17 research outputs found

    Urban Factories – Establishing resource-efficiency in production logistics systems in cities

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    Cities are a hotspot for resource consumption and related impacts. This is induced, among others, by transportation, production and the use of products and services. Industrial production is commonly associated with negative impacts, e.g. on the environment or traffic. Through positive integration of production sites into urban surroundings, negative impacts can be eliminated, and even positive impacts achieved. To reach a higher degree of integration of different utilizations in cities, resource-efficiency, new conceptual approaches are required for urban factories, city authorities and further stakeholders. For this purpose, a methodology has been developed that describes the planning processes of the involved disciplines and their interdependencies concerning content and timing. Subsequently, an analysis of Urban Factories within a reference framework called the factory-city-system and its key resources is carried out in an exemplary case study. Measures to enhance resource-efficiency are thus dentified, exemplarily described and examined regarding their potential to raise resource-efficiency

    Initiation of neighborhood networks

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    Städte und Regionen befinden sich in einem Zustand vielfältiger Veränderungen. Im Kampf um begrenzten Stadtraum hat dort ansässige Produktion zunehmend Schwierigkeiten sich zu behaupten. Um die wirtschaftliche Existenz von Produktionsunternehmen in einem stetig komplexer werdenden urbanen Umfeld langfristig zu sichern, bedarf es neuer Strategien zur langfristigen Standortsicherung. Ein Schlüssel dazu liegt in der Sensibilisierung der Schlüsselaktakteure für die Bedeutung der Phase der Initiierung, zudem in der Anwendung einer systematischen Herangehensweise zur Initiierung von Kooperationen im kleinsten Maßstab der Stadt – dem Quartier. Die daraus erwachsenden Netzwerke nutzen die Vorteile der urbanen Nähe und schaffen Planungssicherheit durch Identifikation, Akzeptanz und Mehrwerte für die Umgebung.Cities and regions are undergoing a variety of changes. In the battle for limited urban space, local production is finding it increasingly difficult to assert itself. In order to secure the long-term existence of production companies in an increasingly complex urban environment, new strategies are needed for securing production sites. One key to this lies in sensitizing key stakeholders to the importance of the initiation phase and in applying a systematic approach to initiating cooperations on the smallest scale of the city - the neighbourhood. The resulting networks take advantage of the urban proximity and create planning security through identification, acceptance and added value for the surrounding area