7 research outputs found

    Feasibility study Sandwhip Crossdam, Stability of clay-filled gunny bags

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    The behavior of the gunny bags under strong currents has been investigated in a flume on a scale of 1:1 . In the first test series a dam was built up with gunny bags only. The bags in the dam are quite stable up till a velocity of ca 2.60 m/s. With larger velocities the current is removing the bags to such an extend, that the flow cross-section is enlarged, so the velocity decreases again to ca 2.60 m/s. During a second series of tests, the bags were droppedon top of a willow mattress at floor level of the flume. In that case, velocities up till ca 3.00 mis did no harm. However at velocities of ca 3.80 m/s an avalanche effect was noticed and the flume was swept clean by the current removing all bags including the mattress.KWP-collectio

    Verbetering ESTMORF

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