3,621 research outputs found

    Vertex operators, solvable lattice models and metaplectic Whittaker functions

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    We show that spherical Whittaker functions on an nn-fold cover of the general linear group arise naturally from the quantum Fock space representation of Uq(sl^(n))U_q(\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}(n)) introduced by Kashiwara, Miwa and Stern (KMS). We arrive at this connection by reconsidering solvable lattice models known as `metaplectic ice' whose partition functions are metaplectic Whittaker functions. First, we show that a certain Hecke action on metaplectic Whittaker coinvariants agrees (up to twisting) with a Hecke action of Ginzburg, Reshetikhin, and Vasserot. This allows us to expand the framework of KMS by Drinfeld twisting to introduce Gauss sums into the quantum wedge, which are necessary for connections to metaplectic forms. Our main theorem interprets the row transfer matrices of this ice model as `half' vertex operators on quantum Fock space that intertwine with the action of Uq(sl^(n))U_q(\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}(n)). In the process, we introduce new symmetric functions termed \textit{metaplectic symmetric functions} and explain how they relate to Whittaker functions on an nn-fold metaplectic cover of GLr_r. These resemble \textit{LLT polynomials} introduced by Lascoux, Leclerc and Thibon; in fact the metaplectic symmetric functions are (up to twisting) specializations of \textit{supersymmetric LLT polynomials} defined by Lam. Indeed Lam constructed families of symmetric functions from Heisenberg algebra actions on the Fock space commuting with the Uq(sl^(n))U_q(\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}(n))-action. We explain that half vertex operators agree with Lam's construction and this interpretation allows for many new identities for metaplectic symmetric and Whittaker functions, including Cauchy identities. While both metaplectic symmetric functions and LLT polynomials can be related to vertex operators on the qq-Fock space, only metaplectic symmetric functions are connected to solvable lattice models.Comment: v3 changes: minor edit

    Crystal constructions in Number Theory

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    Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series and metaplectic Whittaker functions can be described in terms of crystal graphs. We present crystals as parameterized by Littelmann patterns and we give a survey of purely combinatorial constructions of prime power coefficients of Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series and metaplectic Whittaker functions using the language of crystal graphs. We explore how the branching structure of crystals manifests in these constructions, and how it allows access to some intricate objects in number theory and related open questions using tools of algebraic combinatorics

    Proglucagon gene expression is regulated by a cyclic AMP-dependent pathway in rat intestine.

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    Metaplectic Ice

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    Spherical Whittaker functions on the metaplectic n-fold cover of GL(r+1) over a nonarchimedean local field containing n distinct n-th roots of unity may be expressed as the partition functions of statistical mechanical systems that are variants of the six-vertex model. If n=1 then in view of the Casselman-Shalika formula this fact is related to Tokuyama's deformation of the Weyl character formula. It is shown that various properties of these Whittaker functions may be expressed in terms of the commutativity of row transfer matrices for the system. Potentially these properties (which are already proved by other methods, but very nontrivial) are amenable to proof by the Yang-Baxter equation