7 research outputs found

    How does visible light flicker impact laying hen pullet behavior, fear, and stress levels?

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    ABSTRACT: Many characteristics of artificial light have been evaluated; however, light-flicker frequency (F) has not been assessed extensively in poultry. Pullets (1,344 per strain [S]; Lohmann Brown-Lite [LB] and LSL-Lite [LW]) were placed into 8 light-tight rooms, containing 6 floor pens (15 pen replicates per F × S for 30 and 250 Hz; 18 pen replicates per F x S for 90 Hz), and assigned 1 of 3 F treatments (30, 90, 250 Hz). The experiment took place over 2 trials (blocks). To evaluate long-term effects of F during rearing, birds were followed through the hen phase. Data were analyzed using Proc Mixed (SAS 9.4). Differences were considered significant when P ≤ 0.05, and behaviors are expressed as percentage of time. Pullets reared under 30 Hz spent more time performing nutritive behaviors (P < 0.01) and as “unidentified” (P = 0.02) than other treatments. Active behavior demonstrated an age x F interaction, with pullets being more active at 16 wk, regardless of F (P < 0.01). Comfort behaviors were higher at 16 wk compared to other ages, regardless of F (P < 0.01). Exploratory behaviors were lowest at 4 wk in pullets under 30 Hz (P < 0.01). Aggressive behaviors (12 wk) were higher in pullets reared under 250 Hz than those under 90 Hz (P < 0.01). Comb score was unaffected by F (P = 0.79) and all birds scored had a full plumage. Heterophil-to-lymphocyte ratio was unaffected by F at 7 or 15 wk (P = 0.85 and P = 0.54, respectively). In trial 1, pullets reared under 90 Hz had higher corticosterone concentrations than those reared under 250 Hz (P = 0.02) and trial 2 there were no effects of F (P = 0.97). For novel object test, LW pullets reared under 90 Hz had a higher latency to peck than LW pullets under 30 Hz or 250 Hz (P = 0.03). Hen behavior (wk 39) and fear tests (36 wk; novel object test (P = 0.86) and tonic immobility (P = 0.37)) were unaffected by F. Overall, minimal effects of F were seen on pullet and hen behavior and stress

    Are turkey hens affected by light flicker? Effects on performance and health

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    ABSTRACT: Light flicker is a commonly overlooked factor of artificial light sources. This study aimed to determine the impacts of light-flicker frequency on performance, general health, and mortality of 11-wk Nicholas Select turkey hens. The experiment consisted of 2 trials (block) in a randomized complete block design, with 3 light-flicker frequency treatments (30, 90, or 195 Hz). Turkeys (n = 364 per replicate) were randomly placed into environmentally controlled rooms (3 room replicates per treatment per trial). Group body weight (BW) and feed consumption were measured at 0, 4, 8, and 11 wk, and feed efficiency (mortality corrected feed-to-gain; F:Gm) was calculated for each period. Mortality and culls were collected twice daily. Flock uniformity, feather condition and cleanliness, footpad score, and mobility were evaluated at 10 wk (30 birds per room). Litter quality and ocular weight and dimensions were evaluated (11 wk; 4 birds per room). Data were analyzed using Proc Mixed (SAS 9.4) and significance was declared when P < 0.05. At 8 wk, BW was lower under 30 Hz compared to 195 Hz (P = 0.03). Feed consumption was lowest under 30 Hz (0–4 wk and 4–8 wk; P < 0.01). Mortality-corrected F:G was improved under 30 Hz for 8 to 11 wk and 0 to 11 wk (P = 0.05 and P = 0.04, respectively). Total mortality was lower under 195 Hz compared to 30 Hz (P = 0.02). Uniformity, gait score, feather condition, and litter quality were unaffected by flicker. Footpad scores were improved under 90 Hz (P = 0.01), leading to an improved average footpad score (P = 0.02). Feather cleanliness was improved under 90 Hz compared to both 30 Hz and 195 Hz (P<0.01). Right eyeball dimensions differed across lighting treatments, with the dorso-ventral diameter being larger in birds under 30 Hz compared to 195 Hz (P = 0.05). The anterior-posterior size also increased in birds under 30 Hz compared to 90 Hz (P = 0.03). Light flicker impacted turkey hens, with the results demonstrating negative impacts on early growth and changes to ocular characteristics

    Chapter 6: Poultry

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    Before being slaughtered birds are subjected to a number events that are stressful and can lead to physical injuries, thermal stress, weight loss and in extremes to death. Catching and crating of birds is the major factor for introducing injuries like leg and wing bruising, broken or dislocated wings. Catching method, catching crew and the type and condition of the crates will all contribute to the risk on injuries. Feed withdrawal prior to transport is applied with the objectives of reducing wetness of birds during transport and allow the gastro-intestinal tract to empty prior to processing. However, the process can create a negative energy balance within the birds during the transport phase, leading to prolonged hunger and reduced ability to thermoregulate. Transport conditions, such as loading density, ventilation, vehicle design and protection from external weather conditions contribute to heat or cold stress. Thermal stress, both hot and cold, has been identified as a risk factor for increased mortality levels.After arrival, poultry in the containers are placed in a lairage area. In lairage birds should be protected from adverse climatic conditions. Before stunning, birds are taken out of the containers either by hand or automatically depending on the type of container and stunning system. Electrical stunning involves shackling of birds in inverted position before stunning. Factors, such as electrical frequency and current, influence the success of the stun and carcass quality. High frequencies with low currents lead to ineffective stunning whereas low frequencies with higher currents lead to haemorrhages.Gas stunning methods are an alternative to electrical stunning. Different type of birds, like chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, are effectively stunned by exposure to different gas mixtures. However, induction of unconsciousness is not immediate and will induce respiratory distress before loss of consciousness

    Do flickering lights impact turkey hen behavior, stress, and fear?

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    ABSTRACT: Little is known about the effect of light-flicker frequency on poultry, particularly on turkeys. This experiment examined the impact of light-flicker frequency on the behavior, stress, and fear response of Nicholas Select turkey hens reared to 11 wk. The experiment was a randomized complete block design (2 trials), with a one-way factorial analysis evaluating 3 light-flicker frequencies (30, 90, or 195 Hertz; Hz). Birds (n = 3,276 per trial) were housed in 9 individual environmentally controlled rooms (3 replicates per treatment per trial). Data collected included: behavior (4, 8, and 10 wk), incidence of aggressive damage, heterophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, and novel object test (daily d 1–7 and at 4, 8, and 11 wk). Data were analyzed using Proc Mixed (SAS 9.4), with significance declared at P ≤ 0.05. Behavior data are presented as the percentage of time spent performing the behavior. At 4 wk, gentle feather pecking and exploratory behaviors were higher under 195 Hz compared to 30 Hz (P = 0.04 and P = 0.05, respectively). Preening was higher under 90 Hz compared to 30 Hz (P = 0.05). At 8 wk, wing flapping was lowest under 195 Hz (P < 0.01). Gentle feather pecking was higher under 90 and 195 Hz compared to 30 Hz (P = 0.02). Fighting (P = 0.05), aggressive pecking (P = 0.02), and aggressive behaviors (P = 0.01) were lower under 30 Hz compared to 90 Hz. At 10 wk, preening was decreased under 30 Hz (P = 0.03). Incidences of aggressive damage were reduced under 30 Hz compared to 90 Hz (0 d–4 wk; P = 0.01) and under 30 compared to both 90 and 195 Hz (4–8 wk; P = 0.01). At 11 wk, heterophil-to-lymphocyte ratios were lowest under 30 Hz (P = 0.04). The novel object test was unaffected by flicker treatment. In conclusion, many behaviors and the stress and fear responses were unaffected by either visible or non-visible flicker. However, visible flicker (30 Hz) reduced some comfort and exploratory behaviors early in life, and the impact on preening continued to older ages, suggesting minor negative impacts of flicker, particularly early in life

    Do flickering LED lights reduce productivity of layer pullets and hens?

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    ABSTRACT: Most characteristics of artificial light sources are well studied, however light-flicker frequency (F) has been overlooked. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of F on performance of Lohmann LSL-Lite (LW) pullets and Lohmann Brown-Lite (LB) pullets. In addition, pullets were followed through to the laying phase to evaluate long-term effects of F during rearing on productivity. Two trials were conducted with 3 F (30, 90, or 250 Hz) treatments. LW and LB pullets (n = 2,688 per strain [S]) were randomly assigned to floor pens within 8 light-tight rooms (15 pen replicates per F × S for 30 and 250 Hz; 18 pen replicates per F × S for 90 Hz). At 16 wk, pullets were transferred to conventional layer cages, with no flicker treatment applied. Pullet data collected included BW, feed disappearance, flock uniformity, and overall mortality. Hen data collected included BW, feed intake (feed efficiency calculated), mortality, egg production, and egg quality. Data were analyzed using Proc Mixed (SAS 9.4) and differences were considered significant when P ≤ 0.05. Frequency did not affect pullet uniformity or feed disappearance (0–8 wk and 0–16 wk). Pullets reared under 30 Hz had higher mortality (caused by “other”) than those reared under 250 Hz. Lohmann Brown-Lite pullets reared under 30 Hz had the highest feed disappearance. Overall mortality was higher for LW pullets reared under 30 Hz compared to LB reared under 30 Hz or 250 Hz. Lohmann Brown-Lite hens reared under 30 Hz were heavier at the beginning of the hen phase (17 wk), however differences related to F were not seen at 40 or 48 wk. Hen day production (%) was higher for hens reared under 30 compared to 90 Hz (P = 0.03), however no other egg parameters were affected by F. Hen feed efficiency and mortality were unaffected by F. These results indicate minor effects of F, during either the pullet or hen phases. The data also suggest that S (LW vs. LB) may affect response to F

    Stocking density within chick transport boxes: effects on leghorn chick stress and box microclimate

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    SUMMARY: Recommendations for the optimal stocking density (SD) of chicks within transport boxes have not previously been published, with current recommendations lacking scientific support. As a result of concerns from welfare organizations regarding high SD in delivery boxes, a field trial was conducted at a commercial hatchery to understand SD effects on chick stress and box microclimate. Lohmann LSL-Lite chicks (n = 3,630) were placed in plastic transport boxes (58 × 46 cm) for a 7-h simulated transport period (uncontrolled humidity; 27°C). The SD treatments (trt) used were 80, 100, or 120 chicks/box (33.4, 26.7, or 22.2 cm2/chick). Group body weight (BW); vent temperature; concentrations of corticosterone, electrolytes, and glucose; and yolk sac weights were measured pre- and post-trt. Temperature and relative humidity (RH) were recorded every 5 min in the boxes. Thermal images of the boxes were taken every h for box floor and chick surface temperature and to calculate spatial area used per chick. Body weight, vent temperature, yolk sac weights, and corticosterone concentration did not differ between SD trt post-trt. Box temperature and RH increased with increasing SD. Thermal images showed the minimum temperature was lowest, and temperature variability was greatest, in the 80 trt compared to the 100 and 120 trts. The spatial area used per chick differed between trt and chicks occupied less than the total spatial area available in all trt. In conclusion, within the conditions used in this study, altering SD did not affect bird wellbeing, but reducing the density increased temperature variability within the boxes