274 research outputs found

    Itinerarios conceptuales del pensamiento feminista en torno del trabajo reproductivo : los aportes del feminismo materialista

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    El estudio sobre el trabajo doméstico ha ocupado históricamente un lugar periférico en las teorizaciones de las Ciencias Sociales. Podemos decir que su invisibilización a nivel de la estructura social ha tenido su correlato en el mundo científico. Han sido las feministas quienes a partir de la férrea crítica al antropocentrismo presente en la Ciencia y en la búsqueda de palabras que permitan nombrar las experiencias vitales de las mujeres, han hecho fundamentales aportes dentro de las Ciencias Sociales. En el caso de las sociólogas feministas encontramos un contundente itinerario. La italiana Laura Balbo, en la línea propuesta por Agnes Heller, retoma la vida cotidiana como espacio de análisis y da cuenta de la perspectiva subjetiva de las mujeres en el tiempo empleado para las tareas domésticas; las sociólogas anglosajonas logran institucionalizar el término care para referirse a todo este cúmulo de tareas realizadas por mujeres. En los setenta en Francia se desarrolla el Feminismo Materialista o “feminismo materialista francófono" (FMF), corriente teórica crítica y radical con sociólogas como Christine Delphy, Colette Guillaumin, Nicole-Claude Mathieu, entre otras. En esta ponencia intentamos acercarnos a la propuesta político-teórica del Feminismo Materialista en torno al trabajo reproductivo, algunos de los instrumentos analíticos que se proponen, y los aportes que esta perspectiva presenta para la disciplina en su conjunto, en la búsqueda de reflexionar sobre las articulaciones entre las tradiciones sociológicas y feministas.Fil: Pasero Brozovich, Victoria . Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociale

    Cognitive Habits and Memory Distortions in Anxiety and Depression

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    When anxious or depressed people try to recall emotionally ambiguous events, they produce errors that reflect their habits of interpreting ambiguity in negative ways. These distortions are revealed by experiments that evaluate performance on memory tasks after taking interpretation biases into account—an alternative to the standard memory-bias procedure that examines the accuracy of memory for clearly emotional material. To help establish the causal role of interpretation bias in generating memory bias, these disortions have been simulated by training interpretation biases in nondisordered groups. The practical implications of these findings for therapeutic intervention are discussed; future directions are described

    Acoustic myography: A noninvasive monitor of motor unit fatigue

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    Acoustic myography is the recording of sounds produced by contracting muscle. These sounds become louder with increasing force of contraction. We have compared muscle sounds with surface EMG to monitor the dissociation of electrical from mechanical events (presumably, the loss of excitation–contraction coupling) which occur with motor unit fatigue. Acoustic signals were amplified using a standard phonocardiograph, recorded on FM magnetic tape, and digitally analyzed. Muscles were examined at rest, with intermittent contractions, and with sustained contractions. We found that with fatigue, the acoustic amplitude decayed, but the surface EMG amplitude did not. With decreased effort, however, the acoustic and the surface EMG amplitudes declined simultaneously. By simultaneously recording acoustic signals and needle EMG, individual motor units were resolved acoustically in two muscles with decreased numbers of motor units and increased motor unit size. Fasciculations also produced acoustic signals, although no acoustic signal has yet been found that correlates with fibrillations. Analysis of acoustic signals from muscle provides a noninvasive method for monitoring motor unit fatigue in vivo. It may also be useful in distinguishing muscle fatigue from decreased volition.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/50134/1/880080303_ftp.pd

    Mechanisms of vascular smooth muscle contraction and the basis for pharmacologic treatment of smooth muscle disorders

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    The smooth muscle cell directly drives the contraction of the vascular wall and hence regulates the size of the blood vessel lumen. We review here the current understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which agonists, therapeutics, and diseases regulate contractility of the vascular smooth muscle cell and we place this within the context of whole body function. We also discuss the implications for personalized medicine and highlight specific potential target molecules that may provide opportunities for the future development of new therapeutics to regulate vascular function.Accepted manuscrip

    Rol del cone beam en el diagnóstico en endodoncia

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    El diagnóstico por imágenes en endodoncia en determinados casos se ve limitado por la superposición de estructuras anatómicas, por una anatomía compleja radicular o la poca definición de la imagen radiografía, es por esto que con el uso de tomografía computarizada de haz cónico podemos obtener una magnificación y con ello mayor precisión para el correcto diagnóstico y planificación del caso clínico. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una descripción minuciosa de los usos y aplicaciones del CBCT en el campo de la endodoncia, justificando su uso, mediante la presentación de un caso clínico. En el presente trabajo se describe el caso clínico de un paciente que concurre a la consulta con sintomatología dolorosa en elemento 37, clínicamente sano, la radiografía periapical no aporto información suficiente para el diagnóstico, motivo por el cual se le solicitó una Tomografía Cone Beam, en la cual se pudo determinar con precisión la presencia de una reabsorción apical, lo cual resultó determinante para el diagnóstico y la planificación del tratamiento El conocimiento y manejo adecuado de esta tecnología resulta indispensable para la correcta prescripción del estudio.Fil: Brozovich, Gimena. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Odontología

    A Brief Note on Building Augmented Reality Models for Scientific Visualization

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    Augmented reality (AR) has revolutionized the video game industry by providing interactive, three-dimensional visualization. Interestingly, AR technology has only been sparsely used in scientific visualization. This is, at least in part, due to the significant technical challenges previously associated with creating and accessing such models. To ease access to AR for the scientific community, we introduce a novel visualization pipeline with which they can create and render AR models. We demonstrate our pipeline by means of finite element results, but note that our pipeline is generally applicable to data that may be represented through meshed surfaces. Specifically, we use two open-source software packages, ParaView and Blender. The models are then rendered through the platform, which we access through Android and iOS smartphones. To demonstrate our pipeline, we build AR models from static and time-series results of finite element simulations discretized with continuum, shell, and beam elements. Moreover, we openly provide python scripts to automate this process. Thus, others may use our framework to create and render AR models for their own research and teaching activities

    Biases in Interpretation and Memory in Generalized Social Phobia

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    Two experiments examined the link between interpretation and memory in individuals diagnosed with Generalized Social Phobia (GSP). In Experiment 1, GSP and control participants generated continuations for nonsocial and ambiguous social scenarios. GSP participants produced more socially anxious and negative continuations for the social scenarios than did the controls. On the subsequent test of recalling the social scenarios, intrusion errors that shared meaning with the original continuations were made more frequently by the GSP group, producing false recall with emotionally negative features. To examine whether nonanxious individuals would also produce such errors if given emotional interpretations, in Experiment 2 the authors asked university students to read the scenarios plus endings produced by GSP participants in Experiment 1. The students either constructed vivid mental images of themselves as the main characters or thought about whether the endings provided closure. Low-anxious students in the closure condition produced fewer ending-based intrusions in recalling the social scenarios than did students in the other 3 conditions. Results illustrate the importance of examining the nature of source-monitoring errors in investigations of memory biases in social anxiety