188 research outputs found

    Portfolio Construction in Global Financial Markets

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    This paper presents a classroom simulation that can be used to introduce the concepts of portfolio management and asset allocation in the presence of global markets. While there are portfolio management games and stock trading games that are designed to cover an entire semester, this simulation provides a single period introduction to portfolio management. The simulation also creates an environment in which students discover how exchange rate volatility can affect investment returns of global funds.

    Fear voting: Securitization of migration in the context of European parliament election 2019 in the Czech Republic

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    This thesis is devoted to the phenomenon of securitization of migration. This phenomenon is observed on a case study of Election campaigns before the EU Parliament election in May 2019 in the Czech Republic. The thesis looks into if and how the relevant political parties used securitization of migration in their election manifestos. By using a combination of a disciplined interpretive case study and content analysis, a framework is created based on Thierry Balzacq\u27s theory on securitization. The content analysis uses the scope of various levels (context, attributes, statements) to identify individual securitization speech acts. This thesis sees securitization on as a one-way process but instead incorporates the process of communication between the political party and the electorate. The results show that majority of the researched parties used securitization of migration in their manifestos and created a notion of a direct threat to security caused by either those migrants who already got into Europe or those who are deemed to come according to some of the political parties. It also shows that more prone to accepting securitization of migration are older voters with lower levels of education who are in general dissatisfied with the development of their living situation after the 1989 revolution. Further significant factors are described using the theories of various researchers, e.g. deep-history theory, a theory of peripherality and feeling of being left out. These theories offer possible additional explanations on voters\u27 preferences and the vulnerability towards accepting the securitization of migration. Even though this thesis focuses only on the case of the Czech Republic, it can be expected that the results can be generalized and to some extent applied to other countries in the region, mainly on the other members of the Visegrad group, given their shared history as well as similar challenges faced by today\u27s political representations in these countries

    Problem Discovery And Problem Solving In Unstructured Situations: Using The Pan-Pacific Enterprises Simulation With University Students

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    Simulations and games provide students with real-world experiences in a safe, controlled environment.  Properly designed exercises can increase the effectiveness of classroom instruction and promote higher-order learning.  Pan-Pacific Enterprises: Strategic Decision Making (2003) is a problem solving and communications simulation suitable for undergraduate and graduate students.  Students are given a resource allocation problem and told to solve the problem in small groups outside of class.  In class, each group has the opportunity to integrate its small group solution into a company-wide strategic plan.  The core problem of the simulation is that the various groups are given different goals so they arrive at different solutions.  These differences provide the entire class with an ambiguous problem with no obvious solution.  The class as a whole has to develop a method to integrate the sometimes conflicting solutions

    Flipping The Business College On Its Side

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    Colleges of business are typically formed around functional divisions like accounting, finance, management, and marketing. This discipline-based structure serves to convey basic information to the students, but it is poorly suited to provide an educational experience that integrates the functional areas into a holistic framework. Efforts to refine the educational process have met with limited success due to the tendencies of organizations and their members to resist change. A new design for the structure and management of colleges of business is necessary if today’s schools are to be better able to meet the needs of tomorrow’s students

    Māori female entrepreneurship in tourism industry

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    The paper explores the characteristics of indigenous Māori female entrepreneurs and identifies the factors that curtailed their entrepreneurial success within the tourism industry in New Zealand. All respondents stated that their indigenous background was a primary factor of being underprivileged, disadvantaged, or restricted. After new policies were implemented and assistance was provided to their groups in the 1990th, respondents were able to obtain education, develop business skills, and obtain financial assistance. Today Māori entrepreneurship involves products and services that focus on Māori cultural and traditional experiences. The Māori female entrepreneurial goal is to create local employment, preserve culture, and conserve the environment. Respondents believe that resources must be responsibly and collectively allocated and they must continue providing education about Māori wisdom, unity, harmony, control, and preservation of the environment and natural resources as means of maintaining the Māori way of life and communal development. They believe that today\u27s tourism industry operating within Māori communities is accountable and responsible for providing well-being and support to their families and younger Māori generations

    Pan-Pacific Enterprises: Strategic Decision-Making In Action

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    Pan-Pacific Enterprises creates an environment in which individual teams must make strategic decisions based on conflicting goals.  The game lasts a single class period but does require outside preparation by the students.  Several different groups are given the planning responsibility for a certain aspect of firm operations, yet the optimal solutions for each goal are incompatible.  It then becomes the responsibility of the group to resolve these differences and develop a unified plan

    Decision making: Tourism and hospitality game

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    This paper introduces the reader to an experiment that proposes an expanded format of cooperative learning techniques with sets of pedagogical innovations to better meet the teaching outcomes. In this context the paper presents a decision-making game where Tourism and Hospitality students are fully involved in the educational process via active participation in the Tourism and Travel Game. The game demonstrates decision-making processes that must be taken within competitive environment with imperfect information. The individual components of the game allow players to explore the effects of production capacity, production costs, market demand, and government controls within a competitive market. Students are expected to develop various skills and competences during game. The paper presents an assessment instrument in order to provide a feedback if students benefited from opportunities that replaced a lecture with active participation by using the Tourism and Travel Game. An assessment instrument allowed us to evaluate the students\u27 opinion on their knowledge acquisition and retention rate. Each student was given the same questionnaire that evaluated how teaching with Tourism Game had influenced each area of the students\u27 learning outcome: positive interdependence, face-to-face interaction, individual accountability, group processing of the group learning experience, critical thinking, problem solving, decision-making ability, aptitude for detail, oral communication, written communication, knowledge of information, ability to organize and analyze, comprehension, application, synthesis and evaluation. Obtained results indicate a strong support for using the game as a pedagogical tool rather than a traditional lecture

    Single Molecule Tracking of Annexin V in Cushioned DMPC Assemblies

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