5 research outputs found

    Cultivating Ethics in the Peer Review Process

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    After describing the content and implementation of an anti-racist scholarly review training informed by recent scholarship in technical communication (TC), the authors reflect on an unanticipated outcome of that training: a participant using language from the training in an attempt to silence an author they were reviewing. We analyze this experience through a framework of modern virtue ethics scholarship and explore ways to cultivate more ethical peer review practices. Drawing upon elements of ethical self-cultivation articulated by Vallor, we use concepts of moral habituation, relational understanding, and reflective self-examination to understand how to cultivate more ethical, reflexive peer review processes

    Chapter 2- Productive Disruptions: Resilient Pedagogies that Advocate for Equity

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    When the COVID-19 pandemic shuttered universities in March 2020, many students and faculty were thrown into shifting uncertainties regarding course delivery and pedagogy. As the pandemic persisted, faculty and students experienced new stressors caused by social isolation, unequal access to technology and resources, economic distress, and many other factors. In addition, the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and others in the Black community sparked widespread social unrest that added to and compounded the emotional and material weight of the pandemic. Amid this tumult, higher-education faculty began asking questions about how to move forward with pedagogies resistant to unpredictable and unprecedented disruptions. Might it be possible to design learning that is resilient to disruption? Can learning be more responsive to shifting material circumstances? These questions and others form the core of what many call “resilient pedagogy,” which the Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center (2020) defines as “an approach to teaching that takes into account the resiliency of course design, faculty, and students during uncertain times and changing circumstances” (para. 1). Values such as flexibility, adaptability, and stability inform this and related definitions, suggesting that ideal pedagogies can remain functional and productive even during times of great disruption

    Resilient Pedagogy: Practical Teaching Strategies to Overcome Distance, Disruption, and Distraction

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    Resilient Pedagogy offers a comprehensive collection on the topics and issues surrounding resilient pedagogy framed in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the social justice movements that have swept the globe. As a collection, Resilient Pedagogy is a multi-disciplinary and multi-perspective response to actions taken in different classrooms, across different institution types, and from individuals in different institutional roles with the purpose of allowing readers to explore the topics to improve their own teaching practice and support their own students through distance, disruption, and distraction

    The Right Mind: Rhetorics of Mental Health Disability and Accommodation in Higher Education

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    This dissertation explores how institutions and faculty members accommodate mental health disability in higher education. More than half of college students experience a mental health disability or related forms of mental distress during their time at college, but effective ways of accommodating such disabilities are not always clear. In this dissertation, I report two research studies where I used a combination of research methods, including interviews and eye-tracking, to understand more about how faculty respond to students who disclose a mental health disability, and to advocate for more inclusive forms of responsiveness. In the interview study, I spoke to students who have a mental health disability to ask them about how they experienced disclosing their disability and receiving classroom accommodations. I also spoke with faculty members who teach writing-intensive courses in order to understand how they perceive the disclosure and accommodation process for students with less-apparent disabilities. For the eye-tracking study, I asked faculty members to wear and eye-tracking headset while reading through several letters of accommodation, which are formal letters that campus disability services offices use to inform instructors of individual students’ disability needs. The eye-tracking helped me to know the parts of these letters most likely to attract instructor attention, and can help us know how to write these types of letters in ways that encourage faculty to respond productively and inclusively to students. All of the research is this dissertation is designed to help researchers and instructors have a stronger sense of the assumptions and practices common to higher education that can make college less accessible to students with mental health disabilities

    Strategies and performance of the CMS silicon tracker alignment during LHC Run 2

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    The strategies for and the performance of the CMS silicon tracking system alignment during the 2015–2018 data-taking period of the LHC are described. The alignment procedures during and after data taking are explained. Alignment scenarios are also derived for use in the simulation of the detector response. Systematic effects, related to intrinsic symmetries of the alignment task or to external constraints, are discussed and illustrated for different scenarios