11 research outputs found

    Study on the concentration of airbone respirable asbestos fibres in rural areas of the Lublin region in south-east Poland

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    Objective. The objective of the study was measurement of the concentrations of airborne asbestos fibres in the rural environment of the Lublin Region in south-east Poland. Methods. Measurements of concentrations of respirable asbestos fibres were carried out in the rural areas of the Lublin Region (Lublin and Włodawa counties) for a period of 24 months. The studies were conducted on 3 farms with various technical conditions of asbestos-containing materials: Farm A – good technical condition of asbestos products, Farm B – poor technical condition, and Farm C – with no asbestos containing products and no such products in its direct vicinity (up to 500 m). On the selected farms, 3 samples on each were simultaneously collected at 3 measuring sites. During the period 2009–2011, a total number of 216 samples were collected on all farms. Sampling was performed using JSH 16,000 stationary aspirators, with air flow velocity of 16 l/min. and sampling time 60–80 minutes. The number of fibres on filters was determined using an optical phase contrast microscope. Results. The study showed that the mean concentration of respirable asbestos fibres on the farms examined was 296 fibres•m [sup]-3[/sup]. The highest concentrations were noted on Farm B was 529 fibres•m [sup]-3[/sup], on average; on farm A the mean concentration of respirable fibres was 328 fibres•m [sup]-3[/sup] , whereas the lowest mean concentration of airborne respirable asbestos fibres was noted on farm C, where there were no asbestos products (30 fibres•m [sup]-3[/sup] )

    The ergonomic awareness of office workers and their employers

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    Świadomość ergonomiczna pracowników i pracodawców odgrywa ogromną rolę na każdym stanowisku i w każdym zakładzie pracy. Praca biurowa wiąże się z występowaniem wielu zagrożeń dla zdrowia pracowników, do których powstania przyczynia się między innymi brak przestrzegania zasad ergonomii już podczas projektowania i organizacji tych stanowisk. Celem badań była analiza świadomości ergonomicznej pracowników biurowych oraz zatrudniających ich pracodawców. Podjętą problematykę opracowano na podstawie badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych w grupie 40 osób aktywnych zawodowo, w firmach na terenie województwa lubelskiego. Do badań wykorzystano dwa kwestionariusze ankietowe, których pytania zwracają uwagę na kilka istotnych kwestii dotyczących poziomu świadomości pracowników i pracodawców w zakresie ergonomii. Badania wykazały, że pracownicy zatrudnieni na stanowiskach biurowych mają wiedzę na temat ergonomii dotyczącą przygotowania stanowiska do bezpiecznej pracy, ale wiedza ta jest przez nich rzadko wykorzystywana w praktyce. Pracodawcy twierdzą, że posiadają dużą wiedzę w tej dziedzinie, czego jednak nie potwierdzają opinie pracowników na temat prowadzonych szkoleń, organizacji stanowisk oraz procesu pracy.Ergonomic awareness among employees and employers is important in every institution and every workplace. Office work is associated with the occurrence of hazards for workers, which are caused by failure to obey the principles of ergonomics during designing and organisation of these workplaces. The objective of the conducted study is the analysis of ergonomic awareness among employees and employers. The scope of the problems undertaken was elaborated based on a survey conducted in a group of 40 persons working in companies from Lublin Region. The study was conducted by using two questionnaires. The questions pay particular attention to a few important issues concerning the level of ergonomic awareness. The results of the study showed that the office workers have the knowledge of ergonomics, concerning the arrangement of safety workstations, but the knowledge is seldom used in practice. The employers say that have the great knowledge of ergonomics, but it is not confirmed in the opinions of employees concerning ergonomic training, the organisation of workstations and work process

    Evaluation of influence of stretching therapy and ergonomic factors on postural control in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain

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    [b]Introduction and objectives. [/b]The vertical orientation of the body in the upright standing position is maintained by keeping the body’s centre of gravity (COG) upright, above the base of support, by a dynamic interplay of visual, vestibular, and somatosensory control systems. The objectives of this study were: to compare the postural control strategy between people with and without low back pain (LBP), to estimate the influence of the stretching therapy on the postural control strategy, and to discover the relationship between the restriction of spine mobility and occurrence of some ergonomic factors. [b]Materials and methods.[/b] The study consisted of 32 patients with LBP and 25 healthy controls. Postural characteristics of the subjects were measured with the use of a computerized force platform. The software programme filters and measures COG sway velocity in different conditions. Additional measurements and tests were conducted in patients after stretching therapy. Based on survey research, all individuals were selected and evaluated from the aspect of ergonomics. [b]Results[/b]. The results of the COG sway velocity vary under the testing conditions. From the aspect of ergonomic attitude and influence of the rehabilitation, results varied in the groups. [b]Conclusions[/b]. Ergonomic factors are often accompanied by the appearance of LBP. The restrictions within the musculoskeletal system cause disorders in muscle synergies, which is expressed by an increase in the angular velocity of the COG. In patients with chronic back pain syndrome, selected stretching therapy techniques improves the range of motion of the spine and reduces pain

    Application of Response Surface Method in Pulsed Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Complex Plant Materials—A Case Study on <i>Cannabis sativa</i> L.

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    The purpose of this study was to optimize the effect of particle size, time and ultrasonic intensity on the extraction of phenolic compounds and energy efficiency. Sonication was performed with a VC750 Sonics processor at the following amplitudes: 30, 50 and 70%, which corresponds to the ultrasonic intensity, respectively: 1.6; 5.1 and 8.6 W∙cm−2. The frequency of ultrasound was 20 kHz. Extraction was carried out in a 5 s on–10 s off pulse system. The content of polyphenols and their antioxidant activity were assayed by the spectrophotometric method. Response surface methodology (RMS) was used to optimize the investigated variables. On the basis of the developed model, the highest polyphenols yield was obtained under the following extraction conditions (particle size 0.65 mm, extraction time 13.14 min, ultrasound intensity 6.92 W∙cm−2, which resulted in a maximum value of 15.24 mg GAE∙g−1 dry matter of hemp. Taking into account the lowest unit energy consumption, the best conditions were obtained for particle size of approx. 0.5 mm, extraction time 7.7 min, and ultrasound intensity 1.8 W∙cm−2, which resulted in a phenolic yield of 10.14 mg GAE∙g−1 dry matter of hemp. The best agreement between values of optimization variables within investigated criteria was obtained for the variable particle size. The developed models of pulsed ultrasound-assisted extraction can be used for obtaining polyphenols from Cannabis sativa L. at low unit energy consumption

    Optimization of the Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Cannabis sativa L. Leaves and Inflorescences Using Response Surface Methodology

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    This study investigated the effects of particle size and ultrasonic parameters on the yields of bioactive compounds extracted from the leaves and inflorescences of hemp. The total flavonoid and anthocyanin contents were determined using the spectrophotometric method. The response surface methodology (RMS) was employed to optimize the yield of bioactive substances. On the basis of the developed model, the highest flavonoid yield was obtained under the following extraction conditions: particle size, 0.59 mm; extraction time, 10.71 min; ultrasound intensity, 7.13 W&#8729;cm&minus;2; extraction yield, 9.28 mg QE&#8729;g&minus;1; determination coefficient, R2 = 0.97. The optimal conditions for extracting anthocyanins were as follows: particle size, 0.25 mm; extraction time, 15 min; ultrasound intensity, 8.60 W&#8729;cm&minus;2; extraction efficiency, 20.27 mg Cy-GE&#8729;100 g&minus;1; determination coefficient, R2 = 0.87. This study helped confirm the importance of pulsed ultrasound-assisted extraction in obtaining bioactive compounds from hemp

    Optimization of the Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from <i>Cannabis sativa</i> L. Leaves and Inflorescences Using Response Surface Methodology

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    This study investigated the effects of particle size and ultrasonic parameters on the yields of bioactive compounds extracted from the leaves and inflorescences of hemp. The total flavonoid and anthocyanin contents were determined using the spectrophotometric method. The response surface methodology (RMS) was employed to optimize the yield of bioactive substances. On the basis of the developed model, the highest flavonoid yield was obtained under the following extraction conditions: particle size, 0.59 mm; extraction time, 10.71 min; ultrasound intensity, 7.13 W∙cm−2; extraction yield, 9.28 mg QE∙g−1; determination coefficient, R2 = 0.97. The optimal conditions for extracting anthocyanins were as follows: particle size, 0.25 mm; extraction time, 15 min; ultrasound intensity, 8.60 W∙cm−2; extraction efficiency, 20.27 mg Cy-GE∙100 g−1; determination coefficient, R2 = 0.87. This study helped confirm the importance of pulsed ultrasound-assisted extraction in obtaining bioactive compounds from hemp

    Perception of mobbing by employees

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    W pracy przedstawiono definicję mobbingu, a także rodzaje oraz cechy charakterystyczne tego zjawiska. Opisano profil mobbera i ofiary, wskazując cechy ich charakteru oraz typowe zachowania. Ponadto przedstawiono przyczyny i skutki mobbingu, a także wskazano osoby i branże zawodowe szczególnie na niego narażone. Celem pracy jest ocena znajomości zjawiska mobbingu wśród pracowników. Do realizacji badań wykorzystano kwestionariusz autorskiej ankiety. Z przeprowadzonych analiz wynika, że atmosfera w miejscu pracy jest dobra bądź średnia, ale dochodzi również do sytuacji konfliktowych. Najczęściej działania mobbingowe wobec kobiet stosował przełożony, rzadziej współpracownik. W przypadku mężczyzn połowa respondentów odpowiedziała, że mobbing stosował pracodawca, natomiast druga połowa – że współpracownik. Aż 80% ankietowanych kobiet odpowiedziało, że mobberem była kobieta, natomiast mężczyźni jednogłośnie stwierdzili, że w ich przypadku mobbing stosował mężczyzna. Najczęstszymi przyczynami występowania zachowań mobbingowych były: poczucie wyższości u mobbera, obawa przed utratą stanowiska, osiągnięcia w pracy oraz zazdrość. Z badań wynika, że do zjawiska mobbingu najczęściej dochodzi w służbie zdrowia, transporcie, branży spożywczej i budowlanej. Większość ankietowanych szukała pomocy, natomiast w bardzo znikomym procencie pomoc ta została udzielona.The work presents the definition of mobbing, as well as the types and characteristics of this phenomenon. The profile of the mobber and the victim are described, indicating the characteristic features of their character and typical behaviors. In addition, the causes and effects of mobbing are presented, as well as people and professional sectors particularly exposed to this phenomenon. The aim of the work is to assess the knowledge of the phenomenon of mobbing among employees. The questionnaire of the author’s questionnaire was used to conduct the research. The research shows that the atmosphere in the workplace is good or average, but also conflicts occur. Most often, mobbing actions against women were applied by the supervisor, less often by a colleague. In the case of men, half of the respondents replied that the mobbing was used by the employer, while the other half was the co-worker. As many as 80% of the women surveyed replied that the mobber was a woman, whereas the men unanimously stated that in their case mobbing was used by a man. The most common reasons for the use of mobbing behaviours were: a sense of superiority by the mobber, fear of losing position, achievement at work and jealousy. The research shows that the phenomenon of mobbing usually occurs in the health, transport, food and construction industries. Most of the respondents sought help in the matter of mobbing, while in a very small percentage this assistance was granted

    Readiness of adolescents to use genetically modified organisms according to their knowledge and emotional attitude towards GMOs

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    Introduction Agriculture based on genetically modified organisms plays an increasingly important role in feeding the world population, which is evidenced by a considerable growth in the size of land under genetically modified crops (GM). Uncertainty and controversy around GM products are mainly due to the lack of accurate and reliable information, and lack of knowledge concerning the essence of genetic modifications, and the effect of GM food on the human organism, and consequently, a negative emotional attitude towards what is unknown. Objective The objective of the presented study was to discover to what extent knowledge and the emotional attitude of adolescents towards genetically modified organisms is related with acceptance of growing genetically modified plants or breeding GM animals on own farm or allotment garden, and the purchase and consumption of GM food, as well as the use of GMOs in medicine. Material and Methods The study was conducted by the method of a diagnostic survey using a questionnaire designed by the author, which covered a group of 500 adolescents completing secondary school on the level of maturity examination. The collected material was subjected to statistical analysis. Research hypotheses were verified using chi-square test (χ 2 ), t-Student test, and stepwise regression analysis. Results Stepwise regression analysis showed that the readiness of adolescents to use genetically modified organisms as food or for the production of pharmaceuticals, the production of GM plants or animals on own farm, depends on an emotional-evaluative attitude towards GMOs, and the level of knowledge concerning the essence of genetic modifications

    Readiness of adolescents to use genetically modified organisms according to their knowledge and emotional attitude towards GMOs

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    Introduction Agriculture based on genetically modified organisms plays an increasingly important role in feeding the world population, which is evidenced by a considerable growth in the size of land under genetically modified crops (GM). Uncertainty and controversy around GM products are mainly due to the lack of accurate and reliable information, and lack of knowledge concerning the essence of genetic modifications, and the effect of GM food on the human organism, and consequently, a negative emotional attitude towards what is unknown. Objective The objective of the presented study was to discover to what extent knowledge and the emotional attitude of adolescents towards genetically modified organisms is related with acceptance of growing genetically modified plants or breeding GM animals on own farm or allotment garden, and the purchase and consumption of GM food, as well as the use of GMOs in medicine. Material and Methods The study was conducted by the method of a diagnostic survey using a questionnaire designed by the author, which covered a group of 500 adolescents completing secondary school on the level of maturity examination. The collected material was subjected to statistical analysis. Research hypotheses were verified using chi-square test (χ 2 ), t-Student test, and stepwise regression analysis. Results Stepwise regression analysis showed that the readiness of adolescents to use genetically modified organisms as food or for the production of pharmaceuticals, the production of GM plants or animals on own farm, depends on an emotional-evaluative attitude towards GMOs, and the level of knowledge concerning the essence of genetic modifications

    Impact of Incorporating Two Types of Dried Raspberry Pomace into Gluten-Free Bread on Its Nutritional and Antioxidant Characteristics

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the pomace drying methods (freeze-drying and convection-drying) and their percentage (0–10%) on selected physicochemical properties of gluten-free bread. The contents of nutrients (protein, fiber, fat, ash, and carbohydrates), bioactive compounds, antioxidant properties, acidity, baking efficiency, and moisture of the obtained products were determined. Fortifying the bread with raspberry pomace resulted in a change in fiber content from 18.13% d. b. (control sample) up to 19.97% d. b. (10% of freeze-dried pomace), and a change in the fat and ash content in the bread from 5.74% and 2.83% d. b. (control sample) to 7.18% and 3.12% d. b. (10% of freeze-dried pomace). The content of carbohydrates decreased after adding raspberry pomace to the bread, from 65.71% d. b. (control sample) to 63.68% d. b. (5% of freeze-dried pomace). The research carried out also showed that the introduction of 10% freeze-dried raspberry pomace increased the total polyphenol content by 81.75% and the antioxidant properties defined by the ABTS method by 159.54% and by the DPPH method by 96.43% compared to the control bread. The introduction of pomace resulted in a significant reduction in the total baking loss, from 15.1% to 10.62%, and an increase in the total titratable acidity of the crumb, from 2.13 mL NaOH/10 g d. b to 7.78 mL NaOH/10 g d. b. Principal component analysis highlighted a marked effect of the drying method and content of raspberry pomace on the quality values of gluten-free bread. This research demonstrated that raspberry pomace can be a valuable source of fiber and bioactive substances in gluten-free bread