2,447 research outputs found

    On structure of effective action in four-dimensional quantum dilaton supergravity

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    A general structure of effective action in new chiral superfield model associated with N=1N=1, D=4D=4 supergravity is investigated. This model corresponds to finite quantum field theory and does not demand the regularization and renormalization at effective action calculation. It is shown that in local approximation the effective action is defined by two objects called general superfield effective lagrangian and chiral superfield effective lagrangian. A proper-time method is generalized for calculation of these two effective lagrangians in superfield manner. Power expansion of the effective action in supercovariant derivatives is formulated and the lower terms of such an expansion are calculated in explicit superfield form

    Generalized modified gravity with the second order acceleration equation

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    In the theories of generalized modified gravity, the acceleration equation is generally fourth order. So it is hard to analyze the evolution of the Universe. In this paper, we present a class of generalized modified gravity theories which have the acceleration equation of second order derivative. Then both the cosmic evolution and the weak-field limit of the theories are easily investigated. We find that not only the Big-bang singularity problem but also the current cosmic acceleration problem could be easily dealt with.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Supersymmetric Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model in an External Gravitational Field

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    We investigate the effect of an external gravitational fields to the chiral symmetry breaking in the SUSY (supersymmetric) NJL (Nambu-Jona-Lasinio) model non-minimally interacting with external supergravity. Evaluating the effective potential in the leading order of the 1/Nc1/N_{c}-expansion and in the linear curvature approximation it is found the possibility of the chiral symmetry breaking in the SUSY NJL model in an external gravitational fields. In the broken phase the dynamically generated mass is analytically and numerically calculated.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, epic.sty and eepic.sty are use

    Constructing the Cubic Interaction Vertex of Higher Spin Gauge Fields

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    We propose a method of construction of a cubic interaction in massless Higher Spin gauge theory both in flat and in AdS space-times of arbitrary dimensions. We consider a triplet formulation of the Higher Spin gauge theory and generalize the Higher Spin symmetry algebra of the free model to the corresponding algebra for the case of cubic interaction. The generators of this new algebra carry indexes which label the three Higher Spin fields involved into the cubic interaction. The method is based on the use of oscillator formalism and on the Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) technique. We derive general conditions on the form of cubic interaction vertex and discuss the ambiguities of the vertex which result from field redefinitions. This method can in principle be applied for constructing the Higher Spin interaction vertex at any order. Our results are a first step towards the construction of a Lagrangian for interacting Higher Spin gauge fields that can be holographically studied.Comment: Published Version; comments added in introduction; minor typos and references correcte

    Covariant power-counting renormalizable gravity: Lorentz symmetry breaking and accelerating early-time FRW universe

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    We continue the study of covariant power-counting renormalizable gravity constrained by scalar Lagrange multiplier. Lorentz symmetry breaking is investigated in such a theory in comparison with the one in ghost condensation model. Covariant power-counting renormalizable vector gravity which is invariant under U(1)U(1) gauge symmetry is proposed. Several forms of vector Lagrange multiplier in this theory are discussed. It is shown that covariant scalar/vector gravity under consideration may have power-law or de Sitter accelerating cosmological solution corresponding to inflationary era. Simplest black hole solution is obtained and dispersion relations for graviton are presented.Comment: LaTeX, 13 page

    Back reaction of vacuum and the renormalization group flow from the conformal fixed point

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    We consider the GUT-like model with two scalar fields which has infinitesimal deviation from the conformal invariant fixed point at high energy region. In this case the dominating quantum effect is the conformal trace anomaly and the interaction between the anomaly-generated propagating conformal factor of the metric and the usual dimensional scalar field. This interaction leads to the renormalization group flow from the conformal point. In the supersymmetric conformal invariant model such an effect produces a very weak violation of sypersymmetry at lower energies.Comment: 15 pages, LaTex, ten figures, uuencoded fil

    On a possibility to construct gauge invariant quantum formulation for non-gauge classical theory

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    A non-gauge dynamical system depending on parameters is considered. It is shown that these parameters can have such values that corresponding canonically quantized theory will be gauge invariant. The equations allowing to find these values of parameters are derived. The prescription under consideration is applied to obtaining the equation of motion for tachyon background field in closed bosonic string theory.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX file, minor mistakes correcte
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