77 research outputs found


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    In order for water resource managers to effectively and efficiently react to algal growths that are prohibiting use of a lake, reservoir or stream, information must be obtained on the response of the specific algae in site waters to algaecide exposures. In the absence of this information, ineffective algaecides or excessive treatments may be implemented. Research on development of an efficient algaecide assay using site specific samples could contribute to better decisions regarding algaecide applications and increase margins of safety for non-target species. Since these laboratory experiments provide predictions of responses of algae in site waters to algaecide exposures, these predictions need to be confirmed in the field. Confirmation of laboratory responses with results from field applications of algaecides will increase confidence in the laboratory assay. Additional research on the responses of non-target species such as sensitive fish and invertebrates to algaecide exposures will permit better decisions by water resource managers regarding potential risks associated with a site specific application of algaecide. Research is needed to clarify this situation. Objectives of this research were to 1) develop a planktonic algal bioassay using site water and copper-containing algaecides, 2) measure responses of Lyngbya to algaecide exposures in the laboratory and the field, and 3) contrast responses of Pimephales promelas and Ceriodaphnia dubia to laboratory and simulated field exposures of copper sulfate and Cutrine®-Plus. Results of this research indicated that a smaller volume (≥ 100ml) and shorter duration (≥72 h) of exposure can be used in planktonic algal bioassays using cell density and water from the site. Also, this research demonstrated that algaecide effectiveness in the laboratory, when site algae and water were used, can be observed at field sites. Confirmation of laboratory responses with results from field application of algaecides increases confidence in the laboratory assay. Results also indicated that less toxicity was observed in realistic declining exposures when compared to typical constant laboratory exposures. Laboratory studies that are predictive of responses of problematic algae to exposures of algaecides in field situations, and have been verified through field studies, can provide critical information for water resource managers to take effective actions

    Measurement: Surviving our Multi-Dimensional World

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    Measurement: Surviving our Multi-Dimensional World is a measurement unit with a “Survivor” theme. Many components are based on the project based learning activity Stranded! The unit begins and ends in a survivor scenario - students are stranded on a deserted island and must use a piece of scrap metal (an irregular figure) to design a device to catch fresh rain water so they can survive until they are rescued. Throughout the unit, students build understanding of measurement concepts through hands on learning activities and collaboration with peers. Students learn to use measurement concepts to describe the world around them. The unit culminates with teams of students designing, building, and testing three-dimensional water catchment devices from a two dimensional figure. Students use observations and calculations to maximize the volume of their device, and tests its effectiveness through modeling activities. The unit is designed for a 7th Grade Pre-AP class and incorporates both 7th and 8th grade measurement concepts including: area and perimeter of polygons, circles, and irregular figures; volume of prisms, cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres; nets and surface area of prisms, cylinders, and pyramids; how perimeter, area, and volume are affected by dimensional change

    Rapid Water Reduction to H_2 Catalyzed by a Cobalt Bis(iminopyridine) Complex

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    A cobalt bis(iminopyridine) complex is a highly active electrocatalyst for water reduction, with an estimated apparent second order rate constant k_(app) ≤ 10^7 M^(–1)s^(–1) over a range of buffer/salt concentrations. Scan rate dependence data are consistent with freely diffusing electroactive species over pH 4–9 at room temperature for each of two catalytic reduction events, one of which is believed to be ligand based. Faradaic H_2 yields up to 87 ± 10% measured in constant potential electrolyses (−1.4 V vs SCE) confirm high reactivity and high fidelity in a catalyst supported by the noninnocent bis(iminopyridine) ligand. A mechanism involving initial reduction of Co^(2+) and subsequent protonation is proposed

    Proportional Relationships [7th grade]

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    In this unit students will discover how everyday situations can be represented mathematically through proportional relationships. They will explore the use of ratios, rates and proportions as a problem solving tools. Students will examine proportional relationships in a variety of situations including percents, scaling, and purchasing situation (tax, tip, discount, best value etc). This unit provides two levels of learning activities. The seventh grade activities incorporate the seventh grade standards, and seventh grade pre-AP/GT activities compacts the seventh grade curriculum to incorporate both seventh and eighth grade standards. Pre-AP/GT activities can also be used as extension to the 7th grade curriculum. The unit culminates in a final performance assessment that challenges students to redesign a room. Students make decisions about paint and flooring options, and discover their costs as a designer on a RE-Design TV show. In the assessments students will demonstrate their understanding of scaling, unit rates, discounts, and sales tax

    Analisis laporan anggaran dan laporan realisasi anggaran untuk menilai kinerja keuangan organisasi nirlaba (studi pada yayasan sosial Y dari tahun 2018-2022)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja keuangan pada Yayasan Sosial Y melalui analisis laporan anggaran dan realisasi anggaran dengan menggunakan analisis value for money. Jenis data dan sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder berupa wawancara dan laporan realisasi anggaran yayasan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif berupa analisis pengukuran rasio dan juga deskriptif kualitatif berupa analisis pengukuran value for money terhadap laporan realisasi anggaran Yayasan Sosial Y periode 2018-2022. Dari hasil analisis dan pembahasan didapatkan hasil yaitu untuk rasio ekonomis Yayasan Sosial Y cenderung tidak ekonomis dari tahun ke tahun. Untuk rasio efektivitas Yayasan Sosial Y semakin efektif terkait dengan penerimaan yang berasal dari dalam Yayasan dan cenderung efektif terkait dengan penerimaan yang berasal dari luar Yayasan. Semakin efektif berarti yayasan semakin bisa merealisasikan anggaran pendapatan yang direncanakan walaupun terdapat beberapa kelompok akun yang setiap tahunnya dapat berubah akibat faktor di luar kendali seperti turunnya tingkat produksi dan juga naik turunnya bantuan dana dari donatur. Untuk rasio efisiensi Yayasan Sosial Y cenderung kurang efisien. Oleh karena itu dapat disarankan penerapan value for money dalam perencanaan anggaran, memastikan setiap pengeluaran telah dianggarkan, meningkatkan jumlah pendapatan dari usaha ekonomi produktif serta bekerja sama dengan fakultas pertanian setempat.This study aims to analyze the financial performance of Social Foundation Y by examining the budget reports and actual budget implementation using a value for money analysis. The types and sources of ƒ data used are primary and secondary data, including interviews and the foundation's budget realization reports. The data analysis technique employed is a quantitative descriptive analysis in the form of ratio measurement analysis, as well as qualitative descriptive analysis in the form of value for money measurement analysis on Social Foundation Y's budget realization reports for the period 2018-2022. From the analysis and discussion, it was found that the economic ratio of Social Foundation Y tends to be uneconomical year by year. As for the effectiveness ratio of Social Foundation Y, it is increasingly effective in terms of revenues originating from within the Foundation and tends to be effective in terms of revenues from outside the Foundation. Increasing effectiveness means the foundation is increasingly able to realize the planned income budget, although there are some account groups that can change annually due to factors beyond control, such as a decrease in dairy production as well as fluctuations in financial support from donors. Regarding the efficiency ratio of Social Foundation Y, it appears to be less efficient. Therefore, it is recommended to implement value for money in budget planning, ensure every expenditure is budgeted, increase the income from productive economic business, and collaborate with local agricultural faculties

    Analisis Pengaruh Citra Gelap, Normal, Terang Terhadap Wavelet Orthogonal

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    Abstract. An image is classified into dark, normal, and bright image. The images are grouped in the dark images according to the histogram and the mu value. An image consists of information and redundancies. The use of wavelet is considered effective in image compression and it does not only cut down the memory usage but also it makes devices work faster. In this study, an analysis in conducted on the influence of dark, normal, and bright images on the orthogonal wavelet. Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) is used to compare 17 functions of wavelet orthogonal in the image compression of dark, normal, and bright images. PSNR is a measurement parameter commonly used for measuring the quality of image reconstruction which is then compared with the original image. Compression ratio is used to measure the reduction of the data size after the compression process. Based on the research on the dark, normal, and bright image, the findings reveal that bright image has got the lowest PNSR value at all image testing while the normal image has the highest PSNR value at the wavelet orthogonal application. Keywords : Image compression, Orthogonal wavelet, PSNR, compression ratio.Abstrak. Suatu citra dikelompokkan menjadi citra gelap, citra normal, dan citra terang. Pengelompokan citra menjadi warna gelap terlihat dari histogram dan nilai rerata intensitas (mu). Citra terdiri atas informasi dan redudansi. Penggunaan wavelet dinilai efektif dalam kompresi citra dan menurunkan penggunaan memori serta membuat perangkat menjadi lebih cepat. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan analisis pengaruh citra gelap, citra normal, dan citra terang terhadap wavelet orthogonal. Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) digunakan untuk membandingkan 17 fungsi wavelet orthogonal dalam kompresi citra gelap, citra normal, dan citra terang. PSNR adalah parameter ukur yang sering digunakan untuk pengukuran kualitas gambar rekonstruksi, yang lalu dibandingkan dengan gambar asli. Rasio kompresi digunakan untuk mengukur pengurangan ukuran data setelah proses kompresi. Berdasarkan penelitian pada citra gelap, citra normal, dan citra terang diperoleh bahwa citra terang menghasilkan nilai PSNR paling kecil untuk seluruh citra uji dan citra normal menghasilkan nilai PSNR paling besar dalam penerapan wavelet orthogonal. Kata kunci : Kompresi citra, Wavelet orthogonal, PSNR, rasio kompresi

    Random forest de los factores asociados a la desnutrición crónica en niños peruanos menores de cinco años, 2020

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    Analizar los factores asociados a la desnutrición crónica en niños peruanos menores de cinco años en 2020, utilizando dos modelos de machine learning: Random Forest y AdaBoost. Se balanceó la variable dependiente para ambos modelos y se compararon mediante indicadores de desempeño. Los resultados mostraron que el modelo Random forest tuvo un mejor desempeño en términos de AUC y sensibilidad, mientras que el modelo AdaBoost tuvo una mejor especificidad. En cuanto a los factores asociados a la desnutrición infantil, se identificaron la edad del menor, el número de niños en el hogar y el índice de riqueza como los más importantes. En conclusión, el modelo Random forest fue el más adecuado para predecir la desnutrición crónica en niños peruanos menores de cinco años en 2020, y los factores de mayor importancia fueron la edad del menor, el número de niños en el hogar y el índice de riqueza. Estos hallazgos pueden ser de gran utilidad para desarrollar estrategias efectivas de prevención y control de la desnutrición infantil en Perú

    Asociación de factores en el uso de plataformas E- learning en estudiantes de medicina, Arequipa 2023

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    Objetivo: Asociar los factores académicos y sociodemográficos con el uso de plataformas e-learning en estudiantes de Medicina de Arequipa. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de tipo observacional, prospectivo y transversal. La muestra estuvo conformada por 259 alumnos a quienes se les aplicó de manera virtual (Google Forms), consentimiento informado, ficha de recolección de datos personales y el cuestionario del instrumento calibrado previamente. El análisis estadístico se realizó por estadística descriptiva y analítica para demostrar relación de factores, se utilizó el análisis bivariado con pruebas de chi-cuadrado y el análisis de regresión de Poisson. Resultados: La edad promedio fue de 22 años (DS ±2.75). Se reportó un uso de e-learning como recurso académico en 192 estudiantes que representan el 74.1%. Se reveló que la prevalencia de uso de learning fue significativamente mayor en aquellos que publicaron un artículo científico previamente (RPc 1.20 IC95% 1.01 a 1.43), los que afirman que la simulación clínica forma parte estructural del e-learning (RPc 1.54 IC95% 1.04 a 2.27; 76.8%, p =0.003), en aquellos estudiantes que refirieron una aceptación de la educación médica en base a competencias (75.9%, p =0.028) y en aquellos que pertenecen al séptimo año (RPc 1.35 IC95% 1.01 a 1.79). Conclusiones: Los factores académicos que se encuentran asociados al uso de plataformas e-learning en los estudiantes de medicina son aquellos que publicaron un artículo científico, aquellos que afirman que la simulación clínica forma parte estructural del e-learning, en aquellos estudiantes que refirieron una aceptación de la educación médica en base a competencias y en aquellos que pertenecen al séptimo año

    Aplicaciones educativas en realidad virtual para el dispositivo Oculus Quest 2

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Bachillerato en Ingeniería en Computación) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería en Computación, 2022El estudiante del Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Bryand Josué Flores Medina, fue admitido en el Laboratorio de Desarrollo de Multimedia 3D de la Escuela de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad de Kyushu en la ciudad de Itoshima, prefectura de Fukuoka, Japón, para realizar su proyecto de graduación. Dicho proyecto consistió en el aprendizaje y desarrollo de una aplicación educativa en realidad virtual haciendo uso de la biblioteca de JavaScript ThreeJS (biblioteca que permite la creación de aplicaciones web con gran cantidad de contenido 3D) y que cuyo dispositivo objetivo para la experiencia en realidad virtual fue el Oculus Quest 2. Además del desarrollo de la aplicación, el proyecto de investigación tuvo también como propósito comprobar si es posible utilizar la realidad virtual para desarrollar aplicaciones educativas eficientes y divertidas, para lo cual se llevó a cabo un experimento con dos grupos distintos de personas para reunir la información necesaria para aceptar o rechazar dicho enunciado.Universidad de Kyush