19 research outputs found

    Fast synaptic inhibition in spinal sensory processing and pain control

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    The two amino acids GABA and glycine mediate fast inhibitory neurotransmission in different CNS areas and serve pivotal roles in the spinal sensory processing. Under healthy conditions, they limit the excitability of spinal terminals of primary sensory nerve fibers and of intrinsic dorsal horn neurons through pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms, and thereby facilitate the spatial and temporal discrimination of sensory stimuli. Removal of fast inhibition not only reduces the fidelity of normal sensory processing but also provokes symptoms very much reminiscent of pathological and chronic pain syndromes. This review summarizes our knowledge of the molecular bases of spinal inhibitory neurotransmission and its organization in dorsal horn sensory circuits. Particular emphasis is placed on the role and mechanisms of spinal inhibitory malfunction in inflammatory and neuropathic chronic pain syndromes

    The Effect of Sibutramine, a Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor, on Platelets and Fibrin Networks of Male Sprague-Dawley Rats: A Descriptive Study

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    Sibutramine is used in the treatment of obesity due to its ability to influence feelings of hunger and satiety by inhibiting the re-uptake of serotonin and noradrenalin in the central nervous system (CNS). Sibutramine use has been associated with numerous adverse events in particular cardiovascular complications possibly due to the formation of thrombi. This ultrastructural descriptive study investigated the effect of sibutramine on blood coagulation, specifically the effect on morphology of platelets and fibrin networks using scanning electron microscopy. Male Sprague–Dawley rats treated with either a recommended therapeutic dose [low dosage 1.32 mg/kg] or a toxicological higher dose [high dosage 13.2 mg/kg] of sibutramine for 28 days were used and compared to control animals. Blood samples were collected and plasma smears were prepared for platelet evaluation. Following the addition of thrombin to the plasma samples, the morphology of the fibrin clots was evaluated. Platelet evaluation by scanning electron microscopy revealed morphology typical of a prothrombotic state with a characteristic excessive platelet activation in both low-dose (LD) and high-dose (HD) rats. The fibrin clots of sibutramine-treated rats, LD and HD revealed fused thick fibers with thin fibers forming a netlike structure over the thick fibers which differ considerably from the organized structure of the control animals. It can be concluded that sibutramine alters the ultrastructure of platelets and fibrin networks creating a prothrombotic state.http://informahealthcare.com/journal/usp2015-12-30hb201