22 research outputs found

    A declaration and protestation of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, to this kingdome, and to the whole world. wherein (amongst diverse of His Majesties late illegall proceedings) is discovered how severall commissions under the Kings authority have bin granted to many profest papists (herein nominated) for places of command in this war, with power to raise men and armes, which in sundry places they have performed. : Also how Sir Iohn Hinderson and Colonell Cockram, were sent to Hamburg and Denmarke, to raise forces there, and in other foraigne parts, to bring into this kingdome. : With the names of some who have bin proclaimed rebels in Ireland, now in great favor with His Maiesty. : For which and other reasons they are resolved to enter into a solemne oath and covenant with God to the uttermost of their power, with the hazard of their lives and fortunes to defend the truth against the Kings popish army, and all that shall joyne with them in the prosecution of this wicked design. : Die Sabbathi, Octob. 22, 1642. / Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this declaration shall be forthwith printed and published and read in all churches and chappels within the kingdome of England, and dominion of Wales, by the parsons, vicars, or curats of the same ; John Browne, cler. Parliam.

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