123 research outputs found

    A vegetação nos aldeamentos indígenas Tekoha Añetete e Tekoha Itamarã, Diamante d'Oeste, Paraná.

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    A cobertura florestal original que abrangia, em grande parte, o oeste do Paraná pertence à unidade fitogeográfica Floresta Estacional Semidecidual e apresenta como característica singular a semidecidualidade de 20% a 80% das árvores do dossel. Com o decorrer do desenvolvimento e expansão agrícolas, as florestas foram severamente reduzidas e empobrecidas floristicamente nos remanescentes. Restaram florestas como áreas mais extensas apenas em unidades de conservação, além de terras indígenas, importantes espaços para a conservação de flora e fauna. As terras indígenas no município de Diamante D?Oeste, PR, proporcionam atualmente a manutenção de aproximadamente 1.500 ha de florestas, inclusive nas margens de importantes rios. Grande parte dessas terras foram utilizadas para a criação de búfalos em sistema extensivo, provocando a degradação das florestas. Neste sentido, é fundamental que se conheça a flora existente atualmente, bem como seus respectivos ambientes. Ao encontro dessa necessidade, o estado do Paraná, Itaipu Binacional, Instituto Agronômico do Paraná (Iapar) e a Embrapa Florestas, no ano de 2018, formaram uma parceria para possibilitar levantamentos semidetalhados de solos e de vegetação de margens de rios e de nascentes na região Oeste ? PronaSolos Paraná, mais especificamente na Bacia Hidrográfica Paraná III. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar as florestas fluviais e de nascente nas terras indígenas Tekoha Añetete e Tekoha Itamarã por meio de amostragem da vegetação ? arbórea e epifítica, suas funcionalidades, relacionando-as com a geomorfologia e solos existentes nesses ambientes. Também foram fornecidas recomendações de manejo e de recomposição da vegetação em função dos usos identificados pela comunidade indígena, considerando funções ecológicas tais como a contenção de sedimentos e a estabilidade de margens garantindo as relações ecológicas do meio físico com a floresta. Os resultados obtidos auxiliarão o apoio técnico às comunidades indígenas, podendo contribuir para a formulação de políticas públicas para a região, além de aumentar o conhecimento da flora da região e suas relações em ambientes tão importantes como são os fluviais.bitstream/item/215831/1/Livro-Doc-337-1796-final-5.pd

    Coleção de exsicatas - PronaSolos Paraná.

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    Exsicatas são partes de plantas desidratadas (secas), formadas por elementos característicos e necessários para a classificação das espécies, tais como galhos, folhas, flores e frutos

    Structure and dynamics of radicals in solids by EPR and ENDOR spectroscopies

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    EPR and ENDOR (Electron Nuclear DOuble Resonance) spectroscopies give complementary information in the study of paramagnetic species in solids. The ENDOR technique allows the determination of hyperfine tensors an order of magnitude smaller with respect to the EPR one. The molecular motions in solids affect the relaxation of both the transverse and longitudinal magnetization of the paramagnetic probe. The measurement of the transverse relaxation time is traditionally available by the EPR lineshape analysis. Population variations due to the longitudinal relaxation processes can be monitored by the study of the amplitude of the ENDOR spectra

    Radiation quality discrimination by continuous and pulse ESR techniques

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    The biological damages produced by ionizing radiations in tissues and cells depend on the radiation quality, besides on the dose. The discrimination of the radiation quality, which is related to the linear energy transfer (LET), interests various fields such as radiobiology, astronautic space research, radiotherapy research and accidental dosimetry. In this work we have applied continuous wave ESR (cw-ESR) and pulse ESR techniques to ammonium tartrate samples with the aim of developing procedures able to discriminate radiation quality whose knowledge is fundamental for rabiobiological considerations. We have chosen the ammonium tartrate because it is a promising compound for the measurement of the absorbed ionizing radiation dose [1, 2, 3]. The compound is particularly competitive to standard alanine in the detection of ionizing radiation other than high energy gamma photons, such as low energy X photons, electrons, protons, thermal neutrons. At the same time cw-ESR and the Electron Spin Echo (ESE) decay techniques and Double Electron-Electron Resonance (DEER) can be used to obtain from average to local distributions of spins. CW-ESR is particular suited for the determination of total spin (macroscopic) concentration, whereas ESE is suited for the determination of local concentration. A new insight into the knowledge of the complex distribution of free radicals inside the dosimeters can be obtained by DEER. This technique is very useful for our purpose because it is able to measure distance between radicals in solids in the range of approximately 1.5-8 nm by analyzing the dipolar coupling between two electron spins. In this work we analyze the spatial distributions of the free radicals produced after exposure of ammonium tartrate dosimeters to various radiation beams (21 MeV protons, 60Co γ-photons, thermal neutrons). By measuring the differences between the local radical concentrations and the macroscopic one, and the distributions of radical-radical distances obtained with DEER, this study has given details on the differences between the distributions of radicals created by the radiation-matter energy transfer for the different ionizing radiations. Differences and analogies are discussed in terms of differences and analogies in the LET and type of particles involved. References [1] S. K. Olsson, S. Bagherian, E. Lund, G. A. Carlsson, A. Lund, Appl. Radiat. Isot. 1999, 50, 95565. [2] M. Brustolon, A. Zoleo and A. Lund, J. Magn. Reson., 1999, 137, 389-396. [3] A. Bartolotta, M. C. D'Oca, M. Brai, V. Caputo, V. De Caro, L. I. Giannola, Phys. Med. Biol., 2001, 46, 461-471

    Guest-guest interactions in urea inclusion compounds

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    Different types of urea inclusion compounds have been studied to test the importance of the molecular interactions between the guests. Experimental evidence has been obtained from the EPR spectra of radicals derived from guests by room temperature gamma-ray irradiation of the inclusion compounds. The guest-guest intra-channel interactions are very important in the case of tridecanedioic and tetradecanedioic dicarboxylic acid guests which give rise to strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding between the carboxylic groups. It is found that the molecular conformation of the tetradecanedioic acid is strongly distorted to fit in the host channel dimensions. The interactions between guest molecules included in adjacent host channels have been modulated by varying the relative guest composition in a mixed nonadecan-10-one-nonadecane inclusion compound. It is shown that the molecular reorientation of the nonadecan-10-one guest becomes faster by increasing the nonadecane percentage as a consequence of the reduced inter-channel interactions

    Echo detected EPR as a tool for detecting radiation-induced defect signals in pottery

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    Archaeological fragments of pottery have been investigated by using CW-EPR and Echo Detected EPR (EDEPR). EDEPR allows to remove the CW-EPR dominant Fe(III) background spectrum, hiding much weaker signals potentially useful for dating purpose. EDEPR spectra attributed to a methyl radical and to feldspar defects have been recorded at room and low temperature for an Iron Age cooking ware (700 B.C.). A study on the dependence of EDEPR intensity over absorbed dose on a series of gamma-irradiated brick samples (estimated age of 562 +/- 140 B.C.) has confirmed the potential efficacy of the proposed method for spotting defect signals out of the strong iron background. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    ENDOR of Fremy's salt

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    The 14N ENDOR of the radical anion (SO3)2NO= has been observed in fluid solutions in water and in water-ethanol mixtures, and trapped in irradiated single crystals of potassium hydroxylamine disulphonate. The quadrupole coupling has been estimated from the solid-state spectra and it is argued that this interaction is too weak to provide a significant relaxation mechanism for the radical in solution. Spectra have been calculated assuming relaxation occurs through modulation of the g and dipolar tensors and the spin-rotation coupling, together with Heisenberg exchange, and the results agree quite well with the spectra observed for the radical in water. An additional relaxation mechanism seems to operate in the water-ethanol mixtures