128 research outputs found

    A broad typology of dry rainforests on the western slopes of New South Wales

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    Dry rainforests are those communities that have floristic and structural affinities to mesic rainforests and occur in parts of eastern and northern Australia where rainfall is comparatively low and often highly seasonal. The dry rainforests of the western slopes of New South Wales are poorly-understood compared to other dry rainforests in Australia, due to a lack of regional scale studies. This paper attempts to redress this by deriving a broad floristic and structural typology for this vegetation type. Phytogeographical analysis followed full floristic surveys conducted on 400 m2 plots located within dry rainforest across the western slopes of NSW. Cluster analysis and ordination of 208 plots identified six floristic groups. Unlike in some other regional studies of dry rainforest these groups were readily assigned to Webb structural types, based on leaf size classes, leaf retention classes and canopy height. Five community types were described using both floristic and structural data: 1) Ficus rubiginosa–Notelaea microcarpa notophyll vine thicket, 2) Ficus rubiginosa–Alectryon subcinereus–Notelaea microcarpa notophyll vine forest, 3) Elaeodendron australe–Notelaea microcarpa–Geijera parviflora notophyll vine thicket, 4) Notelaea microcarpa– Geijera parviflora–Ehretia membranifolia semi-evergreen vine thicket, and 5) Cadellia pentastylis low microphyll vine forest. Floristic groupings were consistent with those described by previous quantitative studies which examined smaller portions of this study area. There was also general agreement between the present analytical study and a previous intuitive classification of dry rainforest vegetation throughout the study area, but little concurrence with a continental scale floristic classification of rainforest

    Taxonomy and ecology of Sphagnum-associated Desmids from the New England Tablelands, New South Wales, Australia

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    Desmids associated with Sphagnum L. from terrestrial and aquatic habitats were investigated in the New England Tableland Bioregion. Descriptions and figures for 80 taxa are presented herein, nine of which are newly recorded for Australia, and a further seven are newly recorded for New South Wales. Two novel species of desmid, Micrasterias bicoronata A.Kenins and Cosmarium phymatodeum A.Kenins, are described. The floristic composition of desmids at Basket Swamp and Ebor Common, were compared to assess their conservation value based on an existing and modified scheme better suited to desmids from Australia. Basket Swamp received a relatively high score based on greater species richness and numerous endemics present. In contrast, Ebor Common scored lower due to less diversity and few regionally endemic species. This study also highlights that the desmid community found amongst Sphagnum in Australia is highly diverse (βSOR = 0.82) and can differ markedly among the four assessed sites due to spatial turnover (βRATIO = 0.15). While there are species in common with the much more extensively studied Sphagnum habitats in central and western Europe, Australia has its own distinctive desmid floral elements

    Towards a Comprehensive Survey of C3 and C4 Photosynthetic Pathways in Cyperaceae

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    Members of the family Cyperaceae were surveyed by original observation and from the literature to assess the distribution of C3 and C4 photosynthetic pathways in the family. All 107 genera were included in the current sample, with 91 genera assessed as consistently C3 and 11 genera as C4. The genera Abildgaardia, Cyperus, Eleocharis, Fimbristylis, and Rhynchospora are variable for this trait. Of the total number (1474) of specific (1406) and infraspecific (68) taxa sampled, 938 taxa (63%) are C3, 527 taxa (36%) are C4, and nine species of Eleocharis are debatably intermediate or variable in pathway. Some data suggesting further infrageneric variation in photosynthetic pathways are discussed. The ‘‘one cell distant criterion’’ accurately predicts C4 pathway in sedges, except in Eleocharis. Distribution and variability of photosynthetic pathways in Eleocharis are discussed. Photosynthetic pathway was found to be a useful taxonomic marker in Cyperaceae, despite variability in this trait at various taxonomic levels and the apparently multiple origin of C4 photosynthesis within the family. A checklist of 3395 records of C3 and C4 sedges is presented

    Morphological data indicate the subspecies of Leionema elatius (Rutaceae) are not conspecific

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    Morphological data show that the two subspecies currently assigned to Leionema elatius (Benth.) Paul G.Wilson (Rutaceae), namely L. elatius subsp. elatius and L. elatius subsp. beckleri (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson, are not conspecific. Leionema elatius subsp. beckleri is reinstated to the rank of species as L. beckleri (F.Muell.) I.Telford & J.J.Bruhl. The distributions of both species are mapped and their conservation status discussed. Images comparing the morphological attributes of the two species and a table comparing selected attributes of the species and the newly described L. praetermissum P.R.Alvarez & Duretto are presented. A key to species of Leionema found in New South Wales and south-eastern Queensland is provided

    Dodonaea crucifolia (Sapindaceae, Dodonaeoideae), a new species from north-eastern New South Wales, Australia

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    Dodonaea crucifolia I.Telford & J.J.Bruhl (Sapindaceae, Dodonaeoideae), endemic to north-eastern New South Wales, Australia, and previously confused with D. hirsuta (Maiden & Betche) Maiden & Betche, is described as new. Dodonaea hirsuta is recircumscribed with the D. crucifolia components removed and with male flowers described for the first time. The distribution, habitat and conservation status of both species are discussed and a table is provided comparing selected morphological attributes. Images of the new species and D. hirsuta are provided. The identification keys in Flora of Australia and NSW FloraOnline are modified to include the new species

    Reinstatement and revision of the genus Chaetospora (Cyperaceae: Schoeneae)

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    Three species are recognised in a new circumscription of the genus Chaetospora R.Br. Chaetospora is lectotypified on C. curvifolia R.Br. A new combination, Chaetospora subbulbosa (Benth.) K.L.Wilson & R.L.Barrett is made for Schoenus subbulbosus Benth. Lectotypes are also selected for Chaetospora aurata Nees, Chaetospora curvifolia R.Br., Chaetospora turbinata R.Br., Elynanthus capitatus Nees, Schoenus subbulbosus Benth., Schoenus subg. Pseudomesomelaena KĂźk. and Schoenus sect. Sphaerocephali Benth. Two species are endemic to south-western Australia, while the third is endemic to south-eastern Australia. Full descriptions, illustrations and a key to species are provided. All species have anatomy indicative of C3 photosynthetic-type

    Netrostylis, a new genus of Australasian Cyperaceae removed from Tetraria

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    A new genus, Netrostylis R.L.Barrett, J.J.Bruhl & K.L.Wilson is described for Australasian species previously known as Tetraria capillaris (F.Muell.) J.M.Black (Cyperacea tribe Schoeneae). The genus is restricted to southern and eastern Australia, and the North Island of New Zealand. Two new combinations are made: Netrostylis capillaris (F.Muell.) R.L.Barrett, J.J.Bruhl & K.L.Wilson and Netrostylis halmaturina (J.M.Black) R.L.Barrett, J.J.Bruhl & K.L.Wilson. Netrostylis is a member of the Lepidosperma Labill. Clade

    Phylogeny of Abildgaardieae (Cyperaceae) Inferred from ITS and trnL–F Data

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    Within the tribe Abildgaardieae, the relationships between Fimbristylis and its relatives have not been certain, and the limits of Fimbristylis have been unclear, with Bulbostylis and Abildgaardia variously combined with it and each other. The relationships and limits of tribes Abildgaardieae and Arthrostylideae and their genera were evaluated across 49 representative species using parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses of ITS (nuclear ribosomal) and trnL–F (plastid) DNA sequence data separately and combined. The evolutionary reconstructions derived from sequences of cpDNA and nrDNA disagree about the position of tribe Arthrostylideae relative to Abildgaardieae; Arthrostylis and Actinoschoenus are either nested within Abildgaardieae (trnL–F data) or very closely related to this tribe (ITS data). The reconstructions also disagree about the monophyly of genus Abildgaardia (excluding A. vaginata). Crosslandia and A. vaginata form a clade that is nested within Fimbristylis. Bulbostylis is monophyletic and clearly separated from Fimbristylis. Further sampling of taxa and characters is needed to resolve and/or strengthen support for some of these ‘‘deep’’ and fine-scale relationships

    Lepidosperma prospectum (Cyperaceae), a new species from Sydney coastal heath and notes on usage of sword sedges

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    Lepidosperma prospectum G.T.Plunkett & R.L.Barrett (Cyperaceae tribe Schoeneae) is here described as a new species in the Sydney region of New South Wales. It is highly restricted in distribution, occurring at Manly (Sydney Harbour National Park), Kamay Botany Bay National Park and Royal National Park in dense coastal shrublands behind coastal cliffs. These locations are within the traditional lands of the Gamaragal, Gweagal and Dharawal people respectively. Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander were the first Europeans to explore the flora of New South Wales in 1770 around Botany Bay but they did not collect this species. Lepidosperma prospectum is superficially similar to L. sieberi Kunth, which occurs in adjacent habitats, but molecular data have shown that it is more closely allied to Western Australian species. A brief review of recorded indigenous and European knowledge and utilisation of the genus Lepidosperma Labill. is presented to highlight the varied uses of the genus

    The taxonomy, ecology and biology of the 'Banksia spinulosa' SM. complex (Proteaceae)

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    The 'Banksia spinulosa' complex ranges from Mossman in north Queensland down the east coast of Australia to Wilsons Promontory in Victoria, with four isolated populations in central Queensland. A morphometric analysis (SSH-MDS ordination and UPGMA clustering) of individuals for 34 characters and 234 specimens from mature plants collected across the full geographic and morphological range of the 'B. spinulosa' complex supports the recognition of 'Banksia vincentia' (Chapter 2), the recognition of the four other named entities ('B. neoanglica', 'B. spinulosa', 'B. collina sens. str.', 'B. cunninghamii'), and of 12 putative entities, viz. B. Julatten, B. Mount Mee, B. Tewantin, B. McPherson Range, B. Kungala, B. Putty Road, B. Carnarvon Gorge, B. Robinson Gorge, B. Isla Gorge, B. Cockatoo, B. Croajingolong, B. Wilsons Promontory (Chapter 3). The results in chapters 2–3 are considered and discussed in the context of competing species concepts. The integrated species concept of De Queiroz is favoured and informs the need for the study undertaken on seedling morphology (Chapter 4). Examination of seedling morphology illustrates the importance of looking at both adult and seedling morphology when delimiting species. While most entities in the 'B. spinulosa' complex are heteroblastic several are homoblastic. Aside from these developmental changes, leaf morphology is relatively fixed for entities in the 'B. spinulosa' complex regardless of biotic or abiotic influences (Chapter 4)
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