6 research outputs found

    How do parents experience patching or dichoptic action video gaming as amblyopia treatment? A qualitative study exploring treatment preferences and information needs to facilitate decision-making

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    Purpose: To explore parents' experiences, preferences and information needs when either patching treatment or dichoptic action video gaming is used as an amblyopia treatment for their child. Methods: A qualitative study was carried out on parents whose newly diagnosed amblyopic children participated in a randomised controlled trial (RCT) comparing the effects of dichoptic action video gaming versus patching. A purposive heterogenic sample was selected for an additional interview after the study period. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with one or both parents and transcribed verbatim, and a thematic analysis was performed. Results: Ten families agreed to participate: seven in the patching group and three in the gaming group. Two themes emerged from the data exploring experiences with treatment: (1) factors influencing compliance and (2) burden with treatment. Parents reported creating a routine which improved compliance with patching, as opposed to gaming where parents felt less need to conduct the treatment themselves as it was performed in the outpatient clinic. In both groups, parents experienced an information hiatus regarding the role of refractive error. In deciding the type of treatment to be used, parents preferred to deliberate the choice with the healthcare professional and discuss considerations resulting in shared decisions. The emerging themes were (1) effect and efficiency of treatment, (2) organisational aspects of treatments and (3) their child's traits. Conclusion: This study provides insight into the experiences of parents whose children underwent different types of amblyopia therapy. Both treatments have their own advantages and disadvantages. For parents, the effectiveness and efficiency of treatment were the most important aspects when deciding the method of management. Parents wish to come to a well-informed, shared decision regarding the type of amblyopia treatment.</p

    Leidraad voor de paramedicus: Over het signaleren en bespreken van geldzorgen, en het verwijzen van patiënten met geldzorgen

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    " Geldzorgen hebben impact op de gezondheid, daar merk je als zorgprofessional ook veel van: zorgmijding, vragen over de kosten van de behandeling, stoppen met een behandeling, adviezen die niet opgevolgd worden, klachten die voortkomen uit chronische stress. Als zorgprofessional wil je dat de patiënt baat heeft bij jouw zorgverlening. Wat kun je dan doen? Er is veel mogelijk. Je kunt eraan bijdragen dat zij eerder hulp krijgen en zo eerder uit hun schuldensituatie kunnen komen. Dat kan helpen om gezondheidsklachten van patiënten te verminderen. Er is een interventiepakket ontwikkeld voor paramedici waarvan je gebruik kunt maken. Deze leidraad bevat informatie over het interventiepakket en biedt enige achtergrondinformatie over hoe je deze kunt gebruiken in je praktijk of werkomgeving en hoe je dit onderwerp binnen jouw organisatie kunt oppakken.

    Feasibility of the Dutch ICF Activity Inventory: a pilot study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Demographic ageing will lead to increasing pressure on visual rehabilitation services, which need to be efficiently organised in the near future. The Dutch ICF Activity Inventory (D-AI) was developed to assess the rehabilitation needs of visually impaired persons. This pilot study tests the feasibility of the D-AI using a computer-assisted telephone interview.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In addition to the regular intake, the first version of the D-AI was assessed in 20 patients. Subsequently, patients and intake assessors were asked to fill in an evaluation form. Based on these evaluations, a new version of the D-AI was developed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mean administration time of the D-AI was 88.8 (± 41.0) minutes. Overall, patients and assessors were positive about the D-AI assessment. However, professionals and 60% of the patients found the administration time to be too long. All included items were considered relevant and only minor adjustments were recommended.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The systematic character of the revised D-AI will prevent topics from being overlooked and indicate which needs have the highest priority from a patient-centred perspective. Moreover, ongoing assessment of the D-AI will enhance evaluation of the rehabilitation process. To decrease administration time, in the revised D-AI only the top priority goals will be fully assessed. Using the D-AI, a rehabilitation plan based on individual needs can be developed for each patient. Moreover, it enables better evaluation of the effects of rehabilitation. A larger validation study is planned.</p