18 research outputs found

    Variation in the behavioral responses of Budgerigars Melopsittacus undulatus to an alarm call in relation to sex and season

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    In the Budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus, the significance of a conspecific alarm call was investigated in two seasons, winter and spring. Two qualitatively different behavioral responses were displayed by the receivers in reply to playbacks: call(s) and/or taking flight(s). The comparative analysis of the number of birds responding to the alarm and to the control signals revealed two major facts: 1) in both seasons, the responses to the alarm signal were only observed for females, not for males, 2) qualitatively, females exhibited a great inter-season variability in their behavioral responses to the hearing of an alarm call. In winter, the females were more predisposed to emit acoustic responses while in spring they mainly took flight.<br>O significado de um grito de alarme do Periquito-australiano Melopsittacus undulatus foi investigado em duas estações, inverno e primavera. Duas reações comportamentais, qualitativamente diferentes, foram apresentadas pelos receptores em resposta ao play-back: grito(s) e/ou vôo(s). A análise comparativa do número de aves respondendo ao grito de alarme e aos sinais de controle revelou dois fatos principais: 1) em ambas as estações, as respostas ao grito de alarme foram observadas somente para as fêmeas, não para os machos, 2) qualitativamente, as fêmeas mostraram uma grande variação estacional nas suas respostas comportamentais à escuta de um grito de alarme. No inverno, as fêmeas eram mais predispostas a emitir uma resposta acústica, enquanto na primavera elas geralmente levantavam vôo