109 research outputs found

    Political Participation of the Homeless in Brazil

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    Most researchers regard the mobilization of the most deprived as a rare case that needs further explanation. In this contribution the Brazilian National Movement of the Homeless (Movimento Nacional População Rua – MNPR) will be analysed to show mechanisms of mobilization of the most deprived. Unlike other rare cases of homeless mobilization, the movement is active beyond the local level; it has existed for almost a decade, gaining access to and impacting on politics at all levels. How does the MNPR attract homeless people and keep them as active participants and leaders? The case study of the MNPR is based on interviews with leaders of the movement and participant observation in São Paulo, Salvador de Bahia and Brasília in 2013

    The theoretical potential of website and newspaper data for analysing political communication processes

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    'Der vorliegende Aufsatz vergleicht die Stärken und Schwächen von Webseiten und Zeitungen als Datenquellen für die Analyse politischer Kommunikationsprozesse. Als prozess-generierte Daten teilen beide Quellen mehrere Vor- und Nachteile, unterscheiden sich aber in Details, woraus spezifische theoretische Potentiale resultieren. Wir zeigen jeweils spezifische Verzerrungen, die bereits bei der Produktion aber auch durch die selektive Archivierung und Sicherung der Daten entstehen können. Des Weiteren unterscheiden wir jeweils spezifische Zugangswege zu den Quellen und Möglichkeiten, das Datenmaterial zu klassifizieren. Daran anknüpfend stellen wir die These auf, dass sich Zeitungen und Webseiten aufgrund der ihnen eigenen Qualitäten für bestimmte Fragestellungen mehr bzw. weniger eignen: Webseiten eignen sich 1. eher für die Analyse interpretativer Deutungsmuster, jedoch weniger zur Analyse politischer Diskurse; 2. eher für die Analyse marginalisierter Akteure, jedoch weniger zur Analyse von Machteliten und 3. eher für zeitlich begrenzte Fallstudien als für Längsschnittsanalysen. Für Zeitungen gilt jeweils das Gegenteil. Die Entscheidung für einen Datentyp ist letztlich aber auch von spezifischen Aspekten der Forschungsfrage abhängig. Der Aufsatz schließt mit einem Überblick über Charakteristiken und Möglichkeiten der beiden Datentypen, der dem Leser helfen soll, diese Merkmale beim Entwurf eines Forschungsdesigns zu berücksichtigen.' (Autorenreferat)'This article compares the strengths and weaknesses of websites and newspapers as data sources for the analysis of political communication. Both are characterised as process-generated data and thus share various advantages and disadvantages but vary in detail. The authors argue that the theoretical potential of these data types in analysing political communication is unequal. They highlight the differences of the sources in production bias, selection bias, access to data and in the extent to which those two types of data can be classified. Based on these fundamental characteristics, the authors claim that the specific qualities of the data types recommend them for some kind of questions while disqualifying them for others. While websites tend to be more suitable for analysing interpretive frames of individual actors for political issues rather than political discourses, weak rather than strong actors, and for case studies with a narrow time frame rather than longitudinal analysis, the strengths of newspapers tend to be the reverse. Still, whether to use newspapers, websites, other data sources or a combination of sources depends largely on specific aspects of the research question. Their overview of characteristics and possibilities of websites and newspapers should help the reader to take these factors into account.' (author's abstract

    O movimento por justiça global – resistência aos modelos econômicos de globalização

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    Transmitted drug resistance and subtype patterns of viruses from reported new HIV diagnoses in Germany, 2017–2020

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    Background The transmission of resistant HIV variants jeopardizes the effective use of antiretrovirals for therapy and prophylaxis. Molecular surveillance of new HIV diagnoses with a focus on prevalence and type of resistance associated mutations and the subtype of circulating viruses is mandatory. Method From 2017 to 2020, 11,527 new HIV diagnoses were reported in Germany to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Protease (PR) and reverse-transcriptase (RT) sequences were obtained from 4559 (39.6%) cases, and PR, RT and integrase (IN) sequences were obtained from 3097 (26.9%) cases. The sequences were analyzed with data from the national HIV reports. Results Among all cases in the analysis, the proportion of primary resistance was 4.3% for nucleoside reverse- transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), 9.2% for non-NRTI (NNRTIs), 3.3% for protease inhibitors (PIs) and 1.4% for integrase inhibitors (INIs). Dual-class resistance was highest for NRTIs/NNRTIs with 1.2%. There was no trend in the proportion of viruses resistant to drug classes. Most individual key mutations associated with relevant resistance had a prevalence below 1% including K65R (0.1%) and M184V (0.6%). A notable exception was K103NS, with a prevalence of 2.9% and a significant increase (pTrend=0.024) during 2017–2020. In this period, diagnoses of infections with HIV-1 subtype B were the most common at 58.7%, but its prevalence was declining (pTrend=0.049) while the frequency of minority subtypes (each < 1%) increased (pTrend=0.007). Subtype B was highest (75.6%) in men who have sex with men (MSM) and lowest in reported heterosexual transmissions (HETs, 22.6%). Conclusion The percentage of primary resistance was high but at a stable level. A genotypic determination of resistance is therefore still required before the start of therapy. The subtype diversity of circulating HIV-1 is increasing.Peer Reviewe

    III International Conference Strikes & Social Conflicts. Barcelona, 16 a 19 de Junio de 2015

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    PRESENTACIÓN Desde el inicio de la crisis de 2008, con especial afectación inicialmente sobre los países centrales del capitalismo, vivimos un cambio de etapa histórico que en algunas áreas del planeta se inició a lo largo de la década de los noventa del siglo pasado. Una gran transformación que ha puesto en evidencia hasta qué punto la protesta social vuelve a estar en el centro de la posibilidad de modelar, en un sentido u otro, nuestras sociedades. Convertida la investigación sobre la p..

    Ciclo de Conferências - “As portas que Abril abriu” - Abordagens dos processos de transformação no período pós-25 de Abril

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    Organização: Biblioteca Museu República e Resistência – Espaço Grandela IELT/FCSH-UNL 30 de Abril 18h30 “Grândola Vila Morena, Terra da Fraternidade” Canções de protesto, ontem e hoje Francisco Fanhais Viriato Teles Diana Dionísio 14 de Maio 18h30 Práticas culturais no Período Revolucionário Luísa Tiago Oliveira Sónia Vespeira de Almeida Tiago Avó 21 de Maio 18h30 Conflitos laborais e transformações económicas José Nuno Matos Ricardo Noronha Miguel Pérez 28 de Maio 18h30 A memória como campo ..

    Summer School on methods for the study of political participation and mobilization, Florence, 14-25 September 2015

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    ACADEMIC PROGRAMME The Summer School will last 10 teaching days for a total of 60 hours of didactic activities, from the 14th to the 25th of September 2015. The Summer School will cover the following topics through 2 and 4 hours teaching slots: archival research; comparative historical studies and methods; participant observation; doing fieldwork during violent conflicts; interviewing activists; discourse analysis in social movement research; frame analysis in social movement research; social..

    Mario Montez: "Do Choupal à utopia: mobilização e desmobilização na ação coletiva"

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    O texto "Do Choupal à utopia: mobilização e desmobilização na ação coletiva" do Mario Montez foi apresentado  no Workshop “Protestos e Movimentos Sociais Contemporâneos em Portugal” no dia 21 de fevereiro, no ISCTE, Lisboa. Resumo: A partir do estudo de caso da ação coletiva realizada pelo movimento cívico Plataforma do Choupal, criado em Coimbra para defesa da Mata Nacional do Choupal contra a construção de um viaduto rodoviário sobre aquele espaço público, levantam-se pistas e hipóteses que..

    Publication: Geração à Rasca and beyond

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    This article analyses the Portuguese mobilizations that started with the Geração à Rasca in March 2011. The author argues that international events and the import of ideas from movements abroad had an important impact on the organizational structure and the claims of the Portuguese mobilizations. The nation-state, however, remains a very important factor in activism: organizational structures as well as claims are to a great extent country-specific. Baumgarten, Britta: Geração à Rasca and bey..