70 research outputs found

    Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) effects on subchorionic hematoma. Preliminary clinical results

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    OBJECTIVE: The clinic use of alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is linked to its capability to exert antioxidant effects and, more interestingly, to counteract the pathologic changes of complex networks of cytokines, chemokines and growth factors, restoring their physiological state. The aim of this randomized controlled clinical trial was to test the contribution of oral supplementation of ALA to the standard treatment with Progesterone vaginal suppositories, in healing subchorionic hematomas in patients with threatened miscarriage. Controls were administered only Progesterone suppositories. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Nineteen pregnant women in the first trimester of gestation, with threatened miscarriage and ultrasound evidence of subchorionic hematoma, were included in the trial and randomly divided in two groups: controls, treated with 400 mg Progesterone (200 mg 2 times per day), given by vaginal suppositories, and case study treated with the same Progesterone dosage, plus ALA, given orally at the dose of 600 mg (300 mg 2 times per day, DAV®, Lo.Li. Pharma srl, Italy). Sixteen patients completed the trial. Treatment was performed until complete resolution of the clinical picture. RESULTS: In both groups, the subjects improved significantly but, in general, a better and faster evolution in the major signs of threatened miscarriage was observed in the subjects treated with ALA and Progesterone. In these patients, the speed of resorption of subchorionic hematoma was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) superior compared to controls. The ALA and Progesterone group showed a faster decrease or disappearance of all symptoms than that observed in the control group, however the difference was not significant. CONCLUSIONS: These preliminary results suggest that ALA supplementation significantly contributes to speed up the process of restoration of physiological conditions in threatened miscarriage and ameliorates the medical conditions of both the mothers and the foetus, probably modulating the networks of cytokines, growth factors and other molecules

    Excess-entropy scaling in supercooled binary mixtures

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    Supercooled liquids near the glass transition show remarkable non-Arrhenius transport phenomena, whose origin is yet to be clarified. Here, the authors use GPU molecular dynamics simulations for various binary mixtures in the supercooled regime to show the validity of a quasiuniversal excess-entropy scaling relation for viscosity and diffusion

    Maternal tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (Tdap) and influenza immunization: an overview

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    Background: Maternal tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (Tdap) and influenza immunization for women during pregnancy (the so-called "maternal immunization") has been introduced in several countries, and recently also in Italy, to protect mother and fetus during pregnancy, infant in his first months of life and mother during postpartum period. However, very low vaccination coverage rates have been reached due to several variables. Methods: A literature search was conducted on PubMed and Embase, including any experimental or observational studies, to assesses existing evidence on the effectiveness, efficacy, safety and optimal timing of administration of Tdap and influenza immunization in pregnancy for mothers and their infants. The search was finalized in August 2019. Results: Reviewing the literature, we identified only a few studies that, among several maternal and infant outcomes, found sporadic significant associations with maternal influenza immunization and even less with Tdap immunization. Moreover, most of the authors of these studies explained these findings as a result of residual confounding effect. The effectiveness of maternal influenza immunization is more complicated to prove than the effectiveness of Tdap immunization because of several reasons. Not all nations recommend and offer vaccines in the same weeks of pregnancy and this one manifests the complexity in defining the best timing for Tdap or influenza immunization. Conclusions: The safety of maternal Tdap or influenza immunization is supported by the evidence so far, however, regular surveillance should be maintained, especially with regard to the influenza vaccine that changes in formulation each year. There is a need to optimize the timing of vaccination in pregnancy and to have a national system of detection of maternal immunization in each country

    Density of Liquid Ni-Ti and a New Optical Method for its Determination

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    Liquid Ni-Ti alloys were processed in a containerless way using the technique of electromagnetic levitation in order to determine their densities. An improved optical method was utilized where, in addition to recording shadowgraph images from the side, a second camera recorded images of the sample from the top. A correction factor for the density was calculated from the top-view images. This method yields measurements insensitive to droplet rotation and static deformation which removes the need to assume axial symmetry. The measured densities are discussed in terms of the molar volume. A negative molar excess volume was obtained, indicating that Ni-Ti is a highly non-ideal system. These measurements were then used to test a recently proposed relationship between the molar excess volume, the excess free energy, and the isothermal compressibility. For the first time, the excess volume of a binary alloy, i.e., Ni-Ti, is adequately predicted by a thermodynamic model

    Exploring Tdap and influenza vaccine uptake and its determinants in pregnancy: a cross-sectional study

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    Background. The literature claims that an increased risk of complications from pertussis and influenza exists for pregnant women and infants. Maternal tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (Tdap) and influenza vaccines seem to decrease this risk so that several countries are committed to increase vaccination uptake, but not all of them know their own vaccination coverage and factors that motivate this population to vaccination.Study Design. A cross-sectional survey was conducted.Methods. We conducted this survey to estimate among pregnant women: 1) the vaccine coverage, 2) the availability of information, 3) the knowledge about maternal Tdap and influenza vaccination, 4) the factors that could have driven unvaccinated pregnant women to have themselves vaccinated. In addition, determinants of Tdap and influenza vaccine uptake and correct knowledge about vaccine-preventable diseases and vaccination in pregnancy were assessed using univariate and multivariate analyses.Results. Of the 250 women included in the present study, only 58 (23.2%, 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 18-28.4%) and 21 (8.1%, 95% CI: 5-11.8%) reported that they had been vaccinated with Tdap and influenza vaccine, respectively, during their current pregnancy. The most common reasons cited for getting themselves vaccinated was having background knowledge of the health problems due to the diseases prevented by Tdap and influenza vaccines, awareness regarding these vaccines being recommended in pregnancy, knowledge of their effectiveness and/or side effects, and having been informed about vaccination by a healthcare professional.Conclusions. Influenza and Tdap vaccine uptake among pregnant women in Italy is low, however, the present study showed that women are available to get vaccinated during pregnancy when adequately informed about the vaccines recommended
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