2,313 research outputs found

    High effectiveness liquid droplet/gas heat exchanger for space power applications

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    A high-effectiveness liquid droplet/gas heat exchanger (LDHX) concept for thermal management in space is described. Heat is transferred by direct contact between fine droplets (approx. 100 to 300 micron diameter) of a suitable low vapor pressure liquid and an inert working gas. Complete separation of the droplet and gas media in the zero-g environment is accomplished by configuring the LDHX as a vortex chamber. The large heat transfer area presented by the small droplets permits heat exchanger effectiveness of 0.9 to 0.95 in a compact, lightweight geometry which avoids many of the limitations of conventional plate and fin or tube and shell heat exchangers, such as their tendency toward single point failure. The application of the LDHX in a high temperature Bryaton cycle is discussed to illustrate the performance and operational characteristics of this heat exchanger concept

    Investigation of the aerothermodynamics of hypervelocity reacting flows in the ram accelerator

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    New diagnostic techniques for measuring the high pressure flow fields associated with high velocity ram accelerator propulsive modes was experimentally investigated. Individual propulsive modes are distinguished by their operating Mach number range and the manner in which the combustion process is initiated and stabilized. Operation of the thermally choked ram accelerator mode begins by injecting the projectile into the accelerator tube at a prescribed entrance velocity by means of a conventional light gas gun. A specially designed obturator, which is used to seal the bore of the gun, plays a key role in the ignition of the propellant gases in the subsonic combustion mode of the ram accelerator. Once ignited, the combustion process travels with the projectile and releases enough heat to thermally choke the flow within several tube diameters behind it, thereby stabilizing a high pressure zone on the rear of the projectile. When the accelerating projectile approaches the Chapman-Jouguet detonation speed of the propellant mixture, the combustion region is observed to move up onto the afterbody of the projectile as the pressure field evolves to a distinctively different form that implies the presence of supersonic combustion processes. Eventually, a high enough Mach number is reached that the ram effect is sufficient to cause the combustion process to occur entirely on the body. Propulsive cycles utilizing on-body heat release can be established either by continuously accelerating the projectile in a single propellant mixture from low initial in-tube Mach numbers (M less than 4) or by injecting the projectile at a speed above the propellant's Chapman-Jouguet detonation speed. The results of experimental and theoretical explorations of ram accelerator gas dynamic phenomena and the effectiveness of the new diagnostic techniques are presented in this report

    Raios gama na sobrevivência de plantas de maracujazeiro amarelo inoculadas com Fusarium oxysporum f sp. Passiflorae.

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    A murcha de Fusarium ou fusariose ocorre em diversas regiões produtoras de maracujá amarelo e tem ocasionado grandes danos devido à morte das plantas. A mutagênese associada à seleção in vitro utilizando fitotoxinas possibilita a aplicação de uma pressão de seleção sobre um grande número de propágulos e, assim, pode direcionar a seleção dos mutantes específicos. Neste trabalho, foi analisado o efeito de raios gama sobre a sobrevivência de plantas de maracujazeiro amarelo inoculados com F. oxysporum f. sp. passflorae. Brotações foliares provenientes de segmentos caulinares de P. edulis irradiados a 20Gy foram submetidas a dois ciclos de seleção em meio de cultura suplementado com o filltrado da cultura fúngica (40% e 50% de filtrado). As plantas selecionadas foram inoculadas com a suspensão de conídio em casa de vegetação e após, transferidas para o campo em local com histórico da doença. Ao final da etapa de seleção in vitro, sobreviveram 17,05% das plantas irradiadas e nenhuma planta do tratamento testemunha. A inoculação com a suspensão de conídio não resultou em diferenças significativas na sobrevivência das plantas irradiadas e não irradiadas. No entanto, em condições de campo, foi confirmado o efeito da radiação no aumento da sobrevivência das plantas, sendo verificada a sobrevivência de 77,78% das plantas irradiadas e a morte de todas as plantas do tratamento testemunha

    Problems Encountered During the Recertification of the GLORY Solar Array Dual Axis Gimbal Drive Actuators

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    The Glory observatory is the current incarnation of the Vegetation Canopy Lidar (VCL) mission spacecraft bus. The VCL spacecraft bus, having been cancelled for programmatic reasons in 2000, was nearly integrated when it was put into storage for possible future use. The Glory mission was a suitable candidate for using this spacecraft and in 2006 an effort to recertify the two axis solar array gimbal drive after its extended storage was begun. What was expected to be a simple performance validation of the two dual axis gimbal stepper motors became a serious test, diagnosis and repair task once questions arose on the flight worthiness of the hardware. A significant test program logic flow was developed which identified decisions that could be made based on the results of individual recertification tests. Without disassembling the bi-axial gimbals, beginning with stepper motor threshold voltage measurements and relating these to powered drive torque measurements, both performed at the spacecraft integrator s facility, a confusing picture of the health of the actuators came to light. Tests at the gimbal assembly level and tests of the disassembled actuators were performed by the manufacturer to validate our results and torque discrepancies were noted. Further disassembly to the component level of the actuator revealed the source of the torque loss

    Multifractal properties of convex hulls of typical continuous functions

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    We study the singularity (multifractal) spectrum of the convex hull of the typical/generic continuous functions defined on [0,1]d[0,1]^{d}. We denote by Eφh{\mathbf E}_ { { \varphi } }^{h} the set of points at which φ:[0,1]dR \varphi : [0,1]^d\to {\mathbb R} has a pointwise H\"older exponent equal to hh. Let HfH_{f} be the convex hull of the graph of ff, the concave function on the top of HfH_{f} is denoted by φ1,f(x)=max{y:(x,y)Hf} { { \varphi } }_{1,f}( { { \mathbf x } })=\max \{y:( { { \mathbf x } },y)\in H_{f} \} and φ2,f(x)=min{y:(x,y)Hf} { { \varphi } }_{2,f}( { { \mathbf x } })=\min \{y:( { { \mathbf x } },y)\in H_{f} \} denotes the convex function on the bottom of HfH_{f}. We show that there is a dense GδG_\delta subset GC[0,1]d { { \cal G } } { \subset } {C[0,1]^d} such that for fGf\in { { \cal G } } the following properties are satisfied. For i=1,2i=1,2 the functions φi,f { { { \varphi } }_ {i,f}} and ff coincide only on a set of zero Hausdorff dimension, the functions φi,f { { { \varphi } }_ {i,f}} are continuously differentiable on (0,1)d(0,1)^{d}, Eφi,f0{\mathbf E}_{ { { \varphi } }_{i,f}}^{0} equals the boundary of [0,1]d {[0,1]^d}, dimHEφi,f1=d1\dim_{H}{\mathbf E}_{ { { \varphi } }_{i,f}}^{1}=d-1 , dimHEφi,f+=d\dim_{H}{\mathbf E}_{ { { \varphi } }_{i,f}}^{+ { \infty }}=d and Eφi,fh={\mathbf E}_{ { { \varphi } }_{i,f}}^{h}= { \emptyset } if h(0,+){1}h\in(0,+ { \infty }) { \setminus } \{1 \}

    Economic Impact Assessment of Climate Change: A Multi-Gas Investigation with WIAGEM-GTAPEL-ICM

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    Climate change is a long-term issue due to the long lifespan of greenhouse gases and the delayed response of the climate system. This paper investigates the long-term economic consequences of both climate change impacts and mitigation efforts by applying the multi-regional, multi-sectoral integrated assessment model WIAGEM based on GTAP-EL coupled with the reduced-form multi-gas climate model ICM. We investigate emissions reduction paths to reach a radiative forcing target of 4.5 w /m^2. Economic impacts are studied and compared with and without the inclusion of all GHG gases. We find that multi-gas emissions reduction causes less economic losses compared with a case where only CO2 emissions reductions would be considered.

    Fungal Peptaibiotics: Assessing Potential Meteoritic Amino Acid Contamination

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    The presence of non-protein alpha-dialkyl-amino acids such as alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (alpha-A1B) and isovaline (Iva), which are relatively rare in the terrestrial biosphere, has long been used as an indication of the indigeneity of meteoritic amino acids, however, the discovery of alpha-AIB in peptides producers by a widespread group of filamentous fungi indicates the possibility of a terrestrial biotic source for the alpha-AIB observed in some meteorites. The alpha-AIB-containing peptides produced by these fungi are dubbed peptaibiotics. We measured the molecular distribution and stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios for amino acids found in the total hydrolysates of four biologically synthesized peptaibiotics. We compared these aneasurenetts with those from the CM2 carbonaceous chondrite Murchison and from three Antarctic CR2 carbonaceous chondrites in order to understand the peptaibiotics as a potential source of meteoritic contamination

    Review of the Laguerre-Gauss mode technology research program at Birmingham

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    Gravitational wave detectors from the advanced generation onwards are expected to be limited in sensitivity by thermal noise of the optics, making the reduction of this noise a key factor in the success of such detectors. A proposed method for reducing the impact of this noise is to use higher-order Laguerre-Gauss (LG) modes for the readout beam, as opposed to the currently used fundamental mode. We present here a synopsis of the research program undertaken by the University of Birmingham into the suitability of LG mode technology for future gravitational wave detectors. This will cover our previous and current work on this topic, from initial simulations and table-top LG mode experiments up to implementation in a prototype scale suspended cavity and high-power laser bench

    Diversity of Estrogen Degrading Microorganisms in Las Vegas Wash and Lake Mead, Nevada, USA

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    Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are a subject of intense research as more studies reveal their persistence in the environment and detrimental effects on wildlife. Steroid hormones, including the natural and synthetic estrogens estrone (E1), 17-beta-estradiol (E2) and 17- alpha-ethinyl estradiol (EE2), are among the most bioactive and have been detected at low concentrations in waterways downstream from wastewater treatment plants. Las Vegas Wash, a stream flowing into Lake Mead and fed primarily by treated wastewater, provides a unique experimental system in which to study the role microorganisms play in the fate and dispersal of these compounds in surface waters