142 research outputs found

    Conduction spectroscopy of a proximity induced superconducting topological insulator

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    The combination of superconductivity and the helical spin-momentum locking at the surface state of a topological insulator (TI) has been predicted to give rise to p-wave superconductivity and Majorana bound states. The superconductivity can be induced by the proximity effect of a an s-wave superconductor (S) into the TI. To probe the superconducting correlations inside the TI, dI/dV spectroscopy has been performed across such S-TI interfaces. Both the alloyed Bi1.5_{1.5}Sb0.5_{0.5}Te1.7_{1.7}Se1.3_{1.3} and the stoichiometric BiSbTeSe2_2 have been used as three dimensional TI. In the case of Bi1.5_{1.5}Sb0.5_{0.5}Te1.7_{1.7}Se1.3_{1.3}, the presence of disorder induced electron-electron interactions can give rise to an additional zero-bias resistance peak. For the stoichiometric BiSbTeSe2_2 with less disorder, tunnel barriers were employed in order to enhance the signal from the interface. The general observations in the spectra of a large variety of samples are conductance dips at the induced gap voltage, combined with an increased sub-gap conductance, consistent with p-wave predictions. The induced gap voltage is typically smaller than the gap of the Nb superconducting electrode, especially in the presence of an intentional tunnel barrier. Additional uncovered spectroscopic features are oscillations that are linearly spaced in energy, as well as a possible second order parameter component.Comment: Semiconductor Science and Technology; Special Issue on Hybrid Quantum Materials and Device

    Josephson Effect and Charge Distribution in Thin Bi<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>3</sub> Topological Insulators

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    Thin layers of topological insulator materials are quasi-2D systems featuring a complex interplay between quantum confinement and topological band structure. To understand the role of the spatial distribution of carriers in electrical transport, the Josephson effect, magnetotransport, and weak anti-localization are studied in bottom-gated thin Bi2Te3 topological insulator films. The experimental carrier densities are compared to a model based on the solutions of the self-consistent Schrödinger–Poisson equations and they are in excellent agreement. The modeling allows for a quantitative interpretation of the weak antilocalization correction to the conduction and of the critical current of Josephson junctions with weak links made from such films without any ad hoc assumptions.</p

    Josephson Effect and Charge Distribution in Thin Bi2_2Te3_3 Topological Insulators

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    Thin layers of topological insulator materials are quasi-two-dimensional systems featuring a complex interplay between quantum confinement and topological band structure. To understand the role of the spatial distribution of carriers in electrical transport, we study the Josephson effect, magnetotransport, and weak anti-localization in bottom-gated thin Bi2_2Te3_3 topological insulator films.We compare the experimental carrier densities to a model based on the solutions of the self-consistent Schr\"odinger-Poisson equations and find excellent agreement. The modeling allows for a quantitative interpretation of the weak antilocalization correction to the conduction and of the critical current of Josephson junctions with weak links made from such films without any ad hoc assumptions.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Interface structure of SrTiO3-LaAlO3 at elevated temperatures studied in-situ by synchroton x-rays

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    The atomic interface structure between SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 was studied at elevated temperatures employing in situ surface x-ray diffraction. The results at 473 K indicate that the lattice distorts significantly in two ways. First, the interatomic distances between the cations across the interface become as large as 4.03(2) Å. Second, the TiO6 octahedra at the interface contract their principal axis along the surface normal considerably and the Ti displaces off center. These distortions can be ascribed to the charge inbalance introduced by the change in atomic species across the interface and to a Jahn-Teller effect. The latter distortion suggests the presence of extra electrons at the interface, which is important for understanding the electronic properties of this system

    Hard superconducting gap and diffusion-induced superconductors in Ge-Si nanowires

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    We show a hard induced superconducting gap in a Ge-Si nanowire Josephson transistor up to in-plane magnetic fields of 250250 mT, an important step towards creating and detecting Majorana zero modes in this system. A hard induced gap requires a highly homogeneous tunneling heterointerface between the superconducting contacts and the semiconducting nanowire. This is realized by annealing devices at 180180 ^\circC during which aluminium inter-diffuses and replaces the germanium in a section of the nanowire. Next to Al, we find a superconductor with lower critical temperature (TC=0.9T_\mathrm{C}=0.9 K) and a higher critical field (BC=0.91.2B_\mathrm{C}=0.9-1.2 T). We can therefore selectively switch either superconductor to the normal state by tuning the temperature and the magnetic field and observe that the additional superconductor induces a proximity supercurrent in the semiconducting part of the nanowire even when the Al is in the normal state. In another device where the diffusion of Al rendered the nanowire completely metallic, a superconductor with a much higher critical temperature (TC=2.9T_\mathrm{C}=2.9 K) and critical field (BC=3.4B_\mathrm{C}=3.4 T) is found. The small size of diffusion-induced superconductors inside nanowires may be of special interest for applications requiring high magnetic fields in arbitrary direction

    An international, multicentre survey of β-lactam antibiotic therapeutic drug monitoring practice in intensive care units

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    Objectives Emerging evidence supports the use of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of β-lactams for intensive care unit (ICU) patients to optimize drug exposure, although limited detail is available on how sites run this service in practice. This multicentre survey study was performed to describe the various approaches used for β-lactam TDM in ICUs. Methods A questionnaire survey was developed to describe various aspects relating to the conduct of β-lactam TDM in an ICU setting. Data sought included: β-lactams chosen for TDM, inclusion criteria for selecting patients, blood sampling strategy, analytical methods, pharmacokinetic (PK)/pharmacodynamic (PD) targets and dose adjustment strategies. Results Nine ICUs were included in this survey. Respondents were either ICU or infectious disease physicians, pharmacists or clinical pharmacologists. Piperacillin (co-formulated with tazobactam) and meropenem (100% of units surveyed) were the β-lactams most commonly subject to TDM, followed by ceftazidime (78%), ceftriaxone (43%) and cefazolin (43%). Different chromatographic and microbiological methods were used for assay of β-lactam concentrations in blood and other biological fluids (e.g. CSF). There was significant variation in the PK/PD targets (100% fT>MIC up to 100% fT>4×MIC) and dose adjustment strategies used by each of the sites. Conclusions Large variations were found in the type of β-lactams tested, the patients selected for TDM and drug assay methods. Significant variation observed in the PK/PD targets and dose adjustment strategies used supports the need for further studies that robustly define PK/PD targets for ICU patients to ensure a greater consistency of practice for dose adjustment strategies for optimizing β-lactam dosing with TD

    The XMM-SSC survey of hard-spectrum XMM-Newton sources 1: optically bright sources

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    We present optical and X-ray data for a sample of serendipitous XMM-Newton sources that are selected to have 0.5-2 keV vs 2-4.5 keV X-ray hardness ratios which are harder than the X-ray background. The sources have 2-4.5 keV X-ray flux >= 10^-14 cgs, and in this paper we examine a subsample of 42 optically bright (r < 21) sources; this subsample is 100 per cent spectroscopically identified. All but one of the optical counterparts are extragalactic, and we argue that the single exception, a Galactic M star, is probably a coincidental association. The X-ray spectra are consistent with heavily absorbed power laws (21.8 < log NH < 23.4), and all of them appear to be absorbed AGN. The majority of the sources show only narrow emission lines in their optical spectra, implying that they are type-2 AGN. Only a small fraction of the sources (7/42) show broad optical emission lines, and all of these have NH < 10^23 cm^-2. This implies that ratios of X-ray absorption to optical/UV extinction equivalent to > 100 times the Galactic gas-to-dust ratio are rare in AGN absorbers (at most a few percent of the population), and may be restricted to broad absorption-line QSOs. Seven objects appear to have an additional soft X-ray component in addition to the heavily absorbed power law. We consider the implications of our results in the light of the AGN unified scheme. We find that the soft components in narrow-line objects are consistent with the unified scheme provided that > 4 per cent of broad-line AGN have ionised absorbers that attenuate their soft X-ray flux by >50 per cent. In at least one of the X-ray absorbed, broad-line AGN in our sample the X-ray spectrum requires an ionised absorber, consistent with this picture.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Stencil lithography of superconducting contacts on MBE-grown topological insulator thin films

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    Topological insulator (Bi0.06Sb0.94)2Te3 thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy have been capped in-situ with a 2 nm Al film to conserve the pristine topological surface states. Subsequently, a shadow mask - structured by means of focus ion beam - was in-situ placed underneath the sample to deposit a thick layer of Al on well-defined microscopically small areas. The 2 nm thin Al layer fully oxidizes after exposure to air and in this way protects the TI surface from degradation. The thick Al layer remains metallic underneath a 3–4 nm thick native oxide layer and therefore serves as (super-) conducting contacts. Superconductor-Topological Insulator-Superconductor junctions with lateral dimensions in the nm range have then been fabricated via an alternative stencil lithography technique. Despite the in-situ deposition, transport measurements and transmission electron microscope analysis indicate a low transparency, due to an intermixed region at the interface between topological insulator thin film and metallic Al

    Spectral and transport properties of doped Mott-Hubbard systems with incommensurate magnetic order

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    We present spectral and optical properties of the Hubbard model on a two-dimensional square lattice using a generalization of dynamical mean-field theory to magnetic states in finite dimension. The self-energy includes the effect of spin fluctuations and screening of the Coulomb interaction due to particle-particle scattering. At half-filling the quasiparticles reduce the width of the Mott-Hubbard `gap' and have dispersions and spectral weights that agree remarkably well with quantum Monte Carlo and exact diagonalization calculations. Away from half-filling we consider incommensurate magnetic order with a varying local spin direction, and derive the photoemission and optical spectra. The incommensurate magnetic order leads to a pseudogap which opens at the Fermi energy and coexists with a large Mott-Hubbard gap. The quasiparticle states survive in the doped systems, but their dispersion is modified with the doping and a rigid band picture does not apply. Spectral weight in the optical conductivity is transferred to lower energies and the Drude weight increases linearly with increasing doping. We show that incommensurate magnetic order leads also to mid-gap states in the optical spectra and to decreased scattering rates in the transport processes, in qualitative agreement with the experimental observations in doped systems. The gradual disappearence of the spiral magnetic order and the vanishing pseudogap with increasing temperature is found to be responsible for the linear resistivity. We discuss the possible reasons why these results may only partially explain the features observed in the optical spectra of high temperature superconductors.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figure