44 research outputs found

    Schiff bases – interesting range of applications in various fields of science

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    Kompleksy metali odgrywają istotną rolę zarówno w rolnictwie, jak również chemii farmaceutycznej i przemysłowej. Zasady Schiffa są produktami kondensacji pierwszorzędowych amin i związków karbonylowych. Związki te oraz ich kompleksy z metalami są coraz częściej stosowane jako katalizatory, polimery i barwniki. W artykule przedstawiono właściwości zasad Schiffa oraz korzyści wynikające z ich stosowania w różnych gałęziach przemysłu.Metal complexes play an important role in agriculture as well as industrial and pharmaceutical chemistry. Schiff bases are the condensation products of primary amines and carbonyl compounds. Schiff bases and their metal complexes are increasingly being used as catalysts, polymers and dyes. This paper reviews the properties of Schiff bases and benefits of their use in various branches of industry

    Comparison of methods of herbs and spices decontamination

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    Przedstawiono metody dekontaminacji surowców roślinnych, w tym ziół i przypraw, wskazano ich wady i zalety. Zwrócono uwagę na technologię z zastosowaniem ozonu, zarówno w fazie wodnej jak i gazowej.The presentation methods of decontamination of plant materials, including herbs and spices, pointing to their pros and cons. Attention was turned to the ozone utilizing technology, both in aqueous and in gaseous phase

    Searching for the relationship between the parameters of metabolic syndrome and the rs17782313 (T>C) polymorphism of the MC4R gene in postmenopausal women

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    Jacek Brodowski,1 Małgorzata Szkup,2 Anna Jurczak,2 Sylwia Wieder-Huszla,2 Agnieszka Brodowska,3 Maria Laszczyńska,4 Beata Karakiewicz,5 Katarzyna Kęcka,1 Elżbieta Grochans2 1Primary Care Department, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, 2Department of Nursing, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, 3Clinic of Gynecology, Endocrinology, and Gynecologic Oncology, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, 4Department of Histology and Developmental Biology, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, 5Public Health Department, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Żołnierska, Szczecin, Poland Abstract: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is widespread in the human population, and its incidence is continuously increasing, generating serious health problems. The purpose of this study was to find the relationship between the parameters of MS and the melanocortin type 4 receptor (MC4R) gene polymorphism in postmenopausal women. The study involved 344 healthy Polish women, who had their last menstrual cycle 1 year ago or earlier. The study included blood analysis, survey, and body measurements. The mean age was 58.5±6.6 years. An increased body mass index was observed in 65.7% and abdominal obesity in 80.3% of the study population. MS was diagnosed in 40.7% of all participants, including 39.3% of women with the T/T genotype and 44.7% of those with the C/X genotype (χ2 test; P>0.05). A logistic regression model showed that the probability of MS was higher in patients with the C/X genotype (odds ratio =1.25) (χ2 test; P>0.05). The study concluded that MS is a very common condition among postmenopausal women. The C/X genotype of the MC4R gene seems to predispose postmenopausal women to developing some MS symptoms. Keywords: melanocortin type 4 receptor (MC4R), postmenopausal women, metabolic syndrom