2,220 research outputs found

    Development and evolution of the neural crest: An overview

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    The neural crest is a multipotent and migratory cell type that forms transiently in the developing vertebrate embryo. These cells emerge from the central nervous system, migrate extensively and give rise to diverse cell lineages including melanocytes, craniofacial cartilage and bone, peripheral and enteric neurons and glia, and smooth muscle. A vertebrate innovation, the gene regulatory network underlying neural crest formation appears to be highly conserved, even to the base of vertebrates. Here, we present an overview of important concepts in the neural crest field dating from its discovery 150 years ago to open questions that will motivate future research

    Role of Pumilio proteins during neural crest development

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    The neural crest (NC) is a multipotent stem cell‐like population, unique to vertebrates, that is characterized by its migratory behavior and broad ability to differentiate into many diverse derivatives including elements of the cardiovascular system, bone and cartilage of the face, the peripheral nervous system, and melanocytes. After neurulation, neural crest cells (NCC) delaminate, undergo EMT from the neural tube, and migrate both individually and collectively as chains. Various developmental diseases, including craniofacial abnormalities and neural crest‐derived cancers such as melanoma arise due to improper development of NC. While there has been much focus on transcriptional mechanisms in regulation of neural crest specification, the process of cell migration involves rapid changes that likely require post‐transcriptional regulation. In order to uncover novel proteins that might influence NC development, we have performed transcriptional profiling of migrating neural crest cells and found >300 genes that are upregulated in the migrating crest including the sequence specific RNA binding protein Pumilio1 (PUM1). PUM proteins are evolutionarily conserved translational regulators that play essential roles during germline development in both invertebrates and vertebrates. Here, we showed that pum1 and pum2 mRNA is present in both premigratory and migratory NC. Pum loss of function resulted in depletion of NC cells migrating neural tube. Conversely, over expression led to an increase in numbers of migrating cells. This led us to think about the potential role of PUM proteins in modulating the specification of NC cells. To identify potential NC targets of PUM, we carried out a bioinformatics screen focusing on NC relevant genes across multiple species that possessed a Pumilio Response Element (PRE) in their 3'UTR region. The PRE element, 5’‐UGUANAUA‐3,’ is a highly conserved consensus that PUM proteins recognize in the 3’UTRs of their targets. Interestingly, several neural crest markers possess a PRE, thus representing potential targets regulated by Pumilio during NC development. Investigation of the specific mechanism whereby PUM proteins regulate NC development is currently in progress

    A critical role for Cadherin6B in regulating avian neural crest emigration

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    Neural crest cells originate in the dorsal neural tube but subsequently undergo an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), delaminate, and migrate to diverse locations in the embryo where they contribute to a variety of derivatives. Cadherins are a family of cell–cell adhesion molecules expressed in a broad range of embryonic tissues, including the neural tube. In particular, cadherin6B (Cad6B) is expressed in the dorsal neural tube prior to neural crest emigration but is then repressed by the transcription factor Snail2, expressed by premigratory and early migrating cranial neural crest cells. To examine the role of Cad6B during neural crest EMT, we have perturbed Cad6B protein levels in the cranial neural crest-forming region and have examined subsequent effects on emigration and migration. The results show that knock-down of Cad6B leads to premature neural crest cell emigration, whereas Cad6B overexpression disrupts migration. Our data reveal a novel role for Cad6B in controlling the proper timing of neural crest emigration and delamination from the neural tube of the avian embryo

    The balance between N-cadherin and E-cadherin orchestrates major neuroectodermal cell fate choices

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    Numerous cadherin proteins, including N‐cadherin (Ncad), E‐cadherin (Ecad), Cadherin‐11 (Cad11) and Cadherin‐7 (Cad7), are expressed in the developing neural plate as well as in neural crest cells as they delaminate from the newly closed neural tube. To clarify whether these proteins function independently or coordinately during development, we examined their relative expression in the cranial region of chick embryos. The results revealed surprising overlap of Ecad, Ncad and Cad7 in the neural tube, suggesting possible heterotypic interactions. Using a proximity ligation assay and co‐immunoprecipitation to test this hypothesis, we found that Ncad formed heterophilic complexes in the developing neural tube with Ecad. We also determined that modulation of either Ncad or Ecad levels led to reciprocal gain or reduction of the other cadherin protein. Altering levels of the two cadherin proteins affected the early fate specification of ectodermal derivatives, forcing an aberrant choice between neural crest and epidermal cells. Finally, we identified that the availability of ÎČ‐catenin plays a critical role in maintaining the balance between Ncad and Ecad in early development since co‐expression of activated ÎČ‐catenin rescues the Ncad‐overexpression phenotype. These results suggest that ÎČ‐catenin‐mediated balance of Ncad and Ecad proteins is critical for the normal development of the three ectodermal derivatives

    Zebrafish Stem/Progenitor Factor msi2b Exhibits Two Phases of Activity Mediated by Different Splice Variants

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    The Musashi (Msi) family of RNA-binding proteins is important in stem and differentiating cells in many species. Here, we present a zebrafish gene/protein trap line gt(msi2b-citrine)(ct) (57) (a) that expresses a Citrine fusion protein with endogenous Msi2b. Our results reveal two phases of Msi2b expression: ubiquitous expression in progenitor cells in the early embryo and later, tissue-specific expression in differentiating cells in the olfactory organ, pineal gland, and subpopulations of neurons in the central nervous system (CNS). Interestingly, this division between early and late phases is paralleled by differential expression of msi2b alternative splicing products. Whereas the full-length and long variant v3 Msi2b predominate at early stages, the later expression of variants in differentiating tissues appears to be tissue specific. Using the gt(msi2b-citrine)(ct) (57) (a), we characterized tissue-specific expression of Msi2b with cellular resolution in subsets of differentiating cells in the olfactory organ, pineal gland, CNS, and ventral neural tube. By performing transcription activator-like effectors nuclease-mediated biallelic genome editing or morpholino knockdown of Msi2b in zebrafish, our results show that early inactivation of Msi2b results in severe embryonic defects including hypertrophy of the ventricles and shortening of the body, consistent with an important role in cell proliferation and survival. Moreover, specific inactivation of Msi2b full-length indicates that this species is essential for the early role of Msi2b. This line provides a valuable tool both for live imaging of the endogenous Msi2b at subcellular resolution and manipulation of Msi2b-expressing cells

    Early regulative ability of the neuroepithelium to form cardiac neural crest

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    The cardiac neural crest (arising from the level of hindbrain rhombomeres 6–8) contributes to the septation of the cardiac outflow tract and the formation of aortic arches. Removal of this population after neural tube closure results in severe septation defects in the chick, reminiscent of human birth defects. Because neural crest cells from other axial levels have regenerative capacity, we asked whether the cardiac neural crest might also regenerate at early stages in a manner that declines with time. Accordingly, we find that ablation of presumptive cardiac crest at stage 7, as the neural folds elevate, results in reformation of migrating cardiac neural crest by stage 13. Fate mapping reveals that the new population derives largely from the neuroepithelium ventral and rostral to the ablation. The stage of ablation dictates the competence of residual tissue to regulate and regenerate, as this capacity is lost by stage 9, consistent with previous reports. These findings suggest that there is a temporal window during which the presumptive cardiac neural crest has the capacity to regulate and regenerate, but this regenerative ability is lost earlier than in other neural crest populations

    ILF-3 is a regulator of the neural plate border marker Zic1 in chick embryos

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    Background: The neural crest is a multipotent cell type unique to the vertebrate lineage and capable of differentiating into a large number of varied cell types, including ganglia of the peripheral nervous system, cartilage, and glia. An early step in neural crest specification occurs at the neural plate border, a region defined by the overlap of transcription factors of the Zic, Msx, and Pax families. Results: Here we identify a novel chick gene with close homology to double-stranded RNA-binding protein Interleukin enhancer binding factor 3 (ILF-3) in other species. Our results show that chick Ilf-3 is required for proper expression of the transcription factor, Zic-1, at the neural plate border. Conclusion: We have identified a novel chick gene and show it has a role in the correct specification of Zic-1 at the neural plate border
