223 research outputs found

    Chiral Extension of Lattice Gauge Theory

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    Two approaches are presented to coupling explicit Goldstone modes to NfN_f flavors of massless quarks preserving exact SU(Nf)×SU(Nf)SU(N_f) \times SU(N_f) chiral symmetry on the lattice. The first approach is a generalization a chiral extension to QCD (aka XQCD) proposed by Brower, Shen and Tan consistent with the Ginsparg-Wilson relation. The second approach based on the Callan,Coleman, Wess and Zumino coset construction has a real determinant atzero quark axial coupling, gA=0g_A = 0.Comment: Lattice2003 3 pages, 1 figur

    The M\"obius Domain Wall Fermion Algorithm

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    We present a review of the properties of generalized domain wall Fermions, based on a (real) M\"obius transformation on the Wilson overlap kernel, discussing their algorithmic efficiency, the degree of explicit chiral violations measured by the residual mass (mresm_{res}) and the Ward-Takahashi identities. The M\"obius class interpolates between Shamir's domain wall operator and Bori\c{c}i's domain wall implementation of Neuberger's overlap operator without increasing the number of Dirac applications per conjugate gradient iteration. A new scaling parameter (α\alpha) reduces chiral violations at finite fifth dimension (LsL_s) but yields exactly the same overlap action in the limit Ls→∞L_s \rightarrow \infty. Through the use of 4d Red/Black preconditioning and optimal tuning for the scaling α(Ls)\alpha(L_s), we show that chiral symmetry violations are typically reduced by an order of magnitude at fixed LsL_s. At large LsL_s we argue that the observed scaling for mres=O(1/Ls)m_{res} = O(1/L_s) for Shamir is replaced by mres=O(1/Ls2)m_{res} = O(1/L_s^2) for the properly tuned M\"obius algorithm with α=O(Ls)\alpha = O(L_s)Comment: 59 pages, 11 figure

    Saturation and Confinement: Analyticity, Unitarity and AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    In 1/Nc1/N_c expansion, analyticity and crossing lead to crossing even and odd (C=±1C=\pm 1) vacuum exchanges at high-energy, the {\em Pomeron} and the {\em Odderon}. We discuss how, using {\em String/Gauge duality}, these can be identified with a reggeized {\em Graviton} and the anti-symmetric {\em Kalb-Ramond fields} in AdSAdS background. With confinement, these Regge singularities interpolate with glueball states. We also discuss unitarization based on eikonal sum in AdSAdS.Comment: more references added. presented at ISMD 2008, 15-20 Sept. 200

    Magnetic monopole loop for the Yang-Mills instanton

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    We investigate 't Hooft-Mandelstam monopoles in QCD in the presence of a single classical instanton configuration. The solution to the Maximal Abelian projection is found to be a circular monopole trajectory with radius RR centered on the instanton. At zero loop radius, there is a marginally stable (or flat) direction for loop formation to O(R4logR)O(R^4 logR). We argue that loops will form, in the semi-classical limit, due to small perturbations such as the dipole interaction between instanton anti-instanton pairs. As the instanton gas becomes a liquid, the percolation of the monopole loops may therefore provide a semi-classical precursor to the confinement mechanism.Comment: 19 pages, ReVTeX, 5 Encaptulated Postscript figure

    On the Eikonal Approximation in AdS Space

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    We explore the eikonal approximation to graviton exchange in AdS_5 space, as relevant to scattering in gauge theories. We restrict ourselves to the regime where conformal invariance of the dual gauge theory holds, and to large 't Hooft coupling where the computation involves pure gravity. We give a heuristic argument, a direct loop computation, and a shock wave derivation. The scalar propagator in AdS_3 plays a key role, indicating that even at strong coupling, two-dimensional conformal invariance controls high-energy four-dimensional gauge-theory scattering.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures; published version: updated references and several clarifying remarks adde
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