48 research outputs found

    Seletividade de espiromesifeno a adultos de Chrysoperla externa (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) em condições de laboratório.

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    Visando mensurar os efeitos dos inseticidas clotianidina, diafentiurom, imidaclopride, espiromesifeno e tiametoxam, utilizados no controle da boca-branca na cultura do tomateiro, sobre adultos de Chrysoperia externa (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), bioensaios foram realizados em condições de laboratório, utilizando-se metodologias padrão recomendadas pela IOBC.Resumo PDF 1756-

    Resistência ao Cowpea severe mosaic virus sorotipo I em linhagens de feijão-caupi, oriundas do Piauí.

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    Entre os vírus que infectam o feijão-caupi (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) destaca-se o CPSMV (Cowpea severe mosaic virus), causando perdas consideráveis na produção. Com o objetivo de testar linhagens de feijão-caupi contra o CPSMV sorotipo I para obter genótipos resistentes foram realizados testes biológicos e moleculares. O isolado viral foi coletado em plantas de feijão-caupi naturalmente infectadas e mantidas em casa de vegetação na linhagem IT89D-200-49 (indicadora do CPSMV sorotipo I) e na cv. Costelão (suscetível ao vírus). Dez dias após a inoculação das linhagens foram observados os sintomas e, extratos das plantas aparentemente sadias inoculadas na cv. Costelão, a fim de detectar possível infecção latente. Os testes biológicos confirmaram a resistência das linhagens MNC 99-508 F-12, MNC 99-510 G-7 e MNC 99-510 F-16 ao CPSMV sorotipo I. O produto amplificado por RT-PCR revelou após a eletroforese uma banda de 592 pb e os dados da análise das seqüências confirmaram uma similaridade de 89 % do isolado com o CPSMV. Essas linhagens resistentes abrem perspectivas para a obtenção de novas cultivares resistentes com boas características agronômicas e potencial para elevar a produtividade da cultura

    Acupuncture and rehabilitation of the painful shoulder: study protocol of an ongoing multicentre randomised controlled clinical trial [ISRCTN28687220]

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    BACKGROUND: Although the painful shoulder is one of the most common dysfunctions of the locomotor apparatus, and is frequently treated both at primary healthcare centres and by specialists, little evidence has been reported to support or refute the effectiveness of the treatments most commonly applied. According to the bibliography reviewed, physiotherapy, which is the most common action taken to alleviate this problem, has not yet been proven to be effective, because of the small size of sample groups and the lack of methodological rigor in the papers published on the subject. No reviews have been made to assess the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating this complaint, but in recent years controlled randomised studies have been made and these demonstrate an increasing use of acupuncture to treat pathologies of the soft tissues of the shoulder. In this study, we seek to evaluate the effectiveness of physiotherapy applied jointly with acupuncture, compared with physiotherapy applied with a TENS-placebo, in the treatment of painful shoulder caused by subacromial syndrome (rotator cuff tendinitis and subacromial bursitis). METHODS/DESIGN: Randomised controlled multicentre study with blind evaluation by an independent observer and blind, independent analysis. A study will be made of 465 patients referred to the rehabilitation services at participating healthcare centres, belonging to the regional public health systems of Andalusia and Murcia, these patients presenting symptoms of painful shoulder and a diagnosis of subacromial syndrome (rotator cuff tendinitis and subacromial bursitis). The patients will be randomised into two groups: 1) experimental (acupuncture + physiotherapy); 2) control (TENS-placebo + physiotherapy); the administration of rescue medication will also be allowed. The treatment period will have a duration of three weeks. The main result variable will be the change produced on Constant's Shoulder Function Assessment (SFA) Scale; as secondary variables, we will record the changes in diurnal pain intensity on a visual analogue scale (VAS), nocturnal pain intensity on the VAS, doses of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) taken during the study period, credibility scale for the treatment, degree of improvement perceived by the patient and degree of improvement perceived by the evaluator. A follow up examination will be made at 3, 6 and 12 months after the study period has ended. Two types of population will be considered for analysis: per protocol and per intention to treat. DISCUSSION: The discussion will take into account the limitations of the study, together with considerations such as the choice of a simple, safe method to treat this shoulder complaint, the choice of the control group, and the blinding of the patients, evaluators and those responsible for carrying out the final analysis