14 research outputs found
Clinical evaluation of cardiac effects of experimental doxycycline overdosing in healthy calves
Cardiac morphologic and functional changes consistent with cardiomyopathy have been reported in field cases of calves with accidental doxycycline overdosing. The purpose of this study was to evaluate clinically the cardiac effects of an experimentally-induced doxycycline overdosing in healthy calves.
Twelve 2 months-old healthy Belgian Blue calves were studied. Six of them (group 1) received the normal dose (5 mg/kg, BID) and the six others (group 2) received five times the normal dose (25 mg/kg, BID) of oral doxycycline for five consecutive days (D1 to D5). Each calf was clinically examined daily. Measurement of serum AST, CK, Iso-CKs and LDH activities and an echocardiographic examination were performed before (D0) and one day after (D6) the last doxycycline administration. An ECG tracing was recorded at D0, D4, and D6.
In both groups, no clinical, blood, echocardiographic or electrocardiographic changes suggestive of a cardiomyopathy were observed. Only a decreased appetite was observed in the calves of the group 2 between D3 and D6.
This trial failed to reproduce cardiac changes reported in accidental doxycycline-poisoning in calves, suggesting that high doses of doxycycline may not be the only etiologic factor of the cardiomyopathy reported in the field cases.Mise en place d’un laboratoire cardiovasculaire chez les grands animaux pour le développement de modèles chroniques de pathologies cardiaques
Combined spastic paresis of both gastrocnemius and femoral quadriceps muscles in Belgian blue calves
Cardiomyopathies in cattle
Chez les bovins, les cardiomyopathies constituent des affections auxquelles le praticien rural est parfois confronté. Elles sont généralement à l’origine de dysfonctionnement et d’insuffisance cardiaques, d’arythmies et parfois même de mort subite. Elles sont souvent d’origine héréditaire, toxique ou nutritionnelle et peuvent concerner un seul bovin comme elles peuvent toucher plusieurs animaux de l’exploitation pouvant ainsi engendrer des pertes économiques considérables sous la forme de frais médicamenteux, de diminution des performances zootechniques ou de mortalité. La variabilité étiologique des cardiomyopathies ainsi que le manque de spécificité de leurs signes cliniques compliquent la démarche diagnostique clinique et étiologique du praticien. Dans cet article, une revue de la bibliographie portant sur les cardiomyopathies pouvant survenir chez les bovins est proposée. Leurs différentes étiologies sont discutées. Les aspects cliniques et les moyens de diagnostic chez les bovins atteints y sont abordés.Cardiomyopathies in cattle are disorders that are sometimes encountered by rural practitioner. They usually lead to cardiac dysfunction, heart failure, arrhythmias and even sudden death. Most of cardiomyopathies in cattle are of hereditary, nutritional or toxic origin. Bovine cardiomyopathies may involve only one animal as they may affect several animals of the farm and can cause considerable economic losses either in treatment costs, decrease of zootechnical performances or in mortality. The etiological variability of cardiomyopathies as well as non-specificity of clinical signs often complicate the diagnostic approach of the practitioner. In this paper, a literature review on cardiomyopathies that may occur in cattle is proposed. Their different aetiologies and clinical aspects as well as diagnostic means in affected cattle are discusse
Épisode de dyspnée consécutive à une intoxication par l'ergot dans une exploitation laitière
International audienceA chronic consumption (3.5 months) of ergot (Claviceps purpurea) contaminated triticale in dairy cows resulted in dyspnea, mainly expiratory, consistent with interstitial pneumonia and emphysema. These troubles can be compared to many observations done in humans after long lasting treatments with ergot derivatives.Chez des vaches laitières, la consommation prolongée (3 mois et demi) de triticale contaminé par de l'ergot (Claviceps purpurea) a entraîné l'apparition d'une dyspnée, essentiellement expiratoire, expliquée par une pneumonie interstitielle et de l'emphysème. Ces troubles peuvent être rapprochés des observations faites chez l'homme après des traitements de longue durée à base de dérivés de l'ergot
L'intoxication à l'ergot chez les bovins
National audienceIn addition to the financial losses that ergot (Claviceps purpurea) contamination causes in crops, the ingestion of ergot-contaminated food by cattle results in an intoxication that develops in several patterns. The observed clinical troubles may involve different systems. In this paper, we reviewed the clinical signs observed in ergot-poisoned cattle and some diagnostic and prevention aspects.Outre les conséquences économiques que la contamination des plantes par l’ergot (Claviceps purpurea) peut engendrer au niveau des cultures, l’ingestion par les bovins d’aliments contaminés par ce champignon est à l’origine d’une intoxication qui peut se manifester de diverses manières. Les troubles cliniques observés peuvent survenir à des degrés variables et concernent différents systèmes. Dans cet article, une revue des symptômes observés chez les bovins intoxiqués à l’ergot est présentée ainsi que les moyens de diagnostic et de prévention
Épisode de dyspnée consécutive à une intoxication par l'ergot dans une exploitation laitière
International audienceA chronic consumption (3.5 months) of ergot (Claviceps purpurea) contaminated triticale in dairy cows resulted in dyspnea, mainly expiratory, consistent with interstitial pneumonia and emphysema. These troubles can be compared to many observations done in humans after long lasting treatments with ergot derivatives.Chez des vaches laitières, la consommation prolongée (3 mois et demi) de triticale contaminé par de l'ergot (Claviceps purpurea) a entraîné l'apparition d'une dyspnée, essentiellement expiratoire, expliquée par une pneumonie interstitielle et de l'emphysème. Ces troubles peuvent être rapprochés des observations faites chez l'homme après des traitements de longue durée à base de dérivés de l'ergot
Ergot-associated dyspnea outbreak in a dairy herd
A chronic consumption (3.5 months) of ergot (Claviceps purpurea) contaminated triticale in dairy cows resulted in dyspnea, mainly expiratory, consistent with interstitial pneumonia and emphysema. These troubles can be compared to many observations done in humans after long lasting treatments with ergot derivativesChez des vaches laitières, la consommation prolongée (3 mois et demi) de triticale contaminé par de l'ergot (Claviceps purpurea) a entraîné l'apparition d'une dyspnée, essentiellement expiratoire, expliquée par une pneumonie interstitielle et de l'emphysème. Ces troubles peuvent être rapprochés des observations faites chez l'homme après des traitements de longue durée à base de dérivés de l'ergot
Case report : A suspicion of cortico-cerebral necrosis in a Belgian Blue herd after ingestion of moulded silage
After ingestion of moulded beet pulp silage, cases of cortico-cerebral necrosis (CCN) and
mortalities have been observed in a Belgian Blue (BB) herd. Contamination with
Paecilomyces spp., a mould that produces byssochlamic acid, malformins and patulin, has
been proven. Among these toxins, patulin is known to have cancerogenic, immunosuppressive
and tremorgenic effects, but also acts on the respiratory and digestive systems.
Twenty-five days after progressive introduction of beet pulp silage into the ration of a dual
purpose BB herd, most of the animals showed diminished appetite, salivation and decreased
milk production. All 35 cows were reluctant to consume the beet pulp silage, but continued to
eat grass silage voluntarily. Seven of them showed anorexia and nervous symptoms, like head
pressing and blindness. Four animals died within 1 week after onset of neurological
symptoms. No necropsy has been performed, since legislation does not allow post-mortem
examination of the central nervous system in the field. The three survivors had been treated
successfully with thiamine (10 mg/kg, IV, TID) and recovered completely within five days.
After the beet pulp silage had been identified as causative agent, it had been removed from the
animals’ ration and no more clinical case has been observed. Four weeks later, the same beet
pulp silage has been reintroduced into the animals’ ration and provoked again diminished
appetite, salivation and a decrease in milk production in most of the animals. Clinical signs
were also suggesting lead poisoning but any contact with lead containing material could have
been excluded.
Silage was obviously moulded and analysis revealed the presence of 1.6 million CFU
Paecilomyces spp./g of silage. Although no further investigation has been made to identify the
mycotoxins, an intoxication with patulin has been suspected, since other mycotoxins produced
by these species are less toxic. Although it has not been described that CCN can be induced
by ingestion of Paecilomyces spp., it seems that there is a close relation between ingestion of
Paecilomyces-contaminated silage and observed clinical signs in this herd
L'intoxication à l'ergot chez les bovins
National audienceIn addition to the financial losses that ergot (Claviceps purpurea) contamination causes in crops, the ingestion of ergot-contaminated food by cattle results in an intoxication that develops in several patterns. The observed clinical troubles may involve different systems. In this paper, we reviewed the clinical signs observed in ergot-poisoned cattle and some diagnostic and prevention aspects.Outre les conséquences économiques que la contamination des plantes par l’ergot (Claviceps purpurea) peut engendrer au niveau des cultures, l’ingestion par les bovins d’aliments contaminés par ce champignon est à l’origine d’une intoxication qui peut se manifester de diverses manières. Les troubles cliniques observés peuvent survenir à des degrés variables et concernent différents systèmes. Dans cet article, une revue des symptômes observés chez les bovins intoxiqués à l’ergot est présentée ainsi que les moyens de diagnostic et de prévention