163 research outputs found

    Death of the Arts Manager

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    This article reflects on some of the major ontological questions of arts management as an academic discipline and a profession, using the imagined event of death as a model for confrontation, provocation and critical reflection. One of the questions is relating to the confrontational character of the notions of arts and management and the difficulties in bringing the ideas of management and systems into a framework of the arts where too often there is a need to be unflappable and chaotic, free of structures. Second issue is connected with the relations to power within the field of art, and the dilemmas arts management has concerning the positioning relating to sources of power. Third issue discussed is the relation between art management and authorship and legacy ā€“ is there a space and need for arts managers to be creative contributors and co-authors in the process of art production? What is the legacy of an arts manager compared to the legacy of an artist? And finally, article is addressing the questioning of the need for formal education of arts managers in the context of society of post 2010ā€™s. Article introduces the concept of Return on Meaning (ROM) and suggest an alternative view for the arts management, as a shared set of functions within the process of art production, rather than the individual position of power, compared to the role curators take today in the system of visual arts

    Roles of Cultural Networks in the Times of Quantum Reality

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    A proliferation of organisations which concern themselves with artistic and cultural practice and the way they intersect with national and international policy. This chapter will explore that notion in terms of organisations/platforms which have been set up to facilitate the international exchanges in the field(s) of culture/arts, and the roles they play in the field today. The chapter is covering some of the trending issues in cultural networking ā€“ lifecycle of a cultural network; the role of enhancing the voices of the members; advocacy strategies; governance of cultural networks and their institutionalization. The future of cultural networking is being asked as a question, connected with the social, political and technological changes that are happening after 2010ā€™s

    Crane cabins' safety and ergonomics characteristics evaluation based on data collected in Sweden port

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    This paper presents an evaluation of crane cabins safety and ergonomics characteristics. It is based on previous research data collected for benchmarking analysis for crane cabins operating in one port in Sweden. Six crane cabin types are examined regarding eight characteristic divided in three groups: operator-control devices interaction, safety and anthropometric adjustment according to needs weighting data. Primary analysis of those data was conducted using Pareto analysis. Further analysis are done using developed indexes of characteristics performances while final conclusions were drawn for characteristic of crane cabins using crane index of performance. Taking into account all examined crane cabins only 52.5% of operator-control devices interaction, 75% of safety and 60% of anthropometric adjustment issues are satisfied in current designs

    Crane Cabins Development - Are there Innovations Needed?

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    The use of load lifting/handling equipment makes workplaces dangerous given the high potential for injury, loss of life and material damage. Cranes are extremely important component in many different industrial operations today. Previous researches have highlighted the need of such equipment to be safely operated and easily maintained, while associated human errors should be considerably reduced. Hence, human centered issues have to be analyzed first and according to those conclusions certain innovations are necessary. This survey offers new crane cabin design based on univariate and multivariate approaches applied on operators' anthropometric data in aim to enable their ergonomic convenience. Later, design issues are solved, through static and dynamic calculations using finite method elements in that context. Finally, crane cabin design in the light of Industry 4.0 concept is further analyzed together with inventions that are helpful there. Accordingly, we can conclude that in crane cabins development process proposed innovations are needed and very beneficial

    Crane cabins with integrated visual systems for the detection and interpretation of environment - economic appraisal

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    Rad analizira ekonomsku opravdanost i upotrebu nove generacije kabina krana znatno manje težine i krutosti čiji će unutraÅ”nji prostor neophodan za rukovaoca biti razvijen koriŔćenjem metode fizičkog, kognitivnog i ergonomskog organizovanja sa reÅ”enim problemom vidljivosti i koji će omogućiti veću produktivnost, usled smanjenja fizičkog i psihičkog stresa rukovaoca, kao i veću bezbednost i sigurnost usled integrisanja vizuelnog sistema. Dokazano je da ukupna ekonomska prednost eksploatacije kabine u ukupnom eksploatacijskom period značajno veća, nego upotrebna cena kabine, kao i da je interna stopa prinosa iznad prosečne ponderisane kamatne stope i da je vreme povratka uloženog manje od 3 godine. Analizirani proizvodni projekat i upotreba kabine krana sa integrisanim vizuelnim sistemom za detekciju i interpretaciju sredine je projekat niskog ekonomskog rizika.This paper analyses the economic feasibility of production and use of the new generation crane cabins of considerably lighter weight and stiff structure whose interior space necessary for the operator will be developed by using the methods of physical, cognitive and organizational ergonomics with the solved problem of visibility and which will allow higher productivity due to reduction of physical and psychological stress of the operator, as well as greater safety and security due to the integrated visual system. It is proved that the total economic benefit of the exploitation of the cabin in the overall exploitation period is significantly higher than the purchase price of the cabin, as well as that the internal rate of return is above the relevant average weighted interest rate and the payback period is less than three years. The analyzed project of production and use of crane cabins with integrated visual systems for the detection and interpretation of environment is the project with low economic risk

    Crane cabins' safety and ergonomics characteristics evaluation based on data collected in Sweden port

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    This paper presents an evaluation of crane cabins safety and ergonomics characteristics. It is based on previous research data collected for benchmarking analysis for crane cabins operating in one port in Sweden. Six crane cabin types are examined regarding eight characteristic divided in three groups: operator-control devices interaction, safety and anthropometric adjustment according to needs weighting data. Primary analysis of those data was conducted using Pareto analysis. Further analysis are done using developed indexes of characteristics performances while final conclusions were drawn for characteristic of crane cabins using crane index of performance. Taking into account all examined crane cabins only 52.5% of operator-control devices interaction, 75% of safety and 60% of anthropometric adjustment issues are satisfied in current designs


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    Iskustva uključivanje korisnika u obrazovanje socijalnih radnika u Srbiji vrlo su skromna. Tome je značajno doprinio medicinski model socijalnog rada koji je dominirao u obrazovnom procesu. Postepeno, s nadilaženjem ovog modela sazrijeva svijest o nužnosti uključivanja korisnika i njihovih njegovatelja kao partnera u obrazovanje socijalnih radnika. Skromna iskustva svjedoče o viÅ”estrukoj koristi ovakvog pristupa. Početni su koraci koji se odnose na reformu nastavnih planova i programa te cjelokupnog sustava socijalne zaÅ”tite učinjeni. Ipak, oni su nedovoljni i neophodno ih je dalje razvijati u smislu razvoja organiziranog i strukturiranog pristupa, koji će osigurati osnovne uvjete, oblike i načine uključivanja korisnika i njihovih njegovatelja u obrazovni proces.The experience in service user involvement in the education of social workers in Serbia is very limited. This fact was significantly influenced by a medical model of social work practice which has dominated the education process. Gradually, as this model has been abandoned, the awareness on the importance of involvement of service users and their carers as partners in the education of social workers has risen. The limited experience, however, reveals numerous benefits of such an approach. The first steps, which relate to the curricular reform and the reform of the social care system, have been undertaken. However, they are not sufficient and it is necessary to continue to develop an organized and structured approach which would provide basic conditions, forms and modalities of involvement of service users and their carers in the education process

    Designing interior space for drivers of passenger vehicle

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    U radu je dat pregled naÅ”ih prethodnih istraživanja uz dodatna unapređenja, tako da je dokazana hipoteza da putničko vozilo joÅ” uvek nije ergonomski prilagođeno čoveku u dovoljnoj meri, posebno u delu unutraÅ”njeg prostora za smeÅ”taj i upotrebu nožnih komandi. U ergonomskom prilagođavanju putničkog vozila najznačajnija su tehnička i antropometrijska ograničenja. Pri samom istraživanju je u najvećoj meri koriŔćena metodologija operacionih istraživanja, tako da su ciljevi opisani funkcijom cilja, dok se sistem 'čovek-vozilo' optimizira uz postojanje ograničenja. U savremenim zaoÅ”trenim ekonomskim i ekoloÅ”kim zahtevima održivog razvoja u ovom radu je ostvaren cilj konstrukcije unutraÅ”njeg prostora standardnog putničkog vozila sa optimalnom čeonom povrÅ”inom i koeficijentom otpora vazduha. Data je originalna metodologija za određivanje unutraÅ”njeg prostora putničkog vozila. Činjenica da postoji '0' tačka kao ishodiÅ”te koordinatnog sistema sa x, y i z osom sistema čovek - vozilo, koja se može smatrati približno fiksnom, omogućila je tačnije određivanje mehaničkih i matematičkih zavisnosti u ovom sistemu. U radu je dokazano da antropomere po dužini imaju mehaničke i matematičke funkcije koje određuju i Å”irinu, odnosno sve tri dimenzije prostora. Data je i konstrukcija za prostor iza vetrobranskog stakla, položaj volana, prostor i položaj nožnih komandi, kao i ukupnog prostora za vozača. Dokazano je da na visinu od poda do krova vozila najveći uticaj imaju antropomere visine sedenja i potkolenice, dok na Å”irinu antropomere potkolenice i natkolenice, a tek onda Å”irina ramena, tako je unutraÅ”nji prostor za vozače putničkog vozila određen visinom 1.250 mm i Å”irinom za raÅ”irena kolena na nivo sediÅ”ta 926 mm.The current study is a review of our previous papers with certain improvements, so it proves the hypothesis that passenger vehicles are still not sufficiently adapted to man in terms of ergonomics, especially from the aspect of interior space. In the ergonomic adjustment of passenger vehicles, the limits of anthropomeasures and technical limitations, are the most important. The methodology mainly uses operative investigations, and the 'man-vehicle' system is optimized within existing limitations. Here, we also explain original methodology for modeling that space. The fact that there is a point '0' as the origin point of a coordinate system with x, y and z axes of the man-vehicle system, which can be considered to be more or less fixed, enabled us to determine more accurately the mechanical and mathematical codependence in this system. The paper also proves that the anthropomeasures of length have mechanical and mathematical functions which also determine the width, i.e. all three dimensions and provides the design of the space behind the windscreen glass, the position of the steering wheel and the position of the foot commands with space for feet and knees determined, as well as the total space which the driver occupies. It is proved that the floor-ceiling height of a vehicle is primarily affected by the anthropomeasures of seating height and lower leg, while width is affected by the anthropomeasures of lower and upper leg and only then by shoulder width, so that the interior space for the driver of a passenger vehicle is 1250 mm and the width for knees spread at seat level is 926 mm maximum

    Differences in anthropometric measurements between Libyan and Serbian passenger car drivers and crane operators

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    This paper is a part of ongoing research on passenger car drivers' and crane operators' anthropometric measurements data collected in aim to make comparison, explore ergonomic adaptation and fi nally improve safety. It represents one of the rare explorations containing the Libyan male drivers and crane operators' data, and accordingly it is one of the fi rst researches in anthropometric fi eld on Libyan population. Herein, statistical analysis on Libyan 300 male drivers and 50 crane operators collected data shows that male drivers are taller, and have higher sitting height as well as upper leg length values, while crane operators have slightly wider shoulders and hips. Both Libyan groups have the same arm and foot lengths. Apart of Libyan male car drivers and crane operators, research includes also and Serbian car drivers (921 Serbian male drivers) compared with crane operators (83 crane operators). Obtained data show that Serbian male car drivers have signifi cantly larger standing height and upper leg length values, while foot length is signifi cantly lower for drivers than for crane operators. Passenger vehicle and crane cabins designers can benefi t from this survey

    Kaizen implementation context and performance

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    Unapređenje kvaliteta podrazumeva primenu alata, tehnika, metodologija i aplikacija kvaliteta. Njihovom pravilnom upotrebom moguće je postići željeni nivo kvaliteta, a zatim ga stalno poboljÅ”avati. Primena Kaizena može biti od posebne važnosti. Ovaj rad obuhvata istraživanje koje je sprovedeno u lancu snabdevanja velike multinacionalne kompanije (uzorak od 200 kompanija) i analizira primenu Kaizena i kontekstualnih i performansnih promenljivih koriŔćenjem korelacione analize. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da primena Kaizena u kompaniji pozitivno utiče na pokazatelje performansi, posebno u oblasti kvaliteta. Takođe, primena Kaizena je pozitivno korelirana sa promenljivim kao Å”to su organizacioni ciljevi, nivo formalizacije, sistem nagrađivanja, upravljanje konfliktima i napredak i razvoj zaposlenih.Quality improvement implies the application of quality tools, techniques, methodologies and applications. Through their proper use, the desired level of quality can be achieved and then continuously improved. Kaizen implementation could be of particular significance. This paper covers a survey done at a large multinational company supply chain (sample size 200 companies) and analyses the application of Kaizen and contextual and performance variables using correlation analyses. Survey results showed that the implementation of Kaizen in the company increases performance indicators, especially in the area of quality. Also, Kaizen application is positively correlated to variables such as organizational goals and objectives, the level of formalization, reward system, conflict management and progress and development of employees
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