167 research outputs found

    Asymmetric Space Market Adjustment in the London Office Market

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    Earlier estimates of the City of London office market are extended by considering a longer time series of data, covering two cycles, and by explicitly modeling of asymmetric space market responses to employment and supply shocks. A long run structural model linking real rental levels, office-based employment and the supply of office space is estimated and then rental adjustment processes are modeled using an error correction model framework. Rental adjustment is seen to be asymmetric, depending both on the direction of the supply and demand shocks and on the state of the space market at the time of the shock. Vacancy adjustment does not display asymmetries. There is also a supply adjustment equation. Two three-equation systems, one with symmetric rental adjustment and the other with asymmetric adjustment, are subjected to positive and negative shocks to employment. These illustrate differences in the two systems.office market models, rental adjustment, asymmetric responses, vacancy rate

    Investor Rationality: An Analysis of NCREIF Commercial Property Data

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    The concept of a peak in value or a "100% location" is so well established in real estate that there is no reference to the term in recent real estate principles and appraisal texts. However, the land value section in appraisals of a regional shopping center did not apply the concept when adjusting comparables for location, which resulted in a substantial underestimation of site value. A regression model that included a distance variable to control for location produced a value estimate that was more than double the values in the appraisals. The empirical results illustrate that the subject site represented a distinct peak in land value as well as reemphasizing the importance of making careful location adjustments in situations where there is a distinct peak in land value.

    Investor Rationality: Evidence from UK Property Capitalization Rates

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    Recent analyses have suggested the irrationality of investors in Australian and U.S. office properties. More specifically, investors have failed to raise capitalization rates sufficiently at rental cyclical peaks to account for the obvious mean reversion in real rents and thus have significantly overvalued properties. In this paper we analyze the determination of UK office and retail capitalization rates and provide evidence that these rates reflect rational expectations of mean reversion in future real cash flows. Moreover, these rates are linked to capitalization rates (dividend/price ratio) and expected dividend earnings growth as expected.

    Asymmetric Space Market Adjustment in the London Office Market

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    Models of the City of London office market are extended by considering a longer time series of data, covering two cycles, and by explicit modeling of asymmetric rental response to supply and demand model. A long run structural model linking demand for office space, real rental levels and office-based employment is estimated and then rental adjustment processes are modeled using an error correction model framework. Adjustment processes are seen to be asymmetric, dependent both on the direction of the supply and demand shock and on the state of the rental market at the time of the shock. A complete system of equations is estimated: unit shocks produce oscillations but there is a return to a steady equilibrium state in the long run.office market models, rental adjustment, asymmetric responce, vacancy rate

    The Inflation Hedging Characteristics of US and UK Investments:  A Multi-Factor Error Correction Approach

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    Historic analysis of the inflation hedging properties of stocks produced anomalous results, with equities often appearing to offer a perverse hedge against inflation. This has been attributed to the impact of real and monetary shocks to the economy, which influence both inflation and asset returns. It has been argued that real estate should provide a better hedge: however, empirical results have been mixed. This paper explores the relationship between commercial real estate returns (from both private and public markets) and economic, fiscal and monetary factors and inflation for US and UK markets. Comparative analysis of general equity and small capitalisation stock returns in both markets is carried out. Inflation is subdivided into expected and unexpected components using different estimation techniques. The analyses are undertaken using long-run error correction techniques. In the long-run, once real and monetary variables are included, asset returns are positively linked to anticipated inflation but not to inflation shocks. Adjustment processes are, however, gradual and not within period. Real estate returns, particularly direct market returns, exhibit characteristics that differ from equitiesInvestment Returns, Real Estate, Inflation Hedging, Error Correction Model

    Evidence on Rationality in Commercial Property Markets: An Interpretation and Critique

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    Periodic sharp sustained increases and then reversals in asset prices lead many to posit irrational price bubbles. The general case for irrationality is that real asset prices simply have moved too much given the future real cash flows the assets are reasonably likely to produce. A corollary for property is that observed mean reversion in real cash flows is not reflected in investor valuations, resulting in asset values being too high when real cash flows are high and vice versa. In this paper we interpret, critique and extend existing analyses of movements in real commercial property prices during the late 1980s and early 1990s.

    Global Real Estate Mutual Funds : Managerial Skills and Diversification Benefits?

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    Do the Managers of Global Real Estate Mutual Funds Have Skills?

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