78 research outputs found

    (Not so) Intuitive Results from a Smart Agriculture Low-Power Wireless Mesh Deployment

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    International audienceA 21-node low-power wireless mesh network is deployed in a peach orchard. The network serves as a frost event prediction system. On top of sensor values, devices also report network statistics. In 3 months of operations, the network has produced over 4 million temperature values, and over 350,000 network statistics. This paper presents an in-depth analysis of the statistics, in order to precisely understand the performance of the network. Nodes in the network exhibit an expected lifetime between 4 and 16 years, with an end-to-end reliability of 100%. We show how – contrary to popular belief – wireless links are symmetric. Thanks to the use of Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH), the network topology is very stable, with ≤5 link changes per day in the entire network

    Diagnostic de la fluorose dans la population romaine de Cumes (Italie, IIe siècle av. J.-C. – Ier siècle apr. J.-C.) à partir d’une approche multidisciplinaire archéométrique et paléopathologique appliquée aux restes humains brûlés

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    La fluorose osseuse est une pathologie liée à l’accumulation excessive de fluor dans les os, qui entraine notamment une augmentation de la densité de ceux-ci. Cette maladie sévit à l’état endémique dans certaines zones volcaniques où les eaux souterraines contiennent des doses élevées de fluor, dépassant souvent les recommandations de l’OMS. L’intoxication y est le résultat d’une ingestion prolongée de grandes quantités de fluor. La ville antique de Cumes (Campanie, Italie), est située à 20 k..

    Etude de l'état sanitaire et des performances de croissance d'Acipenser baeri dans des piscicultures du Sud-Ouest : années 1987, 1988, 1989

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    La première partie de cette étude est consacrée au suivi sanitaire de l'esturgeon Acipenser baeri dans des piscicultures de type intensif. Ce suivi, ainsi que les anlyses au laboratoire permettent de dresser un bilan sanitaire. Deux types de syndromes sont apparus : déformation de la colonne vertébrale et nécrose des holobranchies. Des analyses parasitologiques, bactériologiques, et virologiques ont été effectuées régulièrement. Ces investigations ne font apparaître aucune pathologie spécifique mais montrent que l'esturgeon peut être sensible à des agents pathogènes rencontrées sur d'autres espèces. La seconde partie rapporte les résultats d'un suivi zootechnique d'esturgeons acipenser baeri élevés dans deux salmonicultures (landes, hautes-pyrénées). Les conditions thermiques observées ne sont pas favorables à la croissance de ces animaux. Le taux de croissance reste faible dans les deux cas

    Asian-Pacific economic development : past, future & present

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    The financial crisis that began in mid-1997 came as complete surprise to the global community. Its magnitude and rapid spread reverberated throughout the world. Still today, no clear agreement exists on what truly caused this economic tragedy. From foreign exchange rate pegging to the US dollar to lack of prudential supervision have been iterated as one the most rationale explanations for the Asian financial crisis. Starting with Thailand and rapidly infecting other nations of the Asia-Pacific rim the crisis strengthen while taking away investor confidence and thus taking potential investments. With the greater global economic integration, the crisis has been worldwide, which has led to a better understanding the drawbacks of globalisation. This thesis seeks to analyse and synthesize the ideas on future prospects for economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region against the backdrop of its historical development and the financial crisis of the mid-1990s

    Ovarian development and cycles in cultured Siberian sturgeon,

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    Sturgeon lack external sexual dimorphism and have longer-than-annual ovarian cycles. Using gonadal biopsy of marked fish, we identified sex and monitored ovarian development in one cohort of cultured Siberian sturgeon over the age interval 8.5-12.5 year. Sex ratio in the population did not differ from 1:1 (268 females and 286 males). Each November, the females were separated into two groups: one with ovarian follicle diameter ≥ 2.8 mm (Group 2, spawnable) and another with smaller follicles in previtellogenic or vitellogenic growth (Group 1). During the 5 year period of observations, 11.2 % of the initial 268 females were lost. The oocytes of Group 2 exhibited migratory germinal vesicle but its position in animal hemisphere was not peripheral in November. The annual changes in proportions of Group 2 females, from 34.6 to 63.3 %, reflected ovarian cycles of different duration. Majority of 196 females, matured two or more times during a period of study, exhibited biennial ovarian cycle or recurring cycles of 1 and 2 years in the same individual. Annual and triennial cycles were also observed. Some abnormalities in oocyte pigmentation are described

    Reproduction contrôlée de l'esturgeon sibérien (Acipenser baeri) et alevinage

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    Ce document fait la synthèse des données se rapportant à la reproduction de l'esturgeon sibérien en élevage ainsi qu'à l'alevinage. Il sera très largement orienté sur les femelles

    Artificial spawning of cultured sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus, stimulated by carp pituitary homogenate

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    This paper reports the reproductive chracteristics of four yearly spawning trials carried out on the same group of spawners of cultured Acipenser ruthenus stimulated with carp pituitary homogenates. Size of follicles firstly increased with the age and then remanied stable at 2,9 mm diameter. The shortest latencies of ovulation were 23 h (18°) and 26 h (15°). The best reproductive results in term of oosomatic index, relative fecundity and fertilization rate were obtained in the third spawning trials for 14-16 years old fish. All these characteristics shown a decreasing trend for 15-17 years old fish
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