26 research outputs found

    How the Intestinal Peptide Transporter PEPT-1 Contributes to an Obesity Phenotype in Caenorhabditits elegans

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    Background: Amino acid absorption in the form of di- and tripeptides is mediated by the intestinal proton-coupled peptide transporter PEPT-1 (formally OPT-2) in Caenorhabditits elegans. Transporter-deficient animals (pept-1(lg601)) show impaired growth, slowed postembryonal development and major changes in amino acid status. Principal Findings: Here we demonstrate that abolished intestinal peptide transport also leads to major metabolic alterations that culminate in a two fold increase in total body fat content. Feeding of C. elegans with [U- 13 C]-labelled E. coli revealed a decreased de novo synthesis of long-chain fatty acids in pept-1(lg601) and reduced levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids. mRNA profiling revealed increased transcript levels of enzymes/transporters needed for peroxisomal b-oxidation and decreased levels for those required for fatty acid synthesis, elongation and desaturation. As a prime and most fundamental process that may account for the increased fat content in pept-1(lg601) we identified a highly accelerated absorption of free fatty acids from the bacterial food in the intestine. Conclusions: The influx of free fatty acids into intestinal epithelial cells is strongly dependent on alterations in intracellular pH which is regulated by the interplay of PEPT-1 and the sodium-proton exchanger NHX-2. We here provide evidence for a central mechanism by which the PEPT-1/NHX-2 system strongly influences the in vivo fat content of C. elegans. Loss of PEPT-1 decreases intestinal proton influx leading to a higher uptake of free fatty acids with fat accumulation whereas loss of NHX

    The Reproduction Rate of Peptide Transporter PEPT-1 Deficient C. elegans Is Dependent on Dietary Glutamate Supply

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    Intestinal absorption of dietary amino acids is mediated via two routes. Free amino acids released by hydrolysis of dietary proteins are taken up by a multitude of amino acid transporters while di- and tripeptides released are taken up by the peptide transporter PEPT-1. Loss of PEPT-1 impairs growth, post-embryonic development and reproduction in Caenorhabditis elegans, and supplementation with a mixture of all L-amino acids only partially rescues fertility. In the present study, we demonstrate that dietary L-glutamate is the responsible amino acid that can increase fertility in hermaphrodite pept-1 worms. This effect was associated with a significantly higher uptake of glutamate/aspartate in pept-1 than in wildtype C. elegans. Furthermore, we found that the intestinal transporter proteins SNF-5 of the solute carrier SLC6 family of nutrient amino acid transporters (NAT) and AAT-6 of the SLC7 family as the light subunit of a heteromeric amino acid transporter (HAT) play a key role in glutamate homeostasis in pept-1 C. elegans. Genes encoding these transporters are highly expressed and upon silencing a 95% reduced fertility (snf-5) and sterility (aat-6) was observed. A subsequent L-glutamate supplementation failed to rescue these phenotypes. Dietary glutamate supplementation did neither influence the feeding frequency, nor did it improve mating efficiency of pept-1 males. Most strikingly, pept-1 were more prone to habituation to repeated gentle touch stimuli than wildtype C. elegans, and dietary glutamate supply was sufficient to alter this behavioral output by restoring the mechanosensory response to wildtype levels. Taken together, our data demonstrate a key role of L-glutamate in amino acid homeostasis in C. elegans lacking the peptide transporter in the intestine and demonstrate its distinct role in reproduction and for neural circuits mediating touch sensitivity

    A Glutathione Peroxidase, Intracellular Peptidases and the TOR Complexes Regulate Peptide Transporter PEPT-1 in C. elegans

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    The intestinal peptide transporter PEPT-1 in Caenorhabditis elegans is a rheogenic H+-dependent carrier responsible for the absorption of di- and tripeptides. Transporter-deficient pept-1(lg601) worms are characterized by impairments in growth, development and reproduction and develop a severe obesity like phenotype. The transport function of PEPT-1 as well as the influx of free fatty acids was shown to be dependent on the membrane potential and on the intracellular pH homeostasis, both of which are regulated by the sodium-proton exchanger NHX-2. Since many membrane proteins commonly function as complexes, there could be proteins that possibly modulate PEPT-1 expression and function. A systematic RNAi screening of 162 genes that are exclusively expressed in the intestine combined with a functional transport assay revealed four genes with homologues existing in mammals as predicted PEPT-1 modulators. While silencing of a glutathione peroxidase surprisingly caused an increase in PEPT-1 transport function, silencing of the ER to Golgi cargo transport protein and of two cytosolic peptidases reduced PEPT-1 transport activity and this even corresponded with lower PEPT-1 protein levels. These modifications of PEPT-1 function by gene silencing of homologous genes were also found to be conserved in the human epithelial cell line Caco-2/TC7 cells. Peptidase inhibition, amino acid supplementation and RNAi silencing of targets of rapamycin (TOR) components in C. elegans supports evidence that intracellular peptide hydrolysis and amino acid concentration are a part of a sensing system that controls PEPT-1 expression and function and that involves the TOR complexes TORC1 and TORC2


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    Metabolomics has identified biomarkers in human plasma with a predictive quality for type 2 diabetes (T2D) development. Amongst these markers are various acylcarnitine species, most prominently those derived from branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) breakdown. The metabolic perturbations in tissues underlying these changes in plasma are often unknown and hard to assess in humans. Thus, animal models are used to have access to the different tissues. In contrast to diet-induced obesity models or monogenetic mouse models of obesity and diabetes, the New Zealand Obese (NZO) mouse is a prototypical polygenic model for obesity, with a male-specific susceptibility to developing diabetes. We have used this model to study the metabolic alterations in obesity-induced diabetes for changes in tissue-specific acylcarnitine and amino acid profiles. Twelve male and 11 female NZO mice at an age of 8 weeks were fed a chemically-defined high carbohydrate diet for 12 weeks. Acylcarnitine and amino acid profiles were obtained from plasma, skeletal muscle, heart muscle, liver, kidney and adipose tissues, using a high-resolution LC-MS/MS method. This method covered around 35 amino acids and 43 acylcarnitine species originating from fatty acids and amino acids, as well as odd-numbered and dicarboxylic acylcarnitines. Furthermore, blood glucose, plasma insulin, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), triglyceride and urea concentrations were measured. Hierarchical cluster analysis of principle components derived from plasma samples revealed a grouping of normoglycemic females, normoglycemic males and hyperglycemic males and this originated mainly from differences in concentrations of acylcarnitines derived from BCAAs and odd-numbered short- and medium-chain fatty acids. Hyperglycemic males were characterized by high insulin levels and low levels of NEFAs. These findings largely match with findings in humans. Comparison of metabolite profiles in diabetic and non-diabetic male mice revealed the largest overlap of significant metabolite changes between plasma and liver, including longer-chain odd-numbered acylcarnitine species. In conclusion, the alterations in acylcarnitine and amino acid profiles in NZO mice largely overlap with findings in humans, suggesting similar underlying metabolic perturbations in this diabetes model as compared to humans. The metabolite profiling of individual tissues in this model suggests a specific role of the liver in the generation of odd-numbered fatty acylcarnitines

    Acylcarnitine Profiles in Plasma and Tissues of Hyperglycemic NZO Mice Correlate with Metabolite Changes of Human Diabetes

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    The New Zealand obese (NZO) mouse is a polygenic model for obesity and diabetes with obese females and obese, diabetes-prone males, used to study traits of the metabolic syndrome like type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), obesity, and dyslipidaemia. By using LC-MS/MS, we here examine the suitability of this model to mirror tissue-specific changes in acylcarnitine (AC) and amino acid (AA) species preceding T2DM which may reflect patterns investigated in human metabolism. We observed high concentrations of fatty acid-derived ACs in 11 female mice, high abundance of branched-chain amino acid- (BCAA-) derived ACs in 6 male mice, and slight increases in BCAA-derived ACs in the remaining 6 males. Principal component analysis (PCA) including all ACs and AAs confirmed our hypothesis especially in plasma samples by clustering females, males with high BCAA-derived ACs, and males with slight increases in BCAA-derived ACs. Concentrations of insulin, blood glucose, NEFAs, and triacylglycerols (TAGs) further supported the hypothesis of high BCAA-derived ACs being able to mirror the onset of diabetic traits in male individuals. In conclusion, alterations in AC and AA profiles overlap with observations from human studies indicating the suitability of NZO mice to study metabolic changes preceding human T2DM

    Peptide transporter isoforms are discriminated by the fluorophore-conjugated dipeptides β-Ala- and d-Ala-Lys-N-7-amino-4-methylcoumarin-3-acetic acid

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    Peptide transporters of the SLC15 family are classified by structure and function into PEPT1 (low‐affinity/high‐capacity) and PEPT2 (high‐affinity/low‐capacity) isoforms. Despite the differences in kinetics, both transporter isoforms are reckoned to transport essentially all possible di‐ and tripeptides. We here report that the fluorophore‐conjugated dipeptide derivatives β‐Ala‐Lys‐N‐7‐amino‐4‐methylcoumarin‐3‐acetic acid (β‐AK‐AMCA) and d‐Ala‐Lys‐N‐7‐amino‐4‐methylcoumarin‐3‐acetic acid (d‐AK‐AMCA) are transported by distinct PEPT isoforms in a species‐specific manner. Transport of the fluorophore peptides was studied (1) in vitro after heterologous expression in Xenopus oocytes of PEPT1 and PEPT2 isoforms from different vertebrate species and of PEPT1 and PEPT2 transporters from Caenorhabditis elegans by using electrophysiological and fluorescence methods and (2) in vivo in C. elegans by using fluorescence methods. Our results indicate that both substrates are transported by the vertebrate “renal‐type” and the C. elegans “intestinal‐type” peptide transporter only. A systematic analysis among species finds four predicted amino acid residues along the sequence that may account for the substrate uptake differences observed between the vertebrate PEPT1/nematode PEPT2 and the vertebrate PEPT2/nematode PEPT1 subtype. This selectivity on basis of isoforms and species may be helpful in better defining the structure–function determinants of the proteins of the SLC15 family

    Yersinia enterocolitica Infection and tcaA-Dependent Killing of Caenorhabditis elegans▿ †

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    Caenorhabditis elegans is a validated model to study bacterial pathogenicity. We report that Yersinia enterocolitica strains W22703 (biovar 2, serovar O:9) and WA314 (biovar 1B, serovar O:8) kill C. elegans when feeding on the pathogens for at least 15 min before transfer to the feeding strain Escherichia coli OP50. The killing by Yersinia enterocolitica requires viable bacteria and, in contrast to that by Yersinia pestis and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis strains, is biofilm independent. The deletion of tcaA encoding an insecticidal toxin resulted in an OP50-like life span of C. elegans, indicating an essential role of TcaA in the nematocidal activity of Y. enterocolitica. TcaA alone is not sufficient for nematocidal activity because E. coli DH5α overexpressing TcaA did not result in a reduced C. elegans life span. Spatial-temporal analysis of C. elegans infected with green fluorescent protein-labeled Y. enterocolitica strains showed that Y. enterocolitica colonizes the nematode intestine, leading to an extreme expansion of the intestinal lumen. By low-dose infection with W22703 or DH5α followed by transfer to E. coli OP50, proliferation of Y. enterocolitica, but not E. coli, in the intestinal lumen of the nematode was observed. The titer of W22703 cells within the worm increased to over 106 per worm 4 days after infection while a significantly lower number of a tcaA knockout mutant was recovered. A strong expression of tcaA was observed during the first 5 days of infection. Y. enterocolitica WA314 (biovar 1B, serovar O:8) mutant strains lacking the yadA, inv, yopE, and irp1 genes known to be important for virulence in mammals were not attenuated or only slightly attenuated in their toxicity toward the nematode, suggesting that these factors do not play a significant role in the colonization and persistence of this pathogen in nematodes. In summary, this study supports the hypothesis that C. elegans is a natural host and nutrient source of Y. enterocolitica

    Formation of phosphoglycosides in Caenorhabditis elegans: a novel biotransformation pathway.

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    BACKGROUND: Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) has become a widely used model to explore the effect of food constituents on health as well as on life-span extension. The results imply that besides essential nutrients several flavonoids are able to impact the aging process. What is less investigated is the bioavailability and biotransformation of these compounds in C. elegans. In the present study, we focused on the soy isoflavone genistein and its metabolism in the nematode as a basis for assessing whether this model system mimics the mammalian condition. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: C. elegans was exposed to 100 µM genistein for 48 hours. The worm homogenate was extracted and analyzed by liquid chromatography (LC). 11 metabolites of genistein were detected and characterized using LC electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. All genistein metabolites formed by C. elegans were found to be sugar conjugates, primarily genistein-O-glucosides. The dominant metabolite was identified as genistein-7-O-phosphoglucoside. Further interesting metabolites include two genistein-di-O-glycosides, a genistein-O-disaccharide as well as a genistein-O-phosphodisaccharide. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our study provides evidence for a novel biotransformation pathway in C. elegans leading to conjugative metabolites which are not known for mammals. The metabolism of genistein in mammals and in C. elegans differs widely which may greatly impact the bioactivity. These differences need to be appropriately taken into consideration when C. elegans is used as a model to assess possible health or aging effects

    Bovine embryo elongation is altered due to maternal fatty acid supplementation

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    The pre-implantation period is prone to embryonic losses in bovine. Embryo–maternal communication is crucial to support embryo development. Thereby, factors of the uterine fluid (UF) are of specific importance. The maternal diet can affect the UF composition. Since omega 3 fatty acids (omega 3 FA) are considered to be beneficial for reproduction, we investigated if dietary omega 3 FA affected factors in the UF related to embryo elongation. Angus heifers (n = 37) were supplemented with either 450 g of rumen-protected fish oil (omega 3 FA) or sunflower oil (omega 6 FA) for a period of 8 weeks. Following cycle synchronization and artificial insemination, the uteri were flushed post mortem to recover the embryos on day 15 of pregnancy. The UF and tissue samples of endometrium and corpus luteum (CL) were collected. Strikingly, the embryo elongation in the omega 3 group was enhanced compared to the omega 6 group. No differences were observed in uterine prostaglandins, even though the endometrial concentration of their precursor arachidonic acid was reduced in omega 3 compared to omega 6 heifers. The dietary FA neither led to differential expression of target genes in endometrium nor CL nor to a differential abundance of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, cortisol or amino acids in the UF. Interestingly, the omega 3 group displayed a higher plasma progesterone concentration during luteal growth than the omega 6 group, possibly promoting embryo elongation. Further research should include an ovarian perspective to understand the functional link between dietary omega 3 FA and reproductive outcome