29 research outputs found

    Intraoral scanners in personal identification of corpses: usefulness and reliability of 3d technologies in modern forensic dentistry

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    Aims: This study aims to verify the applicability of modern dental technologies and their related principles of use to the forensic sciences in the field of personal identification. Background: Personal identification has always had a major role in many legal and administrative actions regarding both living and death beings. The techniques used are much less advanced than the technologies potentially available. Objective: Modern technologies, available to the daily dental clinic practice, as intraoral scanners, combined in particular to the specialist skill in orthodontics, can help redefine the methods of personal identification according to the levels of accuracy, trueness and feasibility greater than those applied in traditional forensic dentistry. Methods: 23 corpses (12F;11M) have been selected for intraoral scanning with the Carestream 3500® digital device. The superimposition of initial and late digital models, digital models and radiographs (orthopantomography and full mouth periapical films) has been evaluated to verify the stability of some structures as palatal rugae after death and to assess intraoral scanning as a successful comparative method between antemortem and postmortem records (digital models or radiographs). Obtained results were subjected to statistical analysis by the t-student test and X-square test with Yates correction (p<0.05). Results: After death, palatal rugae significatively change especially in mouths with restorations/prosthesis/missing teeth. The percentages of correct matching between scans and radiographs are very higher (up 90%; p<0.05). Conclusion: This study has been set up to study and develop new, reliable and fast methods of personal identification that can surpass many of the issues seen with the other techniques by a modern rugoscopy, a modern radiographic-digital comparison and virtual oral autopsy

    A linguistic analysis of dubbing: the case of Bend it like Beckham

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    The article discusses several relevant llinguistic issues in the adaptation of the film Bend it like Beckham from English into Italian and evaluates the quality of the Italian dub

    Conversational Routines Across Languages: The Case of Greetings and Leave-takings in Original and Dubbed Films

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    The contribution discusses the use of greetings and leave-takings in the original English dialogues and in dubbed Italian by extracting data from a corpus of films. The work builds on results of previous research and hones the classification of these conversational routines in this discourse type and in translation

    How to Use Pilot Projects to Implement Open Innovation

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    Existing empirical research indicates that strong organizational barriers and inertia need to be overcome to ensure a smooth transition of a firm's approach to technological innovation from Closed to Open Innovation. The objective of the paper is to study how firms can identify, plan, and manage a pilot project so as to unfreeze the status quo and prepare the ground for a successful shift toward Open Innovation. Integrating existing literature in the field of innovation management, organizational change and project management, the paper develops a conceptual framework which identifies three steps a pilot project goes through (i.e. conception, realization and transfer of project's results) and the aspects that should be looked at along these stages so as to mobilize the organization and revolutionize its strategic approach to innovation management. These issues are investigated using a multiple case study involving 4 firms that can be considered as "early adopters" of Open Innovation in Italy. The paper provides several insights to R&amp;D managers and Chief Technology Officers that will hopefully help them foresee and properly administer the organizational implications of adopting Open approaches to innovation management. </jats:p

    A 15 years survey for dental malpractice claims in Rome, Italy

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    In recent years, dental malpractice claims seems to have increased dramatically worldwide without a clear explanation. The aim of our work is to shed more light on this phenomenon to better understand its magnitude and trend, and to point out possible critical factors that, if changed, can mitigate it. Material and method: 458 cases of dental malpractice sentenced by the civil court of Rome, Italy, from 2001 to 2015, were collected. Useful information was extracted, reported in a grid and statistically analyzed. Data was compared between years and overall evaluated. Results: Multiple information were obtained, among which: the number of dental malpractice claims has decreased in most recent years; Dental professionals are found guilty in 74% of cases; the average compensation granted is 18.820,15 €; only 47,7% of the insured dentist found guilty was fully covered by their insurance. Conclusions: Contrary to what we expected, dental malpractice claims in court have decreased in recent years. The limit liability of dental professional insurances is high compared to the average compensation granted and the insurance doesn't always cover all the expenses for the presence of peculiar clauses in the contract

    Dallo stilo allo schermo. Sintesi di teoria della traduzione.

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    Il volume presenta un sunto di teoria della traduzione ed è diviso in due parti: nella prima, Dalle origini al primo Novecento, gli interventi tratteggiano le tappe diacroniche essenziali dello sviluppo teorico sulla traduzione; nella seconda, Dagli anni Trenta del Novecento a oggi, i capitoli sono dedicati alle principali scuole di pensiero e ai principali approcci metodologici alla traduttologia

    Medical advancements: emergency contraception (EC). Medico-legal implications of EC on adolescents

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    The article's main focus is documenting what the best options are in order to make sure that minors are allowed to play a key role in the management of issues arising from the use of emergency contraception. In that regard, there is a lack of clean-cut legislative measures and, although there are several legal and ethical norms designed to get parents or legal guardians involved in such decisions, there seems to be an increasingly widespread tendency to give weight to the minor's will, thus acknowledging her decision-making capacity. Lastly, the paper's authors undertake a thorough examination as to what the duties of doctors are, and the measures that need to be put in place in order to safeguard the minor patients' conditions. They arrive at the conclusion that emergency contraception is suitable for minors even in absence of the stated consent from their parents or guardians, but it is of utmost importance to implement adequate measures aimed at the provision of proper care, prevention and education

    Neurovascular headache and occipital neuralgia secondary to bleeding of bulbocervical cavernoma

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    It has recently been suggested that the trigeminocervical complex plays a crucial role in the pathophysiology of neck discomfort that accompanies migraine attacks. Clinical and neurophysiological data have shown that pain within the occipital area may be transmitted by the first trigeminal branch, which supports an anatomical and functional link between cervical and trigeminal modulation of peripheral afferents. We describe a patient with an acute symptomatic migraine attack and chronic occipital neuralgia, both due to bleeding of a bulbocervical cavernoma. The clinical presentation is also discussed and related to recent scientific data on the role of the trigeminocervical complex in both the clinical picture and underlying pathophysiological mechanisms of cervical and head pain. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007