169 research outputs found

    TanDEM-X DEM 2020: What is new?

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    In the last years, the TanDEM-X mission systematically acquired data to create another global DEM, the so-called 'TanDEM-X DEM 2020', mainly between September 2017 and mid-2020. This contribution describes the status of the generation of this second global TanDEM-X DEM with special focus on procedural and algorithmic modifications compared to the first global TanDEM-X DEM

    MirrorSAR: An HRWS Add-On for Single-Pass Multi-Baseline SAR Interferometry

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    This paper reports the Phase A study results of the interferometric extension of the High-Resolution Wide-Swath (HRWS) mission with three MirrorSAR satellites. According to the MirrorSAR concept, small, low cost, transponder-like receive-only satellites without radar signal demodulation, digitization, memory storage, downlink, and synchronization are added to the planned German X-band HRWS mission. The MirrorSAR satellites fly a triple helix orbit in close formation around the HRWS orbit and span multiple single-pass interferometric baselines. A comprehensive system engineering and performance analysis is provided that includes orbit formation, MirrorLink, Doppler steering, antenna pattern and swath design, multi-static echo window timing, SAR performance, height performance and coverage analysis. The overall interferometric system design analysis of Phase A is presented. The predicted performance of the global Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is improved by one order of magnitude compared to presently available global DEM products like the TanDEM-X DEM

    Final Report: SIREV - Development of a Functional Model

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    Die Entwicklung eines Funktionsmodells für ein vorausschauendes Radarsystem einschließlich der Integration der Hardware in einen DLR-Hubschrauber und die Entwicklung geeigneter Algorithmen und Software für die Prozessierung wurde durchgeführt. Mit STN Atlas GmbH hat das DLR das System "Sector Imaging Radar for Enhanced Vision" (SIREV) mit IHE Karlsruhe und AeroSensing entwickelt. / Preis: 36,80

    TerraSAR-X Mission Status

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    TerraSAR-X is Germany's first national remote sensing satellite being implemented in a public-private partnership between the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and EADS Astrium GmbH, with a significant financial contribution from the industrial partner. This radar satellite, launched at June 15th 2007 will supply high-quality radar data for purposes of scientific observation of the Earth for a period of at least five years. At the same time it is designed to satisfy the steadily growing demand of the private sector for remote sensing data in the commercial market. The TerraSAR-X features an advanced high-resolution X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar based on the active phased array technology which allows the operation in Spotlight-, Stripmap- and ScanSAR Mode with various polarizations. It combines the ability to acquire high resolution images for detailed analysis as well as wide swath images for overview applications. In addition, experimental modes like the Dual Receive Antenna Mode allow for full-polarimetric imaging as well as along track interferometry, i.e. moving target identification

    The TerraSAR-X Mission

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    Partition Method for Deriving the SAR Impulse Response

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    The Partition Method is qualified for analysis as well as simulation of phase and amplitude errors of radar chirp signals. Based on the image quality by means of statistics and represented by a power spectral density

    Status Report on the TerraSAR-X Mission

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    TerraSAR-X is a new German radar satellite that was launched in June 15, 2007. Its lifetime will be five years. It carries a high frequency X-band SAR sensor that can be operated in three different modes and various polarizations. The Spotlight-, Stripmap- and ScanSAR-modes provide high resolution images for detailed analysis as well as wide swath data whenever a larger coverage is required. These high geometric and radiometric resolutions together with the single, dual and quad-polarization capability are innovative and unique features with respect to space borne systems. Additionally several incidence angle combinations will be possible and double side access can be realized by satellite roll maneuvers. The satellite will be positioned in a sun-synchronous 11 days repeat orbit. The revisit time in the very high resolution Spotlight mode is 2.5 days for 95% Earth’s surface visible to TerraSAR-X. TerraSAR-X is an operational SAR-system for scientific and commercial applications. The commercial exploitation is exclusively granted to Astrium / Infoterra GmbH. DLR is responsible for the scientific utilization of the TerraSAR-X products. The status “scientific use” needs to be gained via a selection process. The Science Service System (http://sss.terrasar-x.dlr.de/) was developed for this purpose. Since end of October new proposals can be submitted at any time. The corresponding TerraSAR-X data will be provided to the costs of fulfilling the user request. Further Announcements of Opportunity (AOs) are planned where special conditions might be applied with respect to the data provision. Only four days after launch the first SAR image was processed successfully. A 30 km x 60 km area in Russia, western to Wolgograd has been imaged in the stripmap mode, HH polarization. Herewith the functional capability of the satellite on one hand and the operability of the ground segment on the other hand could be demonstrated. The entire processing chain including order input, scheduling, commanding, data acquisition, on ground data reception, SAR processing and archiving of the images has been verified. This result was also the consequence of a comprehensive pre-launch testing program including numerous space-to-ground-segment tests. By now the commissioning phase, involving tasks such as calibration, characterization/verification of the SAR-instrument, SAR system performance analysis, orbit and attitude as well as product verification was terminated successfully. The aim to ensure optimum SAR image quality and to accomplish the full operational readiness was achieved in December 2007 when the project passed successfully the Operational Readiness Review. Since January 7, 2008 ordering is possible for accepted proposals. Focus of the proposed presentation will be a review of the proposed scientific research, background mission scenarios as well the access procedure for researchers and future AOs

    The Missions TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X

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    TerraSAR-X is Germany's first national remote sensing satellite being implemented in a public-private partnership between the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and EADS Astrium GmbH, with a significant financial contribution from the industrial partner. This radar satellite, launched at June 15th 2007 will supply high-quality radar data for purposes of scientific observation of the Earth for a period of at least five years. At the same time it is designed to satisfy the steadily growing demand of the private sector for remote sensing data in the commercial market. This contribution will briefly describe the development of the TerraSAR-X concept in the context of previous national SAR-related activities, the public-private partnership scheme, the roles and responsibilities of the partners as well as the overall project organization. The mission and system design will be described, followed by an overview of the satellite, the related Ground Segment and the applied data policy. The presentation will however focus on the actual mission status by providing an overview of the pre-launch activities, the Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP) as well as first results of the activities in the Commissioning Phase. Finally an outlook will be given on the activities to come including the TanDEM-X mission. The TanDEM-X mission is based on an add-on satellite almost identical to the TerraSAR-X satellite, orbiting in close formation with it. Radar images of these two satellites allow for the generation of a world-wide DEM according to the emerging HRTI-3 standard within less than three years