1,645 research outputs found

    Crossover of magnetoconductance autocorrelation for a ballistic chaotic quantum dot

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    The autocorrelation function C_{\varphi,\eps}(\Delta\varphi,\,\Delta \eps)= \langle \delta g(\varphi,\,\eps)\, \delta g(\varphi+\Delta\varphi,\,\eps+\Delta \eps)\rangle (φ\varphi and \eps are rescaled magnetic flux and energy) for the magnetoconductance of a ballistic chaotic quantum dot is calculated in the framework of the supersymmetric non-linear σ\sigma-model. The Hamiltonian of the quantum dot is modelled by a Gaussian random matrix. The particular form of the symmetry breaking matrix is found to be relevant for the autocorrelation function but not for the average conductance. Our results are valid for the complete crossover from orthogonal to unitary symmetry and their relation with semiclassical theory and an SS-matrix Brownian motion ensemble is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Rate equations for Coulomb blockade with ferromagnetic leads

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    We present a density-matrix rate-equation approach to sequential tunneling through a metal particle weakly coupled to ferromagnetic leads. The density-matrix description is able to deal with correlations between degenerate many-electron states that the standard rate equation formalism in terms of occupation probabilities cannot describe. Our formalism is valid for an arbitrary number of electrons on the dot, for an arbitrary angle between the polarization directions of the leads, and with or without spin-orbit scattering on the metal particle. Interestingly, we find that the density-matrix description may be necessary even for metal particles with unpolarized leads if three or more single-electron levels contribute to the transport current and electron-electron interactions in the metal particle are described by the `universal interaction Hamiltonian'.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, REVTeX

    Fine Structure in Energy Spectra of Ultrasmall Au Nanoparticles

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    We have studied tunneling into individual Au nanoparticles of estimated diameters 2-5 nm, at dilution refrigerator temperatures. The I-V curves indicate resonant tunneling via discrete energy levels of the particle. Unlike previously studied normal metal particles of Au and Al, in these samples we find that the lowest energy tunneling resonances are split into clusters of 2-10 subresonances. Such effects appear to be increasingly important in smaller grains, as might be expected from the larger characteristic energies.Comment: 1 pdf fil

    Spin and Conductance-Peak-Spacing Distributions in Large Quantum Dots: A Density Functional Theory Study

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    We use spin-density-functional theory to study the spacing between conductance peaks and the ground-state spin of 2D model quantum dots with up to 200 electrons. Distributions for different ranges of electron number are obtained in both symmetric and asymmetric potentials. The even/odd effect is pronounced for small symmetric dots but vanishes for large asymmetric ones, suggesting substantially stronger interaction effects than expected. The fraction of high-spin ground states is remarkably large.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Griffiths effects and quantum critical points in dirty superconductors without spin-rotation invariance: One-dimensional examples

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    We introduce a strong-disorder renormalization group (RG) approach suitable for investigating the quasiparticle excitations of disordered superconductors in which the quasiparticle spin is not conserved. We analyze one-dimensional models with this RG and with elementary transfer matrix methods. We find that such models with broken spin rotation invariance {\it generically} lie in one of two topologically distinct localized phases. Close enough to the critical point separating the two phases, the system has a power-law divergent low-energy density of states (with a non-universal continuously varying power-law) in either phase, due to quantum Griffiths singularities. This critical point belongs to the same infinite-disorder universality class as the one dimensional particle-hole symmetric Anderson localization problem, while the Griffiths phases in the vicinity of the transition are controlled by lines of strong (but not infinite) disorder fixed points terminating in the critical point.Comment: 14 pages (two-column PRB format), 9 eps figure

    Laparoscopic Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for Prostate Cancer: The Relevance of Locations Outside the Extended Dissection Area

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    Objective. To assess the relevance of sentinel lymph nodes (SNs) outside the extended pelvic lymph node dissection area (e-PLND). Patients and Methods. Evaluation of our laparoscopic SN procedures for prostate cancer patients of intermediate prognosis. Retrospective data collection on the exact location of the excised SNs and the pathology results were analyzed. Results and Limitations. Of the 121 patients, 49 had positive lymph nodes. 37 patients (31%) had SNs outside the e-PLND template. Five of these nodes were tumor bearing but only twice exclusively so. Of the 14 patients considered for salvage treatment, 6 were node positive. 7 of these 14 patients (50%) had SNs outside the extended dissection area, yet none of these nodes were tumor positive. Limitations are those of a retrospective study. Conclusions. Laparoscopic SN biopsy may show SNs outside the e-PLND template in 31% of the patients. However, nodes that are exclusively positive in one of these areas are rare. For the dichotomy positive or negative nodes, the locations outside the e-PLND area are not often relevant. Nevertheless, when all positive nodes are to be treated by resection or radiotherapy, these locations are relevant. When considering salvage treatment for prostate cancer, the method is feasible

    Conductance fluctuations and weak localization in chaotic quantum dots

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    We study the conductance statistical features of ballistic electrons flowing through a chaotic quantum dot. We show how the temperature affects the universal conductance fluctuations by analyzing the influence of dephasing and thermal smearing. This leads us to two main findings. First, we show that the energy correlations in the transmission, which were overlooked so far, are important for calculating the variance and higher moments of the conductance. Second, we show that there is an ambiguity in the method of determination of the dephasing rate from the size of the of the weak localization. We find that the dephasing times obtained at low temperatures from quantum dots are underestimated.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Interactions and Disorder in Quantum Dots: Instabilities and Phase Transitions

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    Using a fermionic renormalization group approach we analyse a model where the electrons diffusing on a quantum dot interact via Fermi-liquid interactions. Describing the single-particle states by Random Matrix Theory, we find that interactions can induce phase transitions (or crossovers for finite systems) to regimes where fluctuations and collective effects dominate at low energies. Implications for experiments and numerical work on quantum dots are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; version to appear in Phys Rev Letter

    Spin orbit effects in a GaAs quantum dot in a parallel magnetic field

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    We analyze the effects of spin-orbit coupling on fluctuations of the conductance of a quantum dot fabricated in a GaAs heterostructure. We argue that spin-orbit effects may become important in the presence of a large parallel magnetic field B_{||}, even if they are negligble for B_{||}=0. This should be manifest in the level repulsion of a closed dot, and in reduced conductance fluctuations in dots with a small number of open channels in each lead, for large B_{||}. Our picture is consistent with the experimental observations of Folk et al.Comment: 5 page


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    We consider the problem of the statistics of the scattering matrix S of a chaotic cavity (quantum dot), which is coupled to the outside world by non-ideal leads containing N scattering channels. The Hamiltonian H of the quantum dot is assumed to be an M x N hermitian matrix with probability distribution P(H) ~ det[lambda^2 + (H - epsilon)^2]^[-(beta M + 2- beta)/2], where lambda and epsilon are arbitrary coefficients and beta = 1,2,4 depending on the presence or absence of time-reversal and spin-rotation symmetry. We show that this ``Lorentzian ensemble'' agrees with microscopic theory for an ensemble of disordered metal particles in the limit M -> infinity, and that for any M >= N it implies P(S) ~ |det(1 - \bar S^{\dagger} S)|^[-(beta M + 2 - beta)], where \bar S is the ensemble average of S. This ``Poisson kernel'' generalizes Dyson's circular ensemble to the case \bar S \neq 0 and was previously obtained from a maximum entropy approach. The present work gives a microscopic justification for the case that the chaotic motion in the quantum dot is due to impurity scattering.Comment: 15 pages, REVTeX-3.0, 2 figures, submitted to Physical Review B