29 research outputs found

    Using anchor text, spam filtering and Wikipedia for web search and entity ranking

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    In this paper, we document our efforts in participating to the TREC 2010 Entity Ranking and Web Tracks. We had multiple aims: For the Web Track we wanted to compare the effectiveness of anchor text of the category A and B collections and the impact of global document quality measures such as PageRank and spam scores. We find that documents in ClueWeb09 category B have a higher probability of being retrieved than other documents in category A. In ClueWeb09 category B, spam is mainly an issue for full-text retrieval. Anchor text suffers little from spam. Spam scores can be used to filter spam but also to find key resources. Documents that are least likely to be spam tend to be high-quality results. For the Entity Ranking Track, we use Wikipedia as a pivot to find relevant entities on the Web. Using category information to retrieve entities within Wikipedia leads to large improvements. Although we achieve large improvements over our baseline run that does not use category information, our best scores are still weak. Following the external links on Wikipedia pages to find the homepages of the entities in the ClueWeb collection, works better than searching an anchor text index, and combining the external links with searching an anchor text index

    Result diversity and entity ranking experiments: anchors, links, text and Wikipedia

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    In this paper, we document our efforts in participating to the TREC 2009 Entity Ranking and Web Tracks. We had multiple aims: For the Web Track’s Adhoc task we experiment with document text and anchor text representation, and the use of the link structure. For the Web Track’s Diversity task we experiment with using a top down sliding window that, given the top ranked documents, chooses as the next ranked document the one that has the most unique terms or links. We test our sliding window method on a standard document text index and an index of propagated anchor texts. We also experiment with extreme query expansions by taking the top n results of the initial ranking as multi-faceted aspects of the topic to construct n relevance models to obtain n sets of results. A final diverse set of results is obtained by merging the n results lists. For the Entity Ranking Track, we also explore the effectiveness of the anchor text representation, look at the co-citation graph, and experiment with using Wikipedia as a pivot. Our main findings can be summarized as follows: Anchor text is very effective for diversity. It gives high early precision and the results cover more relevant sub-topics than the document text index. Our baseline runs have low diversity, which limits the possible impact of the sliding window approach. New link information seems more effective for diversifying text-based search results than the amount of unique terms added by a document. In the entity ranking task, anchor text finds few primary pages , but it does retrieve a large number of relevant pages. Using Wikipedia as a pivot results in large gains of P10 and NDCG when only primary pages are considered. Although the links between the Wikipedia entities and pages in the Clueweb collection are sparse, the precision of the existing links is very high

    DutchHatTrick: semantic query modeling, ConText, section detection, and match score maximization

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    Concept based document retrieval for genomics literature

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    The 2006 TREC Genomics evaluation focuses on document, passage and aspect retrieval in the genomics domain. The Erasmus Medical Center, TNO and University of Twente collaborated on an approach combining concept tagging (named entity recognition) and information retrieval based on language models. Experiments carried out on the 2004 and 2006 collections show that the system based on a concept index could not outperform the baseline system based on words. Further investigation has to show why the index based on concepts performs poor

    Language modeling approaches to blog post and feed finding

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    We describe our participation in the TREC 2007 Blog track. In the opinion task we looked at the differences in performance between Indri and our mixture model, the influence of external expansion and document priors to improve opinion finding; results show that an out-of-the-box Indri implementation outperforms our mixture model, and that external expansion on a news corpus is very benificial. Opinion finding can be improved using either lexicons or the number of comments as document priors. Our approach to the feed distillation task is based on aggregating post-level scores to obtain a feed-level ranking. We integrated time-based and persistence aspects into the retrieval model. After correcting bugs in our post-score aggregation module we found that time-based retrieval improves results only marginally, while persistence-based ranking results in substantial improvements under the right circumstances

    Cross Language Information Retrieval for Biomedical Literature

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    This workshop report discusses the collaborative work of UT, EMC and TNO on the TREC Genomics Track 2007. The biomedical information retrieval task is approached using cross language methods, in which biomedical concept detection is combined with effective IR based on unigram language models. Furthermore, a co-occurrence method is used to select and ��?lter candidate answers. On its own, the cross lingual approach and the ��?ltering do not strongly improve retrieval results. However, the combination of approaches does show a strong improvement over the monolingual baseline

    Related entity finding based on co-occurrence

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    We report on experiments for the Related Entity Finding task in which we focus on only using Wikipedia as a target corpus in which to identify (related) entities. Our approach is based on co-occurrences between the source entity and potential target entities. We observe improvements in performance when a context-independent co-occurrence model is combined with context-dependent co-occurrence models in which we stress the importance of the expected relation between source and target entity. Applying type filtering yields further improvements results

    Language Models for Searching in Web Corpora

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    We describe our participation in the TREC 2004 Web and Terabyte tracks. For the web track, we employ mixture language models based on document full-text, incoming anchortext, and documents titles, with a range of webcentric priors. We provide a detailed analysis of the effect on relevance of document length, URL structure, and link topology. The resulting web-centric priors are applied to three types of topics¿distillation, home page, and named page¿and improve effectiveness for all topic types, as well as for the mixed query set. For the terabyte track, we experimented with building an index just based on the document titles, or on the incoming anchor texts. Very selective indexing leads to a compact index that is effective in terms of early precision, catering for the typical web searcher behavior

    Access to legal documents: Exact match, best match, and combinations

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    In this paper, we document our efforts in participating to the TREC 2007 Legal track. We had multiple aims: First, to experiment with using different query formulations, trying to exploit the verbose topic statements. Second, to analyse how ranked retrieval methods can be fruitfully combined with traditional Boolean queries. Our main findings can be summarized as follows: First, we got mixed results trying to combine the original search request with terms extracted from the verbose topic statement. Second, by combining the Boolean reference run wit our ranked retrieval run allows us to get the high recall of the Boolean retrieval, whilst precision scores show an improvement over both the Boolean and the ranked retrieval runs. Third, we found out that if we treat the Boolean query as free text with varying degrees of interpretation of the original operator, we get competitive results. Moreover, both types of queries seem to capture different relevant documents, and the combination between the request text and the Boolean query leads to substantial gain in precision and recall