5 research outputs found
http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223611708706This article aims to present the temporal evolution occurred on soil use in 1992 and 2010 in the microregion Central Campaign of Rio Grande do Sul, giving prominence to forests´ transition. The images from the Landsat TM sensor platform 5 and the Spring application, was classified images, determining the following land use classes: bare soil, water, agricultural use, sand, native forest and plantation forests. For the generation of thematic maps was used to LEGAL Analysis (GIS Spatial Algebraic Language), tool that enables spatial analysis using map algebra. From the generation of thematic maps were calculated areas where there was the expansion of native forests (7.55% of total area) - areas where natural regeneration has occurred, becoming forest in 2010. The area that has remained the use of native forest over 18 years is 2.83% of the total area. Deforestation, forest areas belonging to native and has reverted to another use, is 1.23%. Reforestation, represented by the areas that now belong to the class planted forest was quantified at 0.57% of the total area of microregion. The remaining land use change (86.98% of total area) were among the other classes of land use. The work allowed us to observe the changes in land use over a period of 18 years, it was observed an increase in forest area, both native and planted. This increase is probably related to the investment in the forest sector in the region since 2005, accompanied by the abandonment of land unwieldy and increase the rigor of the law.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223611708706Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar a evolução temporal ocorrida no uso do solo nos anos de 1992 e 2010 na microrregião da Campanha Central do Rio Grande do Sul, dando destaque para a transição das florestas. A partir de imagens do sensor TM da plataforma Landsat 5 e do aplicativo Spring, foi realizada a classificação das imagens, determinando as seguintes classes de uso do solo: solo exposto, água, uso agrícola, areia, mata nativa e plantação de florestas. Para a geração dos mapas temáticos foi utilizado a Análise LEGAL (Linguagem Espacial para Geoprocessamento Algébrico), ferramenta que possibilita análises espaciais através de álgebra de mapas. A partir da geração dos mapas temáticos foram calculadas as áreas em que ocorreu a expansão de florestas nativas (7,55% da área total) – áreas em que ocorreu a regeneração natural, tornando-se floresta em 2010. A área em que se manteve o uso de floresta nativa ao longo de 18 anos representa 2,83% da área total. O desmatamento, áreas que pertenciam a floresta nativa e foi revertido para outro uso, representa 1,23%. O reflorestamento, representado pelas áreas que passaram a pertencer à classe floresta plantada, foi quantificado em 0,57% da área total da microrregião. As demais transições de uso (86,98% da área total) ocorreram entre as demais classes de uso do solo. O trabalho permitiu observar as mudanças ocorridas no uso do solo em um período de 18 anos, em que foi observado um aumento na área de florestas, tanto nativas como plantadas. Esse aumento está provavelmente associado ao investimento no setor florestal na região a partir de 2005, acompanhado do abandono de terras de difícil manejo e ao aumento do rigor da legislação
The objective is to evaluate changes in land use and land cover, especially forests,microregion Serras do Sudeste, Rio Grande do Sul, in 1984, 1995, 2004 and 2011. Landsat 5satellite images were processed by SPRING to develop thematic maps, defined the followingclasses of land use and land cover: "native forest", "planted forest", "field", "soil" and "water". Weobserved an increase in the area planted forests, as a result there is a gradual increase of nativevegetation, this can be explained by the way forestry has been practiced in recent years,respecting permanent preservation areas (APP) and creating reserve areas.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223611706680O objetivo do trabalho é avaliar mudanças no uso e cobertura da terra, sobretudo nas florestas, na microrregião Serras do Sudeste, Rio Grande do Sul nos anos de 1984, 1995, 2004 e 2011. Imagens do satélite Landsat 5 foram processadas no aplicativo SPRING para elaboração de um mapeamento temático, no qual foram definidas as seguintes classes de uso e cobertura da terra: “floresta nativa”, “floresta plantada”, “campo”, “solo exposto” e “água”. Observou-se um acréscimo na área de florestas plantadas, em consequência ocorre também um aumento gradativo da vegetação nativa, isso pode ser explicado pela forma com que a silvicultura vem sendo praticada nos últimos anos, respeitando áreas de preservação permanente (APP) e criando áreas de reserva legal
http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223611709155The objective of this study was to evaluate changes in land use and cover in the municipality of Faxinal Soturno, Rio Grande do Sul, in the years 1986, 1996, 2006 and 2011. The images from the Landsat TM sensor 5, four classes were classified use and land cover: “Forest” “Field”, “Bare Soil” and “Water. Classification was supervised manner, using the algorithm MaxVer (maximum likelihood), and for processing the data we used the application SPRING 5.1.8. The results showed an increase of 8.64 km2 in forest area 1986-2011. In areas of the field, there was an increase of 43.4 km2 between 1986 and 2006, but between 2006 and 2011 were reduced 7.31 km2. The areas of exposed soil 44.52 km² decreased over the study period. Areas occupied by water are very common in the region, remained virtually unchanged. It was also used in the programming language Spatial GIS algebraic (LEGAL) to quantify the transition between classes use and land cover, which was observed throughout the study period of forest regeneration and 28.20 km² 19.54 km² of deforestation. We conclude that there was an increase of forest and a reduction in agricultural areas. This fact may be related to the growth of native forests in an area that was previously occupied by agriculture and livestock and increasing rural exodus and environmental inspections.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223611709155O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as mudanças no uso e cobertura da terra no município de Faxinal Soturno, Rio Grande do Sul, nos anos de 1986, 1996, 2006 e 2011. As imagens do sensor TM Landsat 5, foram classificadas em quatro classes de uso e cobertura da terra: "Floresta", "Campo", "Solo Exposto" e "Água". A classificação foi de forma supervisionada, utilizando o algoritmo MaxVer (máxima verossimilhança), e para o processamento do dados utilizou-se o aplicativo SPRING 5.1.8. Os resultados mostraram que houve um aumento de 8,64 km2 em área de floresta de 1986 a 2011. Em áreas de campo, houve um aumento de 43,4 km2 entre 1986 e 2006, mas entre 2006 e 2011 foram reduzidos 7,31 km2. As áreas de solo exposto diminuíram 44,52 km2 ao longo do período de estudo. Áreas ocupadas por água são muito comuns na região, permaneceram praticamente inalteradas. Também foi utilizada a programação em Linguagem Espacial de Geoprocessamento algébrico (LEGAL) para quantificar a transição entre as classes de uso e cobertura da terra, onde observou-se em todo o período de estudo uma regeneração florestal de 28,20 Km² e um desmatamento de 19,54 Km². Conclui-se que houve um acréscimo de floresta e uma redução das áreas de agricultura. Esse fato pode estar relacionado com o crescimento de florestas nativas em área que anteriormente eram ocupadas pela agricultura e pecuária e ao aumento do êxodo rural e das fiscalizações ambientais
Análise multitemporal do Uso e Cobertura da Terra no município de Caçapava do Sul - RS nos anos de 1991, 2001 e 2011
This study aims to analyze the evolution of the use and land cover in the city of South Caçapava through images of the sensor TM, Landsat 5 satellite in 1991, 2001 and 2011. For the study were used remote sensing techniques, digital processing of images which were found at INPE. The study area, municipality of Caçapava South, lies in the micro saws Southeast and is located between the geographical coordinates: 30° 00' and 31° 00' south latitude and 54\ub0 00' and 53° 00' west longitude and altitude approximately 400 meters above sea level. The digital classification algorithm used was supervised Maximum Likelihood. Held digital supervised classification using the Maximum Likelihood algorithm. The thematic classes were chosen: Planted Forest, Native Forest, Field, Bare Soil, Water and Crops of Winter. Analyzing classes in some years it can be said that the significant changes that had been the Planted For0est where it increased by more than 50% in 2011 compared to 1991, however its area does not correspond to 1% of the territory the municipality. The class with the highest expansion was the Bare Soil, for the period 1991-2011 grew 117.40 km² 58% in the period 1991 to 2011. Classes Native Forest and Field, have coverage of 90% and other uses, distributed in the remaining 10% of the municipal area.Pages: 7540-754
Avaliação espacial da evolução do Uso e Cobertura da Terra no município de Santa Cruz do Sul - RS
The aim of this work was to study the gradual development of the Use of Land and Surfaces during 1993 and 2011 in Santa Cruz do Sul - a municipality located in the Central region of Rio Grande do Sul in order to understand its dynamics so that an appropriate plan for use can be established. The images were sourced through the Thematic Mapper sensor of the Landsat 5 satellite, available from the website of INPE, at 80 and 81 points/222 orbits, and processed using Spring 5.2.1 software. Bhattacharya was the algorithm used in supervised classification where the following classes were shown: native forest, planted forest, field, exposed soil, agricultural use and water. A programming in Spatial Language of Algebric Geoprocessing (LEGAL) was also used, where it has been possible to quantify the transitions of thematic classes sampled over the years, focusing on the dynamics between forest and agricultural use. With the generation of thematic maps it was concluded that only the class corresponding to the native forest had shown a decrease - around 30% - whilst the areas used for agriculture were less significant in growth (18%). It is noticed that the limited increase of areas intended for agricultural use is being offset by forest plantations which supply firewood to tobacco farmers- by forest inspections, urban growth and redevelopment of areas previously used for agriculture and pasture (fields).Pages: 1579-158