główny alternatywnym paliwem wykorzystywanym powszechnie do zasilania pojazdów. W Polsce powstanie ogólnodostępnego rynku gazu LPG przypada na lata 90' XX w. Koniec XX w. i początek XXI w. to dynamiczny rozwój rynku LPG. Od roku 2005 obserwowana jest stabilizacja sprzedaży gazu LPG oraz ilości pojazdów dostosowanych do zasilania gazem LPG. Mimo stabilizacji rynku, na przełomie ostatnich lat widać pewne tendencje kształtowania się cen paliw w poszczególnych miesiącach w roku. W artykule została przedstawiona analiza dotycząca zmienności cen gazu LPG i benzyny U95 w poszczególnych miesiącach roku dla okresu ostatnich dziesięciu lat.LPG fuel currently is the main alternative fuel used to supply of vehicles. The LPG market was come into being in the 90's twentieth century in Poland. The end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century was characterized by dynamic development of the LPG market. LPG market, sales of LPG and volume of vehicles adapted to supply LPG are stabilized since 2005. In the last few years have visible a certain trends in formation of fuel prices in particular month of the year. This article presents an analysis on the volatility of LPG fuel price and U95 petrol price in individual months for the last ten years
Application of the FluidFocus System and the treshold processing THR to update gastroscopic examinations
Artykuł przedstawia propozycję wykorzystania systemu płynnej soczewki FluidFocus do pomiarów wielkości rzeczywistych. Przedstawione zostały założenia wykorzystania tego systemu do pomiarów wielkości geometrycznych w biomedycynie.The paper presents a proposition of the FluidFocus System applications to measure real size. In the article presents how to use the FluidFocus System to measure geometric size in biomedicine
Analysis of the market of LPG as an alternative vehicle fuel in Poland in 2005–2016
The Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) is currently the only widespread and available alternative fuel used in Poland for motor vehicles equipped with spark-ignition engines. Until the end of the 1980s, the monopoly on the fuel market had belonged to petrol and diesel oils. In the 1990s this monopoly was broken by LPG. The important impulse causing increase of concern with using alternative driving fuels by drivers has always been economy issues. The Liquified Petroleum Gas has been presented as an eco-friendly fuel, and with an attractive price it has also gained the title of an economical one. Over the last three decades, The Liquified Petroleum Gas has become an important player in the fuel market. The article presents current trends observed in the fuel market (LPG fuel and gasoline U95) used to power motor vehicles equipped with spark ignition engines, and analysis of the price volatility of these fuels in the period 2005÷2016