36 research outputs found

    Wheeler-DeWitt Quantization of Gravity Models of Unified Dark Energy and Dark Matter

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    First, we describe the construction of a new type of gravity-matter models based on the formalism of non-Riemannian space-time volume forms - alternative generally covariant integration measure densities (volume elements) defined in terms of auxiliary antisymmetric tensor gauge fields. Here gravity couples in a non-conventional way to two distinct scalar fields providing a unified Lagrangian action principle description of: (i) the evolution of both "early" and "late" Universe - by the "inflaton" scalar field; (ii) dark energy and dark matter as a unified manifestation of a single material entity - the "darkon" scalar field. A physically very interesting phenomenon occurs when including in addition interactions with the electro-weak model bosonic sector - we obtain a gravity-assisted dynamical generation of electro-weak spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking in the post-inflationary "late" Universe, while the Higgs-like scalar remains massless in the "early" Universe. Next, we proceed to the Wheeler-DeWitt minisuperspace quantization of the above models. The "darkon" field plays here the role of cosmological "time". In particular, we show the absence of cosmological space-time singularities.Comment: 15 pages, to be published in the Proceedings of QTS10 - 10th International Symposium "Quantum Theory and Symmetries" (Varna, 2017), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, V. Dobrev (ed.). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1609.0691

    An introduction to quantum gravity

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    After an overview of the physical motivations for studying quantum gravity, we reprint THE FORMAL STRUCTURE OF QUANTUM GRAVITY, i.e. the 1978 Cargese Lectures by Professor B.S. DeWitt, with kind permission of Springer. The reader is therefore introduced, in a pedagogical way, to the functional integral quantization of gravitation and Yang-Mills theory. It is hoped that such a paper will remain useful for all lecturers or Ph.D. students who face the task of introducing (resp. learning) some basic concepts in quantum gravity in a relatively short time. In the second part, we outline selected topics such as the braneworld picture with the same covariant formalism of the first part, and spectral asymptotics of Euclidean quantum gravity with diffeomorphism-invariant boundary conditions. The latter might have implications for singularity avoidance in quantum cosmology.Comment: 68 pages, Latex file. Sections from 2 to 17 are published thanks to kind permission of Springe

    Green's function for gravitational waves in FRW spacetimes

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    A method for calculating the retarded Green's function for the gravitational wave equation in Friedmann-Roberson-Walker spacetimes, within the formalism of linearized Einstein gravity is developed. Hadamard's general solution to Cauchy's problem for second-order, linear partial differential equations is applied to the FRW gravitational wave equation. The retarded Green's function may be calculated for any FRW spacetime, with curved or flat spatial sections, for which the functional form of the Ricci scalar curvature RR is known. The retarded Green's function for gravitational waves propagating through a cosmological fluid composed of both radiation and dust is calculated analytically for the first time. It is also shown that for all FRW spacetimes in which the Ricci scalar curvatures does not vanish, R≠0R \neq 0, the Green's function violates Huygens' principle; the Green's function has support inside the light-cone due to the scatter of gravitational waves off the background curvature.Comment: 9 pages, FERMILAB-Pub-93/189-

    The Quantized O(1,2)/O(2)×Z2O(1,2)/O(2)\times Z_2 Sigma Model Has No Continuum Limit in Four Dimensions. I. Theoretical Framework

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    The nonlinear sigma model for which the field takes its values in the coset space O(1,2)/O(2)×Z2O(1,2)/O(2)\times Z_2 is similar to quantum gravity in being perturbatively nonrenormalizable and having a noncompact curved configuration space. It is therefore a good model for testing nonperturbative methods that may be useful in quantum gravity, especially methods based on lattice field theory. In this paper we develop the theoretical framework necessary for recognizing and studying a consistent nonperturbative quantum field theory of the O(1,2)/O(2)×Z2O(1,2)/O(2)\times Z_2 model. We describe the action, the geometry of the configuration space, the conserved Noether currents, and the current algebra, and we construct a version of the Ward-Slavnov identity that makes it easy to switch from a given field to a nonlinearly related one. Renormalization of the model is defined via the effective action and via current algebra. The two definitions are shown to be equivalent. In a companion paper we develop a lattice formulation of the theory that is particularly well suited to the sigma model, and we report the results of Monte Carlo simulations of this lattice model. These simulations indicate that as the lattice cutoff is removed the theory becomes that of a pair of massless free fields. Because the geometry and symmetries of these fields differ from those of the original model we conclude that a continuum limit of the O(1,2)/O(2)×Z2O(1,2)/O(2)\times Z_2 model which preserves these properties does not exist.Comment: 25 pages, no figure

    The EPR paradox, Bell's inequality, and the question of locality

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    Most physicists agree that the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bell paradox exemplifies much of the strange behavior of quantum mechanics, but argument persists about what assumptions underlie the paradox. To clarify what the debate is about, we employ a simple and well-known thought experiment involving two correlated photons to help us focus on the logical assumptions needed to construct the EPR and Bell arguments. The view presented in this paper is that the minimal assumptions behind Bell's inequality are locality and counterfactual definiteness, but not scientific realism, determinism, or hidden variables, as is often suggested. We further examine the resulting constraints on physical theory with an illustration from the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics -- an interpretation that we argue is deterministic, local, and realist, but that nonetheless violates the Bell inequality.Comment: 28 pages; change of title, minor wording changes, move to TeX forma

    Feynman's interpretation of quantum theory

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    A historically important but little known debate regarding the necessity and meaning of macroscopic superpositions, in particular those containing different gravitational fields, is discussed from a modern perspective.Comment: Published version for Eur.Phys.J. H. 15 pages pdf. Final version available at http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&id=doi:10.1140/epjh/e2011-10035-

    Perfect Fluid Quantum Anisotropic Universe: Merits and Challenges

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    The present paper deals with quantization of perfect fluid anisotropic cosmological models. Bianchi type V and IX models are discussed following Schutz's method of expressing fluid velocities in terms of six potentials. The wave functions are found for several examples of equations of state. In one case a complete wave packet could be formed analytically. The initial singularity of a zero proper volume can be avoided in this case, but it is plagued by the usual problem of non-unitarity of anisotropic quantum cosmological models. It is seen that a particular operator ordering alleviates this problem.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; Accepted for publication in Gen Relativ Gravi

    The Quantized O(1,2)/O(2)×Z2O(1,2)/O(2)\times Z_2 Sigma Model Has No Continuum Limit in Four Dimensions. II. Lattice Simulation

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    A lattice formulation of the O(1,2)/O(2)×Z2O(1,2)/O(2)\times Z_2 sigma model is developed, based on the continuum theory presented in the preceding paper. Special attention is given to choosing a lattice action (the ``geodesic'' action) that is appropriate for fields having noncompact curved configuration spaces. A consistent continuum limit of the model exists only if the renormalized scale constant βR\beta_R vanishes for some value of the bare scale constant~β\beta. The geodesic action has a special form that allows direct access to the small-β\beta limit. In this limit half of the degrees of freedom can be integrated out exactly. The remaining degrees of freedom are those of a compact model having a β\beta-independent action which is noteworthy in being unbounded from below yet yielding integrable averages. Both the exact action and the β\beta-independent action are used to obtain βR\beta_R from Monte Carlo computations of field-field averages (2-point functions) and current-current averages. Many consistency cross-checks are performed. It is found that there is no value of β\beta for which βR\beta_R vanishes. This means that as the lattice cutoff is removed the theory becomes that of a pair of massless free fields. Because these fields have neither the geometry nor the symmetries of the original model we conclude that the O(1,2)/O(2)×Z2O(1,2)/O(2)\times Z_2 model has no continuum limit.Comment: 32 pages, 7 postscript figures, UTREL 92-0

    Harmonic BRST Quantization of Systems with Irreducible Holomorphic Boson and Fermion Constraints

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    We show that the harmonic Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin method of quantizing bosonic systems with second-class constraints or first-class holomorphic constraints extends to systems having both bosonic and fermionic second-class or first-class holomorphic constraints. Using a limit argument, we show that the harmonic BRST modified path integral reproduces the correct Senjanovic measure.Comment: 11 pages, phyzz