462 research outputs found

    Trees, forests and jungles: a botanical garden for cluster expansions

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    Combinatoric formulas for cluster expansions have been improved many times over the years. Here we develop some new combinatoric proofs and extensions of the tree formulas of Brydges and Kennedy, and test them on a series of pedagogical examples.Comment: 37 pages, Ecole Polytechnique A-325.099

    The Global Renormalization Group Trajectory in a Critical Supersymmetric Field Theory on the Lattice Z^3

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    We consider an Euclidean supersymmetric field theory in Z3Z^3 given by a supersymmetric Φ4\Phi^4 perturbation of an underlying massless Gaussian measure on scalar bosonic and Grassmann fields with covariance the Green's function of a (stable) L\'evy random walk in Z3Z^3. The Green's function depends on the L\'evy-Khintchine parameter α=3+ϵ2\alpha={3+\epsilon\over 2} with 0<α<20<\alpha<2. For α=32\alpha ={3\over 2} the Φ4\Phi^{4} interaction is marginal. We prove for α32=ϵ2>0\alpha-{3\over 2}={\epsilon\over 2}>0 sufficiently small and initial parameters held in an appropriate domain the existence of a global renormalization group trajectory uniformly bounded on all renormalization group scales and therefore on lattices which become arbitrarily fine. At the same time we establish the existence of the critical (stable) manifold. The interactions are uniformly bounded away from zero on all scales and therefore we are constructing a non-Gaussian supersymmetric field theory on all scales. The interest of this theory comes from the easily established fact that the Green's function of a (weakly) self-avoiding L\'evy walk in Z3Z^3 is a second moment (two point correlation function) of the supersymmetric measure governing this model. The control of the renormalization group trajectory is a preparation for the study of the asymptotics of this Green's function. The rigorous control of the critical renormalization group trajectory is a preparation for the study of the critical exponents of the (weakly) self-avoiding L\'evy walk in Z3Z^3.Comment: 82 pages, Tex with macros supplied. Revision includes 1. redefinition of norms involving fermions to ensure uniqueness. 2. change in the definition of lattice blocks and lattice polymer activities. 3. Some proofs have been reworked. 4. New lemmas 5.4A, 5.14A, and new Theorem 6.6. 5.Typos corrected.This is the version to appear in Journal of Statistical Physic

    A simple method for finite range decomposition of quadratic forms and Gaussian fields

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    We present a simple method to decompose the Green forms corresponding to a large class of interesting symmetric Dirichlet forms into integrals over symmetric positive semi-definite and finite range (properly supported) forms that are smoother than the original Green form. This result gives rise to multiscale decompositions of the associated Gaussian free fields into sums of independent smoother Gaussian fields with spatially localized correlations. Our method makes use of the finite propagation speed of the wave equation and Chebyshev polynomials. It improves several existing results and also gives simpler proofs.Comment: minor correction for t<

    On the Convergence to the Continuum of Finite Range Lattice Covariances

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    In J. Stat. Phys. 115, 415-449 (2004) Brydges, Guadagni and Mitter proved the existence of multiscale expansions of a class of lattice Green's functions as sums of positive definite finite range functions (called fluctuation covariances). The lattice Green's functions in the class considered are integral kernels of inverses of second order positive self adjoint operators with constant coefficients and fractional powers thereof. The fluctuation coefficients satisfy uniform bounds and the sequence converges in appropriate norms to a smooth, positive definite, finite range continuum function. In this note we prove that the convergence is actually exponentially fast.Comment: 14 pages. We have added further references as well as a proof of Corollary 2.2. This version submitted for publicatio

    Fermion Determinants

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    The current status of bounds on and limits of fermion determinants in two, three and four dimensions in QED and QCD is reviewed. A new lower bound on the two-dimensional QED determinant is derived. An outline of the demonstration of the continuity of this determinant at zero mass when the background magnetic field flux is zero is also given.Comment: 10 page

    The analyticity region of the hard sphere gas. Improved bounds

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    We find an improved estimate of the radius of analyticity of the pressure of the hard-sphere gas in dd dimensions. The estimates are determined by the volume of multidimensional regions that can be numerically computed. For d=2d=2, for instance, our estimate is about 40% larger than the classical one.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in Journal of Statistical Physic

    Abstract polymer models with general pair interactions

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    A convergence criterion of cluster expansion is presented in the case of an abstract polymer system with general pair interactions (i.e. not necessarily hard core or repulsive). As a concrete example, the low temperature disordered phase of the BEG model with infinite range interactions, decaying polynomially as 1/rd+λ1/r^{d+\lambda} with λ>0\lambda>0, is studied.Comment: 19 pages. Corrected statement for the stability condition (2.3) and modified section 3.1 of the proof of theorem 1 consistently with (2.3). Added a reference and modified a sentence at the end of sec. 2.

    Abstract cluster expansion with applications to statistical mechanical systems

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    We formulate a general setting for the cluster expansion method and we discuss sufficient criteria for its convergence. We apply the results to systems of classical and quantum particles with stable interactions

    CRITICAL (Phi^{4}_{3,\epsilon})

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    The Euclidean (\phi^{4})_{3,\epsilon model in R3R^3 corresponds to a perturbation by a ϕ4\phi^4 interaction of a Gaussian measure on scalar fields with a covariance depending on a real parameter ϵ\epsilon in the range 0ϵ10\le \epsilon \le 1. For ϵ=1\epsilon =1 one recovers the covariance of a massless scalar field in R3R^3. For ϵ=0\epsilon =0 ϕ4\phi^{4} is a marginal interaction. For 0ϵ<10\le \epsilon < 1 the covariance continues to be Osterwalder-Schrader and pointwise positive. After introducing cutoffs we prove that for ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, sufficiently small, there exists a non-gaussian fixed point (with one unstable direction) of the Renormalization Group iterations. These iterations converge to the fixed point on its stable (critical) manifold which is constructed.Comment: 49 pages, plain tex, macros include

    Debye screening

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    The existence and exponential clustering of correlation functions for a classical coulomb system at low density or high temperature are proven using methods from constructive quantum field theory, the sine gordon transformation and the Glimm, Jaffe, Spencer expansion about mean field theory. This is a vindication of a belief of long standing among physicists, known as Debye screening. That is, because of special properties of the coulomb potential, the configurations of significant probability are those in which the long range parts of r −1 are mostly cancelled, leaving an effective exponentially decaying potential acting between charge clouds. This paper generalizes a previous paper of one of the authors in which these results were obtained for a special lattice system. The present treatment covers the continuous mechanics situation, with essentially arbitrary short range forces and charge species. Charge symmetry is not assumed.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46519/1/220_2005_Article_BF01197700.pd