69 research outputs found

    The problem of causality in cultivation research

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    This paper offers an up-to-date review of problems in determining causal relationships in cultivation research, and considers the research rationales of various approaches with special reference to causal interpretation. It describes in turn a number of methodologies for addressing the problem and resolving it as far as this is possible. The issue of causal inference arises not only in cultivation research, however, but is basic to all media effects theories and approaches primarily at the macro-level whose main methodology rests on correlational studies (agenda-setting, spiral of silence, knowledge gap hypothesis, etc.). We therefore first discuss problems of causal interpretation in connection with the cultivation hypothesis, and then sketch in summary how these problems arise with other media effects theories. We first set out the basic features of the cultivation approach, then consider the difficulties with correlational studies and discuss alternative research designs - designs which are not original to us, but have been adapted for cultivation research. These comprise laboratory experiments, sequential studies, social studies and time-series procedures. Finally, we argue for multiple approaches that complement one another's advantages and balance out their disadvantages

    Is communication via the internet public communication?

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    Die Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft stellt sich im Zuge der Medienentwicklung bestĂ€ndig neue Fragen im Spannungsfeld zwischen StabilitĂ€t und Wandel der gesellschaftlichen Kommunikation. Es existieren dabei viele relevante Themenfelder, zu denen es noch keine Publikationen gibt, die systematisch abwĂ€gen wĂŒrden, was wir bisher (empirisch und nicht-empirisch) wissen und welche SchlĂŒsse aus diesem gebĂŒndelten Wissen zu ziehen sind. Dieser Band soll systematisch Antworten auf wichtige aktuelle oder dauerhaft relevante Fragen des Fachs geben, indem sich die BeitrĂ€ge ganz auf die Auseinandersetzung mit einer konkreten Frage konzentrieren und so Raum fĂŒr eine grĂŒndliche Argumentation bleibt. Der Band ist dem Andenken von Professor Wolfram Peiser gewidmet. Mit BeitrĂ€gen von Hans-Bernd Brosius, Felix Frey, Romy Fröhlich, Christina Holtz-Bacha, Benjamin KrĂ€mer, Philipp MĂŒller, Christoph Neuberger, Carsten Reinemann, Anna-Luisa Sacher, Johanna Schindler, Klaus Schönbach und Cornelia Wallner

    Massenmedien und Suizid: Praktische Konsequenzen aus dem Werther-Effekt

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    Der Werther-Effekt ist in der Medienwirkungsforschung ein viel beachtetes PhĂ€nomen. Seit der bahnbrechenden Studie des amerikanischen Soziologen Phillips (1974) wurde in zahlreichen Erhebungen versucht, Nachahmungstaten im Gefolge von realen und fiktiven Suiziden zu quantifizieren und zu evaluieren. Im folgenden Artikel werden die wichtigsten Stationen auf dem Weg der Erforschung des Werther-Effektes nachgezeichnet. Im Zentrum stehen dabei die praktischen Konsequenzen, die sich fĂŒr eine verantwortungsvolle Berichterstattung ĂŒber Suizide ergeben. Denntrotz vielfĂ€ltiger und detaillierter Befunde zum Werther-Effekt hat es in Deutschland bisher keine Versuche zu einer praktischen Umsetzung der Forschungsergebnisse in einem suizidprĂ€ventiven Programm gegeben. WĂ€hrend in anderen LĂ€ndern bereits erste Richtlinien fĂŒr die journalistische Berichterstattung ausgearbeitet und zum Teil implementiert wurden, sind solche BemĂŒhungen in Deutschland erst in ihren AnfĂ€ngen. Der Aufsatz extrahiert die konkreten Nachahmungsmuster bei Suiziden und die daraus resultierenden Konsequenzen fĂŒr eine verantwortungsvolle journalistische Berichterstattung. (...) EnglishHans-Bernd Brosius/Walther Ziegler: Mass media and suicide: Practical consequences of the "Werther-Effekt" (Werther effect)In many studies of the Werther effect in the last 30 years, nearly every conceivable kind of imitated suicide after TV- and newspaper reports has been evaluated. U nfortunately, in Germany, no effort has been made to mak.e use of this information to evaluate practical instructions given to journalists for the avoidance of the Werther effect in future situations. In reviewing the literature, the consequences of this neglect become immediately obvious. Reports of suicide must avoid any concrete description of methods and places. Further they never should appear on the front-pages (no suicide-headlines) of newspapers and they should never provide even simple explanations of the motives (romantisation, heroisation) of the suicide. These - from a medical point of view - necessary demands bring journalists in a paradoxical situation. The reporters have to report vividly about an event, about which they shouldn 't publish any concrete details. The answer to the classic professional standard questions "who did what, when, in which way and why?" is suddenly taboo. A further problern is the fact that suicide stories are a selling factor that journalists have to follow the dictates of the market. Our paper discusses these problems, shows alternatives for practical instructions for the making of suicide reports and gives an outline for the creation of the first media-guide in Germany.

    Readers’ perception of computer-generated news: Credibility, expertise, and readability

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    We conducted an online experiment to study people’s perception of automated computer-written news. Using a 2 × 2 × 2 design, we varied the article topic (sports, finance; within-subjects) and both the articles’ actual and declared source (human-written, computer-written; between-subjects). Nine hundred eighty-six subjects rated two articles on credibility, readability, and journalistic expertise. Varying the declared source had small but consistent effects: subjects rated articles declared as human written always more favorably, regardless of the actual source. Varying the actual source had larger effects: subjects rated computer-written articles as more credible and higher in journalistic expertise but less readable. Across topics, subjects’ perceptions did not differ. The results provide conservative estimates for the favorability of computer-written news, which will further increase over time and endorse prior calls for establishing ethics of computer-written news. </jats:p

    Urs Dahinden: Framing. Eine integrative Theorie der Massenkommunikation

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