88 research outputs found

    How visual information influences dual-task driving and tracking

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    The study examined the impact of visual predictability on dual-task performance in driving and tracking tasks. Participants (N = 27) performed a simulated driving task and a pursuit tracking task. In either task, visual predictability was manipulated by systematically varying the amount of advance visual information: in the driving task, participants drove at night with low beam, at night with high beam, or in daylight; in the tracking task, participants saw a white line that specified the future target trajectory for 200, 400 or 800 ms. Concurrently with driving or tracking, participants performed an auditory task. They had to discriminate between two sounds and press a pedal upon hearing the higher sound. Results show that in general, visual predictability benefited driving and tracking; however, dual-task driving performance was best with highest visual predictability (daylight), dual-task tracking performance was best with medium visual predictability (400 ms). Braking/reaction times were higher in dual tasks compared to single tasks, but were unaffected by visual predictability, showing that its beneficial effects did not transfer to the auditory task. In both tasks, manual accuracy decreased around the moment the foot pressed the pedal, indicating interference between tasks. We, therefore, conclude that despite a general beneficial impact of predictability, the integration of visual information seems to be rather task specific, and that interference between driving and audiomotor tasks, and tracking and audiomotor tasks, seems comparable

    Dissolved Organic Carbon in the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation

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    The quantitative role of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export is evaluated by combining DOC measurements with observed water mass transports. In the eastern subpolar North Atlantic, both upper and lower limbs of the AMOC transport high-DOC waters. Deep water formation that connects the two limbs of the AMOC results in a high downward export of non-refractory DOC (197 Tg-C·yr-1). Subsequent remineralization in the lower limb of the AMOC, between subpolar and subtropical latitudes, consumes 72% of the DOC exported by the whole Atlantic Ocean. The contribution of DOC to the carbon sequestration in the North Atlantic Ocean (62 Tg-C·yr-1) is considerable and represents almost a third of the atmospheric CO 2 uptake in the region

    Dosage Effects of Cohesin Regulatory Factor PDS5 on Mammalian Development: Implications for Cohesinopathies

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    Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS), a disorder caused by mutations in cohesion proteins, is characterized by multisystem developmental abnormalities. PDS5, a cohesion protein, is important for proper chromosome segregation in lower organisms and has two homologues in vertebrates (PDS5A and PDS5B). Pds5B mutant mice have developmental abnormalities resembling CdLS; however the role of Pds5A in mammals and the association of PDS5 proteins with CdLS are unknown. To delineate genetic interactions between Pds5A and Pds5B and explore mechanisms underlying phenotypic variability, we generated Pds5A-deficient mice. Curiously, these mice exhibit multiple abnormalities that were previously observed in Pds5B-deficient mice, including cleft palate, skeletal patterning defects, growth retardation, congenital heart defects and delayed migration of enteric neuron precursors. They also frequently display renal agenesis, an abnormality not observed in Pds5B−/− mice. While Pds5A−/− and Pds5B−/− mice die at birth, embryos harboring 3 mutant Pds5 alleles die between E11.5 and E12.5 most likely of heart failure, indicating that total Pds5 gene dosage is critical for normal development. In addition, characterization of these compound homozygous-heterozygous mice revealed a severe abnormality in lens formation that does not occur in either Pds5A−/− or Pds5B−/− mice. We further identified a functional missense mutation (R1292Q) in the PDS5B DNA-binding domain in a familial case of CdLS, in which affected individuals also develop megacolon. This study shows that PDS5A and PDS5B functions other than those involving chromosomal dynamics are important for normal development, highlights the sensitivity of key developmental processes on PDS5 signaling, and provides mechanistic insights into how PDS5 mutations may lead to CdLS

    Schwermetallemissionen bei der Verbrennung kommunaler Klaerschlaemme

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    TIB: RN 6729 (40) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Doppelschichtkondensatoren als dynamische Speicher fuer PV-Anwendungen Abschlussbericht

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    Double layer capacitors are the system of choice whenever a large number of cycles and high capacity are required. They have the advantages of high cyclic strength, high capacity, freedom of servicing, insensitivity to high temperatures and long life. Drawbacks are low energy density, high self-discharge and high cost.Applications in water pumps, pathfinders and roller blind control systems were investigatedMit den Ergebnissen steht ein detailliertes Wissen ueber den weltweiten Entwicklungsstand und die physikalischen Eigenschaften von Doppelschichtkondensatoren zur Verfuegung. Ihre Eigenschaften wurden in Bezug auf moegliche photovoltaische Anwendungen hin analysiert. Anwendungsfehlder ergeben sich vorzugsweise dann, wenn hohe Zyklenzahl und Leistungsfaehigkeit gefordert werden. Die Vorteile des neuen Energiespeichers sind seine hohe Zyklenfestigkeit und Leistungsfaehigkeit, seine Wartungsfreiheit, Temperaturunempfindlichkeit und lange Lebensdauer. Ihnen stehen die Nachteile einer geringen Energiedichte, hohen Selbstentladung und hoher Kosten gegenueber. Eine deutliche Steigerung der Gesamteffizienz von photovoltaischen Versorgungseinheiten beim Einsatz von Doppelschichtkondensatoren ergeben energetische Simulationen unterschiedlicher Systeme. Fuer ausgewaehlte photovoltaisch versorgte Anwendungen konnte die Einsatzfaehigkeit von Doppelschichtkondensatoren in Feldtests erprobt und nachgewiesen werden. Wasserpumpensysteme, Pathfinders und eine Rolladensteuerung fuer ein Fenster wurden getestet. Der Einsatz von Doppelschichtkondensatoren zur weiteren Verbreitung photovoltaischer Anwendungen ist bereits heute fuer spezielle Anwendungen sinnvoll und wirtschaftlich. Mit weiter fallenden Preisen fuer die Kondensatoren und der Entwicklung von Kondensatorsystemen mit hoeheren Spannungen werden weitere Anwendungsfelder hinzukommen. Die Basis zur Entwicklung der notwendigen Systemtechnik und ihrer Demonstration in Feldversuchen ist durch die Ergebnisse des Vorhabens gegeben. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: F00B720 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    In Vitro Studies of Lipopolysaccharide-Mediated DNA Release of Podovirus HK620

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    Gram-negative bacteria protect themselves with an outermost layer containing lipopolysaccharide (LPS). O-antigen-specific bacteriophages use tailspike proteins (TSP) to recognize and cleave the O-polysaccharide part of LPS. However, O-antigen composition and structure can be highly variable depending on the environmental conditions. It is important to understand how these changes may influence the early steps of the bacteriophage infection cycle because they can be linked to changes in host range or the occurrence of phage resistance. In this work, we have analyzed how LPS preparations in vitro trigger particle opening and DNA ejection from the E. coli podovirus HK620. Fluorescence-based monitoring of DNA release showed that HK620 phage particles in vitro ejected their genome at velocities comparable to those found for other podoviruses. Moreover, we found that HK620 irreversibly adsorbed to the LPS receptor via its TSP at restrictive low temperatures, without opening the particle but could eject its DNA at permissive temperatures. DNA ejection was solely stimulated by LPS, however, the composition of the O-antigen dictated whether the LPS receptor could start the DNA release from E. coli phage HK620 in vitro. This finding can be significant when optimizing bacteriophage mixtures for therapy, where in natural environments O-antigen structures may rapidly change

    Principles for Quality Undergraduate Education in Psychology

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    Book Summary: This title examines what our students need to know to be psychologically literate citizens of the contemporary world, caring family members, and productive workers who can meet today\u27s challenges. It contains the expert opinions of a leading group on the topic, creates a powerful new model for educating psychologically literate citizens and provides a handbook of evidence-based practical pedagogy with substantive resource materials applicable to every campus and its faculty