770 research outputs found

    Geodesic Distance Histogram Feature for Video Segmentation

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    This paper proposes a geodesic-distance-based feature that encodes global information for improved video segmentation algorithms. The feature is a joint histogram of intensity and geodesic distances, where the geodesic distances are computed as the shortest paths between superpixels via their boundaries. We also incorporate adaptive voting weights and spatial pyramid configurations to include spatial information into the geodesic histogram feature and show that this further improves results. The feature is generic and can be used as part of various algorithms. In experiments, we test the geodesic histogram feature by incorporating it into two existing video segmentation frameworks. This leads to significantly better performance in 3D video segmentation benchmarks on two datasets

    Video Object Detection with an Aligned Spatial-Temporal Memory

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    We introduce Spatial-Temporal Memory Networks for video object detection. At its core, a novel Spatial-Temporal Memory module (STMM) serves as the recurrent computation unit to model long-term temporal appearance and motion dynamics. The STMM's design enables full integration of pretrained backbone CNN weights, which we find to be critical for accurate detection. Furthermore, in order to tackle object motion in videos, we propose a novel MatchTrans module to align the spatial-temporal memory from frame to frame. Our method produces state-of-the-art results on the benchmark ImageNet VID dataset, and our ablative studies clearly demonstrate the contribution of our different design choices. We release our code and models at http://fanyix.cs.ucdavis.edu/project/stmn/project.html

    Using Xfuzzy environment for the whole design of fuzzy systems

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    Since 1992, Xfuzzy environment has been improving to ease the design of fuzzy systems. The current version, Xfuzzy 3, which is entirely programmed in Java, includes a wide set of new featured tools that allow automating the whole design process of a fuzzy logic based system: from its description (in the XFL3 language) to its synthesis in C, C++ or Java (to be included in software projects) or in VHDL (for hardware projects). The new features of the current version have been exploited in different application areas such as autonomous robot navigation and image processing.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2005-02293 y TEC2005-04359Junta de Andalucía TIC2006-635 y TEP2006-37

    Prototipado rápido de sistemas de procesado de vídeo basados en el VFBC de Xilinx

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    El presente trabajo desarrolla módulos hardware para el prototipado rápido de sistemas de procesado de vídeo basados en el controlador de memoria para fotogramas de vídeo (VFBC) de Xilinx. Esta implementación permite el almacenamiento de los fotogramas en memoria externa al dispositivo programable, así como su correcto manejo para el diseño de sistemas de procesado espacio-temporales utilizando el flujo de diseño basado en modelos de Xilinx System Generator. Los módulos hardware son los encargados de la configuración y control de las interfaces de escritura y lectura del VFBC, además de la manipulación de las señales de sincronismo de vídeo para la interconexión de periféricos de entrada y salida. El artículo incluye además la descripción de los módulos elaborados así como el análisis de los resultados del empleo de los mismos en el desarrollo de un demostrador de procesado temporal de vídeo utilizando un detector de movimiento simple sobre una placa Spartan-6 SP605 Evaluation Platform.This paper develops hardware modules for rapid prototyping of video processing systems based on the Xilinx video frame buffer controller (VFBC). This implementation allows the storage of video frames in memory external to the programmable device, as well as its proper handle for designing spatio-temporal processing systems using the Xilinx System Generator model-based design flow. The hardware modules are responsible for the configuration and control of writing and reading VFBC interfaces, as well as the manipulation of video synchronization signals for interconnecting input and output peripherals. The article also include the description of the elaborated modules and the analysis of the results of its use for the development of a temporal video processing demonstrator using a simple motion detector on a Spartan-6 SP605 Evaluation Platform board.Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) PCI D/024124/09, PCI D/030769/10, PCI A1/039607/1

    ADQPCI: Data Acquisition Board for Educational purposes

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    En este trabajo se presenta una de las placas de adquisición de datos que se ha desarrollado con fines docentes para su utilización en prácticas relacionadas con sistemas en tiempo real e informática industrial y se plantean algunas de las ventajas e inconvenientes frente a la utilización de placas comerciales. A lo largo del trabajo se detalla el diseño del hardware, en el que se ha priorizado la facilidad de programación, siendo ésta una de las ventajas frente a las placas comerciales. En estas prácticas es fundamental que el alumno tome conciencia de la importancia de la interfaz hardware-software, si se quiere conseguir un sistema fiable y que explote al máximo las características del hardware. Con el desarrollo de una placa de adquisición de datos se consigue un sistema que el alumno puede utilizar en varias asignaturas de su titulación que están relacionadas con el desarrollo y programación de sistemas empotrados.In this work a data acquisition board developed for educational use in subjects related to real-time systems and industrial computing, is presented. The main advantages and disadvantages of using these boards versus the use of commercial boards are discussed. The hardware design described along this work emphasizes the facility of programming the board, which is one of the main advantages versus the commercial boards. In these practices it is essential that student comprehend the importance of the hardware-software interface in order to obtain a reliable system which exploits in a maximum way the characteristics of the hardware. The development of a data acquisition board allows to obtain a system that the students can use in several course during his university career which are related to the development and programming of embedded system

    Dense Motion Estimation for Smoke

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    Motion estimation for highly dynamic phenomena such as smoke is an open challenge for Computer Vision. Traditional dense motion estimation algorithms have difficulties with non-rigid and large motions, both of which are frequently observed in smoke motion. We propose an algorithm for dense motion estimation of smoke. Our algorithm is robust, fast, and has better performance over different types of smoke compared to other dense motion estimation algorithms, including state of the art and neural network approaches. The key to our contribution is to use skeletal flow, without explicit point matching, to provide a sparse flow. This sparse flow is upgraded to a dense flow. In this paper we describe our algorithm in greater detail, and provide experimental evidence to support our claims.Comment: ACCV201

    Controlador difuso para problemas de navegación en presencia de obstáculos fijos

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    En esta comunicación se describe un sistema de control difuso para aplicaciones de navegación de robots móviles autónomos en presencia de obstáculos fijos. Las herramientas de CAD del entorno Xfuzzy 3, desarrollado en el IMSE, han facilitado el diseño del controlador. En la comunicación se procede a la verificación del controlador diseñado operando en un lazo cerrado con el modelo del robot móvil autónomo eléctrico Romeo 4R, diseñado y construido en la Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de la Universidad de Sevilla. Las simulaciones realizadas demuestran la eficiencia del controlador desarrollado.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TEC2005-04359/MICJunta de Andalucía DPI2005-0229