77 research outputs found

    Effective medium approach for stiff polymer networks with flexible cross-links

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    Recent experiments have demonstrated that the nonlinear elasticity of in vitro networks of the biopolymer actin is dramatically altered in the presence of a flexible cross-linker such as the abundant cytoskeletal protein filamin. The basic principles of such networks remain poorly understood. Here we describe an effective medium theory of flexibly cross-linked stiff polymer networks. We argue that the response of the cross-links can be fully attributed to entropic stiffening, while softening due to domain unfolding can be ignored. The network is modeled as a collection of randomly oriented rods connected by flexible cross-links to an elastic continuum. This effective medium is treated in a linear elastic limit as well as in a more general framework, in which the medium self-consistently represents the nonlinear network behavior. This model predicts that the nonlinear elastic response sets in at strains proportional to cross-linker length and inversely proportional to filament length. Furthermore, we find that the differential modulus scales linearly with the stress in the stiffening regime. These results are in excellent agreement with bulk rheology data.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Nonlinear elasticity of composite networks of stiff biopolymers with flexible linkers

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    Motivated by recent experiments showing nonlinear elasticity of in vitro networks of the biopolymer actin cross-linked with filamin, we present an effective medium theory of flexibly cross-linked stiff polymer networks. We model such networks by randomly oriented elastic rods connected by flexible connectors to a surrounding elastic continuum, which self-consistently represents the behavior of the rest of the network. This model yields a crossover from a linear elastic regime to a highly nonlinear elastic regime that stiffens in a way quantitatively consistent with experiment.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Criticality and isostaticity in fiber networks

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    The rigidity of elastic networks depends sensitively on their internal connectivity and the nature of the interactions between constituents. Particles interacting via central forces undergo a zero-temperature rigidity-percolation transition near the isostatic threshold, where the constraints and internal degrees of freedom are equal in number. Fibrous networks, such as those that form the cellular cytoskeleton, become rigid at a lower threshold due to additional bending constraints. However, the degree to which bending governs network mechanics remains a subject of considerable debate. We study disordered fibrous networks with variable coordination number, both above and below the central-force isostatic point. This point controls a broad crossover from stretching- to bending-dominated elasticity. Strikingly, this crossover exhibits an anomalous power-law dependence of the shear modulus on both stretching and bending rigidities. At the central-force isostatic point---well above the rigidity threshold---we find divergent strain fluctuations together with a divergent correlation length ξ\xi, implying a breakdown of continuum elasticity in this simple mechanical system on length scales less than ξ\xi.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Actively stressed marginal networks

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    We study the effects of motor-generated stresses in disordered three dimensional fiber networks using a combination of a mean-field, effective medium theory, scaling analysis and a computational model. We find that motor activity controls the elasticity in an anomalous fashion close to the point of marginal stability by coupling to critical network fluctuations. We also show that motor stresses can stabilize initially floppy networks, extending the range of critical behavior to a broad regime of network connectivities below the marginal point. Away from this regime, or at high stress, motors give rise to a linear increase in stiffness with stress. Finally, we demonstrate that our results are captured by a simple, constitutive scaling relation highlighting the important role of non-affine strain fluctuations as a susceptibility to motor stress.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Multi-scale strain-stiffening of semiflexible bundle networks

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    Bundles of polymer filaments are responsible for the rich and unique mechanical behaviors of many biomaterials, including cells and extracellular matrices. In fibrin biopolymers, whose nonlinear elastic properties are crucial for normal blood clotting, protofibrils self-assemble and bundle to form networks of semiflexible fibers. Here we show that the extraordinary strain-stiffening response of fibrin networks is a direct reflection of the hierarchical architecture of the fibrin fibers. We measure the rheology of networks of unbundled protofibrils and find excellent agreement with an affine model of extensible wormlike polymers. By direct comparison with these data, we show that physiological fibrin networks composed of thick fibers can be modeled as networks of tight protofibril bundles. We demonstrate that the tightness of coupling between protofibrils in the fibers can be tuned by the degree of enzymatic intermolecular crosslinking by the coagulation Factor XIII. Furthermore, at high stress, the protofibrils contribute independently to the network elasticity, which may reflect a decoupling of the tight bundle structure. The hierarchical architecture of fibrin fibers can thus account for the nonlinearity and enormous elastic resilience characteristic of blood clots.Comment: 27 pages including 8 figures and Supplementary Dat

    Length-Controlled Elasticity in 3D Fiber Networks

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    We present a model for disordered 3D fiber networks to study their linear and nonlinear elasticity over a wide range of network densities and fiber lengths. In contrast to previous 2D models, these 3D networks with binary cross-links are under-constrained with respect to fiber stretching elasticity, suggesting that bending may dominate their response. We find that such networks exhibit a fiber length-controlled bending regime and a crossover to a stretch-dominated regime for lengths beyond a characteristic scale that depends on the fiber's elastic properties. Finally, by extending the model to the nonlinear regime, we show that these networks become intrinsically nonlinear with a vanishing linear response regime in the limit of floppy or long filaments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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